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I have an intersection rebars lines in which I need to extend. I painfully repeating this task by “Extend" E” “E” all intersection points

How can I extend all selected lines ? and how I can limit the projection ?

I need my routine to do the following


  1. Pick a closed polyline
  2. Offset 3 units inward
  3. Move the offset line to a layer named “CONS”
  4. Explode the polyline into lines
  5. Extend all line (consider lines in “CONS” only and/or don’t project more than x units)

in the image the steps i take right to left





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Its only as matter of doing the math samifox.


You can create the lines using the clearance between the rebar and concrete and the width of the concrete slab.

Its only as matter of doing the math samifox.


You can create the lines using the clearance between the rebar and concrete and the width of the concrete slab.


im not sure i following you,


you mean to use polar() to draw? if so how can i tell when to extend and when not to?


Thats the thing. you dont need to extend, but instead you "draw" a line referencing the lower left corner and upper right corner of the pline.


Pseudo code:

Select outer polyline

Select inner polyine

get width of slab

Offset the outer polyline 3 units inside

Get coordinates of last entity line

And yes.. polar to determine the points for new line.


I believe that the progress into your sketch is from right to left, is this correct?

Another function that may be of interest to you is INTERS.

I believe that the progress into your sketch is from right to left, is this correct?

Another function that may be of interest to you is INTERS.


Not sure how inters comes into play here Msasu? can you post a pseudo code using that approach.


Anyhoo... I'm headed out so here's a demo


(Defun c:demo ( / om pl pl2 dist ref mn mx h w a b c d)
(setq om (getvar 'osmode))  
 (if (and
       (setq pl  ([color="blue"]entsel [/color]"\nSelect Outer rim: "))
       (setq pl2 ([color="blue"]entsel[/color] "\nSelect Inner rim: "))
       (setq dist ([color="blue"]distance[/color]
                    (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo (car pl) (Cadr pl))
                    (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo (car pl2) (Cadr pl)))
       (command [color="blue"]"_offset" [/color]3 (Car pl) (Cadr pl2) "")
([color="blue"]vla-getboundingbox[/color] (setq e (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))) 'mn 'mx)
       (setq mn  (vlax-safearray->list mn)
             mx  (vlax-safearray->list mx)
             w (- (car mx) (car mn))
             h (- (cadr mx) (cadr mn))
          dist (- dist 6))
(foreach seg (list
         	[color="blue"](list (setq a (polar mn 0 dist)) (polar a (/ pi 2.0) h))
               (list (setq b (polar mn (/ pi 2.0) dist)) (polar b 0 w))
               (list (setq c (polar mx pi dist)) (polar c (* pi 1.5) h))
               (list (setq d (polar mx (* pi 1.5) dist)) (polar d pi w)))[/color]
	  (entmakex (list (cons 0 "LINE")
	                  (cons 10 (Car seg))
	                  (cons 11 (Cadr seg))
                                 '(8 . "CONS")))
       (vla-put-layer e "CONS")

Not sure how inters comes into play here Msasu? can you post a pseudo code using that approach.

With pleasure!

Considering the notation from sketch below:




(setq point1st (polar pointITL (* 0.5 pi) theGap)
     point3rd (polar pointITR (* 0.5 pi) theGap))

(setq point2nd ([color=blue]inters[/color] point1st point3rd pointETL pointEBL nil)
     point4th ([color=blue]inters[/color] point1st point3rd pointETR pointEBR nil))


I see now.

(inters point1st point3rd pointETL pointEBL[color="blue"] [b]nil[/b][/color])


Ok, i'm sold.


Cheers MSasu :)


PbE , your code works perfectly for rectangle only, im after a structure level solution


here is a sketch (also dwg included)



i want to extract rebars copy also beside the walls,

se if ill find a way to collect verts 1 and 10 i can extract the rebar of the column,

and if i collect verts 1 and 6 i can generate rebar for this portion of the wall


the yellow circles are coordinates needed to generate rebars that cannot be extracted be normal vertices m like the rebar of 6,7,8,9 , in order to extract it i need to get a projection of 6 and 9 (as MSasu gave me food to think)


hope it make sense

is there a way to code it?






I think i have a quick idea HOW. but this time you will write the code:


Here's a pseudo code:

Select the pline.

Create temporary points [Point entity]

Find the points by selecting two "point" entities at a time.

Example: base on your diagram

(while .....

Selecting 2 point entities at point 1 and 10 will give you points at lower left and upper right [draw the line]

Selecting 2 point entities at point 5 and 2 will give you points at upper left and lower right [draw the line]

17 & 22, 17 & 21, 20 & 22.... [note this numbers doesnt represent the real points, only for discussiion purposes]


Now points 6, 7, 8 and 9 requires another approach.

If selected points is more than 2, say all four..by dragging the pointer up and down using grread, the routine will "determine" where the next two points would be projected...

); end of while


Remove all point entities created.


Now for a more "automated" method, i need to get back to you on that. I'm sure i'm can think of something.. or maybe not. :lol:

I think i have a quick idea HOW. but this time you will write the code:


Here's a pseudo code:

Select the pline.

Create temporary points [Point entity]

Find the points by selecting two "point" entities at a time.

Example: base on your diagram

(while .....

Selecting 2 point entities at point 1 and 10 will give you points at lower left and upper right [draw the line]

Selecting 2 point entities at point 5 and 2 will give you points at upper left and lower right [draw the line]

17 & 22, 17 & 21, 20 & 22.... [note this numbers doesnt represent the real points, only for discussiion purposes]


Now points 6, 7, 8 and 9 requires another approach.

