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I am using AutoCAD 2013

and I am a beginner.

I need your help!



My solid model is imported from IGES file format.

I'd like to make a plane at specified location (perpendicular from the surface),

and I'd like to have a cross sectional geometry cut by that plane.

(attached pic.)


1. How can I make a plane following perpendicular line from the surface?

2. How can I export the cross sectional geometry?


Thank you!



Have you taken a look at the SECTIONPLANE command? That would be one option.


Hi, Yes, I tried to use SECTIONPLANE.

Looks like there are 4 options, 1. select face 2. select points on section line (does this mean cross sectional line?) 3. Draw section 4. orthographic

Then I guess #2,3 options are available....

So I picked "Draw section"

But I don't know how to select-.


First it asks First point,

I'd like to select a certain point but it automatically guides me to select near..point. is there any option to put certain coordinates by manually?


Second, it asks me to select "next point" but I don't understand what 209 and 180 means. and what is the "polar" thing????


I don't know how it generates the cross-section (plane)

I am in panic.




or I made plane using "orthographic" option, but, this plane is not the right angle.

Can I rotate axis in certain angle? , if so how can I ??


THank you,



My solid model is imported from IGES file format.


Can you zip and attach the original IGES file here?


There is a bit of complexity to the problem.

It is a complex part with no "centerline".

The question becomes, exactly where do you want the section plane?


If you on shaded with edges visual style you can see face edges on the part.

3 points can be selected on these face edges to define workplanes.

Perhaps then do slices and viewbase views, but what if the section you need doesn't correspond to the edges of one of these faces?


Section Planes.jpg

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