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Attach One XREF to all Layouts in the open drawing


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Hello everyone!


Just as the title says I am looking to attach an xref to each layout in my open drawing. I am currently using Civil3D 2013.


My current code is as follows:


(defun c:XREF-LAYOUT (/ fp xrname PS LOs AD)
 (setq fp (getfiled "Select External Reference: " "" "dwg" 0))
 (if (/= nil fp)
     (setq xrname (vl-filename-base fp))
     (setq PS (vla-get-paperspace (setq AD (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))))
     (setq LOs (vla-get-layouts (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
     (vlax-for lo LOs
(if (/= "Model" (vla-get-name lo))
    (vlax-put-property AD 'ActiveLayout lo)
    (setq xr (vla-AttachExternalReference PS fp xrname (vlax-3d-point (list 0 0 0)) 1. 1. 1. 0. :vlax-false))


I keep getting this error:


; error: Exception occurred: 0xC0000005 (Access Violation)

; warning: unwind skipped on unknown exception


Any help would be appreciated.

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Try this:

(defun c:xrl ( / acd acl dwg ins xrn )
   (if (setq dwg (getfiled "Select XRef" "" "dwg" 16))
           (setq acd (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
                 acl (vla-get-activelayout acd)
                 xrn (vl-filename-base dwg)
                 ins (vlax-3D-point 0 0)
           (vlax-for lay (vla-get-layouts acd)
               (if (/= "MODEL" (strcase (vla-get-name lay)))
                       (vla-put-activelayout acd lay)
                       (vla-attachexternalreference (vla-get-paperspace acd) dwg xrn ins 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 :vlax-false)
           (vla-put-activelayout acd acl)
(vl-load-com) (princ)
Edited by Lee Mac
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Hey Lee,


Thanks for the reply. Though in the mean time I ended up getting it to work. My revised code is as follows:


(defun c:xrl (/ fp xrname AD PS LO l PS)
 (setq fp (getfiled "Get 
Xref" "" "dwg" )
 (setq xrname (vl-filename-base fp))
AD (vla-get-ActiveDocument (Vlax-get-acad-object)))
 (setq LO 
(vla-get-layouts AD))
 (vlax-for l LO
   (if (/= 
"Model" (vla-get-name l))
(vla-put-ActiveLayout AD l)
(princ (strcat "\n***" 
(vla-get-name l) "***\n"))
(setq PS (vla-get-block l))
xr (vla-AttachExternalReference PS fp xrname (vlax-3d-point '(0 0 0)) 1. 1. 1. 
0. :vlax-false))

Edited by Hippe013
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Here is another method to avoid the need to switch layouts:

(defun c:xrl ( / acd dwg ins obj xrn )
   (if (setq dwg (getfiled "Select XRef" "" "dwg" 16))
           (setq acd (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
                 xrn (vl-filename-base dwg)
                 ins (vlax-3D-point 0 0)
                 obj (list (vla-attachexternalreference (vla-get-modelspace acd) dwg xrn ins 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 :vlax-false))
           (vlax-for lay (vla-get-layouts acd)
               (if (/= "MODEL" (strcase (vla-get-name lay)))
                   (vlax-invoke acd 'copyobjects obj (vla-get-block lay))
           (vla-delete (car obj))
(vl-load-com) (princ)
Edited by Lee Mac
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