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I want to print multiple drawing in a single layout (see picture) . It is possible in autocad to setup printing once? For examle: One project contains 100 A3 drawing, one layout contains 20 A3 drawing. Up to now, i print to pdf separately, and i combined the 100 pdf in one file. And i print from this file. (only in this way succeed to print collating multiple copies). But if the project changes, I could start all over again. Is there a solution to publish an combining the sheets to print immediately? Sorry for my english :oops: .



So you have 20 viewports per layout and you want to print each viewport separately?

  ReMark said:
So you have 20 viewports per layout and you want to print each viewport separately?


And using AutoCAD LT?


The solution for future reference is to setup the drawing better. Place only one viewport on eafch layout and then use the Publish feature.


create a new Layout tab. Copy/Paste one Viewport to the new Layout tab, and get everything set up properly. Make as many copies of the Layout tab as needed, and copy/paste each Viewport to it. Now two more steps left: use the PUBLISH command to plot all drawings at once, and don't ever put multiple plots on a single Paperspace Layout.




One more question:

I heard that exist a program or a setup to print automaticaly multiple viewports (in one layout) to separate sheets (A3)( as"Publish"), if i put these viewports to the same distance. Thank you.

  lala257 said:
One more question:

I heard that exist a program or a setup to print automaticaly multiple viewports (in one layout) to separate sheets (A3)( as"Publish"), if i put these viewports to the same distance. Thank you.


I think you have misunderstood what a question is, it is usually signified with a questionmark at the end. :wink:


Kidding a bit ofcourse. It would be interesting to know if there is such a program, anyone heard of it?


I haven't although there is probably a lisp out there somewhere.

  lala257 said:
One more question:

I heard that exist a program or a setup to print automaticaly multiple viewports (in one layout) to separate sheets (A3)( as"Publish"), if i put these viewports to the same distance. Thank you.

Seeing as you use LT, then LISP is not an option, you can plot to a printer or directly to PDF using a script, but to create a script that does it would take longer than changing your layouts as StykFacE suggested. And if there is a program that does it then you would have to make sure all your viewports are exactly where you think they are, because it would use coordinates. Again before you have it all working would take a long time.

  • Confused 1

I've searched for such a lisp routine but have been unsuccessful so far.


Remark a lisp that was posted here maybe 2 years ago finds the title blocks in paper space no matter where change Da1drsht


 (PROMPT ".....PRINTING DRAWING TO plotter....")
(setq oldsnap (getvar "osmode"))
(setvar "osmode" 0)

(setq ss2 (ssget "x" '((0 . "INSERT")(2 . "Da1drsht")(410 . "Model"))))
(setq n (sslength ss2))
(setq index 0)
(repeat n
   (setq en (ssname ss2 index))
   (setq el (entget en))
   (setq inspt (assoc 10 el)) ; insertion pt
  (setq xmin (- (cadr inspt) 6.0))
  (setq ymin (- (caddr inspt) 6.0))
  (setq xymin (strcat (rtos xmin 2 1) "," (rtos ymin 2 1)))
  (setq xmax (+ xmin 813.0)) ; hard coded for 813 wide 6mm offset
  (setq ymax (+ ymin 566.0)) ;hard code for 566 high
  (setq xymax (strcat (rtos xmax 2 1) "," (rtos ymax 2 1)))

 (COMMAND "-PLOT"  "Y"     "" "//PRODPRN01/Design-5100"
       "A3" "M"     "LANDSCAPE"   "N"
       "W"   xymin   xymax "1=2"  "C"
       "y"   "Designlaser.ctb"      "Y"   "" "n"   "n"

 (setq index (+ index 1))
(setvar "osmode" oldsnap)


I don't understand exactly what you are getting at BIGAL. How does that help the OP with his request?


Could you not set up multiple Page Setups plotting to a window. Each page setup referring to a different position in the array of viewports (A:1, B:1, B:2 etc) and scripting/LISPing batch blotting to plot your viewport with each one of these Page Setups?


This is a solution for drawings you currently have set up like this, but as mentioned above it is considered good CAD practice universally to have one sheet per viewport, which you should try and do for future drawings.

  BIGAL said:
Remark a lisp that was posted here maybe 2 years ago finds the title blocks in paper space no matter where change Da1drsht


 (PROMPT ".....PRINTING DRAWING TO plotter....")
(setq oldsnap (getvar "osmode"))
(setvar "osmode" 0)

(setq ss2 (ssget "x" '((0 . "INSERT")(2 . "Da1drsht")(410 . "Model"))))
(setq n (sslength ss2))
(setq index 0)
(repeat n
   (setq en (ssname ss2 index))
   (setq el (entget en))
   (setq inspt (assoc 10 el)) ; insertion pt
  (setq xmin (- (cadr inspt) 6.0))
  (setq ymin (- (caddr inspt) 6.0))
  (setq xymin (strcat (rtos xmin 2 1) "," (rtos ymin 2 1)))
  (setq xmax (+ xmin 813.0)) ; hard coded for 813 wide 6mm offset
  (setq ymax (+ ymin 566.0)) ;hard code for 566 high
  (setq xymax (strcat (rtos xmax 2 1) "," (rtos ymax 2 1)))

 (COMMAND "-PLOT"  "Y"     "" "//PRODPRN01/Design-5100"
       "A3" "M"     "LANDSCAPE"   "N"
       "W"   xymin   xymax "1=2"  "C"
       "y"   "Designlaser.ctb"      "Y"   "" "n"   "n"

 (setq index (+ index 1))
(setvar "osmode" oldsnap)


A reminder that the O.P. is using LT.

  lala257 said:
thanks for the responses

Attached is an example of a script file that will plot 2 small viewports from layout1, to plot more just keep changing the viewport coordinates and the name of the PDF, but with 100 viewports it will be a very long script, as you can see it gets a bit long winded, and there are probably scripting programmes out there, that could automate this.

Plot to pdf.scr.scrFetching info...


I think the script might be worth trying for just this one time but I wouldn't recommend this as a long term approach. What if the next drawing has six layouts with 25 viewports each? Or the drawing has the same number of layouts/viewports as the current one but the coordinates of the viewports are different for some reason?

  ReMark said:
I think the script might be worth trying for just this one time but I wouldn't recommend this as a long term approach. What if the next drawing has six layouts with 25 viewports each? Or the drawing has the same number of layouts/viewports as the current one but the coordinates of the viewports are different for some reason?

I wholeheartedly agree, I only posted the script, to expand on a comment I made earlier, and to show how it could be done, but I wouldn't recommend it. Unless you happen also to have access to excel and are familiar with creating scripts using VBA .......... but that boys and girls, that is another story.


Thanks for response. I think it would work with this script . but I've never SETUP scripts. If I attach a drawing to be able to setup the script for 2 viewports. Thanks in advance. It would be a great help in my work (Once again I'm sorry for my English - i use google translate :) )


Drawing1.dwgFetching info...

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