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Lines disappearing, only appear when panning

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Please excuse my first post being a whiny problem but I'm getting pretty desperate! Also sorry if this has been answered elsewhere.


I am tasked with tidying up some drawings that have been exported from Vectorworks and it seems there is a fundamental problem with the drawing.


Some lines do not appear when viewing the drawing, they only appear when panning or when I select all. There are some cases where a line disappears behind a rectangle as if it had a hatch fill yet no such thing exists.


I have attached the drawing in question.


I am using AutoCAD 2012 for Mac.


All and any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Proposed drawings.dwg


Maybe the objects are hidden by a wipeout?


Test my theory.


Change the value of the system variable FRAME to "1". What happens? Do they now appear?


Ah! It has made some of the lines appear solidly however some of the lines are still disappearing.


Is it trial and error to get a correct value for the FRAME? (It was set to 3 previously).


Thank you for your help.


Just a lucky guess on my part.


Some lines/objects still aren't visible? In what area of the drawing?


OK...so I took a look at your drawing, found some of those mystery objects you alluded to then decided, since you brought the drawing in from another program, to run the OVERKILL command on it. Out of 2774 objects that were found, 136 were duplicates and 328 overlapped each other. Ran it a second time and AutoCAD found 2424 objects, no duplicates and no overlapping objects. Maybe some of those other objects you only saw briefly were duplicates?


Upon closer inspection this drawing is going to require a lot of work to clean up. Lines are not straight (horizontally or vertically) in many cases and there are lots of bits and pieces of lines scattered here and there. Hope you have some time on your hands.


Well it seems to have sorted the majority of the issues, there is only one isolated incident it seems.


I've attached screenshots of the problem, first is when the view is still, the second is when panning. Seems very odd.

Screen Shot 2013-09-17 at 18.51.02.jpg

Screen Shot 2013-09-17 at 18.51.06.jpg


Sorry, I posted before I saw your edit!


I'll run OVERKILL and see what it does.


I know the drawing is awful, it gives me a headache just looking at it. I just wish some people weren't allowed to touch CAD software!


And the issue is?


Really, your major issue now is the haphazard lines. Example: one of the chairs at the dining table is made up of eight different lines and none of them meet at the endpoints. It's but one example of the sloppy conversion process. I do NOT mean to imply that you are sloppy but the conversion process itself. You have no control over that aspect. There are dozens of examples like this in the drawing.


Wall thicknesses do not appear to be uniform.


Door jams do not appear to be uniform.


There are lines that go off at odd angles for no apparent reason.


I'd suggest redrawing the house in AutoCAD from scratch.


Sorry, the issue is that some of the lines aren't present when the drawing is idle, then when I pan, as the second screenshot, lines magically appear.


I am aware of the scruffy nature, unfortunately this is not due to the conversion but to the original drawer of this file! However I do not have the time, or tools necessary to start from scratch so I will have to persevere with trying to clean it up.


Thank you for all your help and insight, I think I will have to grin and bear it.


jamroac, ReMark proved that wipeouts are the issue, use quick select in properties to isolate them and delete them. That drawing is a mess, good luck.


Hi guys. Thanks for your help. I turned WIPEOUT frames on which exposed all the problem areas and deleted them just as you said. Problem solved!


Yep, turning WIPEOUT frames on allowed me to delete those annoying shapes and I've tidied it up. Still a lot of work to be done though!


I would say that is an understatement. Have fun.

  • 2 years later...

I am building a 3d solids model and (all of a sudden) some objects only appear now when panning... they show up when in panning mode and...though invisible they are selectable... any clues?

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