If selected points is more than 2, say all four..by dragging the pointer up and down using grread, the routine will "determine" where the next two points would be projected...

); end of while


Remove all point entities created.


Now for a more "automated" method, i need to get back to you on that. I'm sure i'm can think of something.. or maybe not. :lol:


thanks for the challenge


i gave lots of thinking, the solution i come to is to draw the rebars in the order and the direction it was drawn


please look at the attached image as it show what im after


here is my pseudo code


 Go to p1
 Select all surrounding  points in 50 units radius
 If members count is 2 (can be a wall end or a column)
                 Measure distance between p1 p2 aka ”dis” (if it’s a column  or wall end the range is 10-35
                 if “dis” is greater than 100 (it’s a wall)
                                 Draw line from p1, in angel of p2, 100 units
                                 Draw line from p2, in angel of p1, 100 units
                 If “dis” is smaller than 100
                                 Draw a line from p1 to p2
 If member count is 4(for situation where vertecis are not defined (like vers 6,7,8,9)
                 Project lines to all possible direction
                 Draw lines between returned coordinates

what you think?




no no no


it wont work the way i need


Pbe way is the best


need more thinking time :)



Yet Another idea,

First to create my initial post request im gonna mark apparent and not apparent intersections coordinates, and than Il create rectangles all over but limit it for maximum segment length(wall)

Than to extract rebars, I’ll ask the user to choose which rebars are to be extracted by selecting left botton point and upper right point of each rebar. Store those coordinatesin a list named “userCoor” and create reactance out of those coordinates


I think this is the only way (I know of) to make this.


What you think?




(defun c:demo ( / LWPoly _from pl pts temp corners ang mid v h 1p 2p objrot)
;;;			Demo by pBe 06May2013					;;;

;;; This demo will work only at the lower left corner and upper right corner	;;;
;;;  It is written as a guide and not in any way complete and accurate		::;

(setvar 'pdmode 34)
(setvar 'cmdecho 0)  
(defun LWPoly (lst)
 (entmakex (append (list (cons 0 "LWPOLYLINE")
                         (cons 100 "AcDbEntity")
                         (cons 100 "AcDbPolyline")
                         (cons 90 (length lst))
                   (mapcar (function (lambda (p) (cons 10 p))) lst))))
;;;	pBe05Nov2012	;;;
 (defun _pBe:from (p d m)
   (polar p (* pi (nth m '(0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75)))
                    (* d (sqrt 2))
(if (setq pl (car (entsel "\nSelect Pline:")))
  	(setq pts (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (e)
			(= (Car e) 10))(entget pl))))
  	(setq temp (ssadd))
  	(foreach p pts
          (command "_point" "_non" p)
          	(ssadd (entlast) temp))
	(While (setq corners nil pn (ssget '((0 . "POINT"))))
;;;	Written to work with only two selected points		;;;
          	(repeat 2
                  	(setq corners (cons (cdr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname pn 0)))) corners) )
                  	(ssdel (ssname pn 0) pn))
          	(setq corners (If (> (Cadr (car corners))(Cadr (cadr corners))) (reverse corners) corners ))
          	(setq ang (angle (setq 1p (car corners))(setq  2p (cadr corners))))
                (setq mid (mapcar '(lambda (x y) (* 0.5 (+ x y))) 1p 2p))
          	(Setq h (- (car 2p)(car 1p)) v (- (cadr 2p) (cadr 1p)))
		(setq pts_
		         (list 1p
		               (list (car 1p) (cadr 2p))
		               (list (car 2p) (cadr 1p))
		         '(lambda (a b)
		              ((> (cadr a) (cadr b)) T)
		              ((equal (cadr a) (cadr b) 0.1) (< (car a) (car b)))
	(if (and (< ang (/ pi 2.0)) (< (car 1p)(car 2p)))
          	(setq st ( _pBe:from (caddr pts_) 2.5 0) objrot (ssadd) tr 0)
          	(LWpoly (list (polar st (/ pi 2.0) 100)
                              (setq 3p (polar st 0 (- h 5.0)))
                              (polar 3p (/ pi 2.0) 100)
            	(ssadd  (entlast) objrot)
          	(LWpoly (list (polar st 0 100)
                              (setq 3p (polar st (/ pi 2.0) (- v 5.0)))
                              (polar 3p 0 100)
            (ssadd  (entlast) objrot)
          [b][color="blue"](prompt "\nMove Mouse up and down to rotate")[/color][/b]
		    (setq gr   (grread t 15 0)
		          mode (car gr)
		          data (cadr gr)
;;;	pBe 11Oct2010	;;;
		    (cond ((= 5 mode)
		           (if ((if (zerop tr)
		                  <  > )  pi
		                 (angle mid data)
		             (setq tr (boole 6 1 tr)
		                   ro (command "_rotate" objrot "" "_non"
                                               mid 180)   
		             ) )  T  )
		          ((member mode '(2 3)) nil)
           (command "_erase" temp "")


Again samifox:


;;; Demo by pBe 06May2013 ;;;


;;; This demo will work only at the lower left corner and upper right corner ;;;

;;; It is written as a guide and not in any way complete and accurate ::;


You should be able to finish your program using the code above as a startpoint.


thank you pBe. its realy great start point for me!

i need to learn your code before i can carry it on


thanks again



the script is really high coded , can you add some comments to the code? most of the function are new to me...i cant even ask a question :oops:

the script is really high coded , can you add some comments to the code?


Seriously now samifox. the Help file is at the ready [F1] ;)


 [b][color="blue"]TRY[/color][/b].. (if ("nose bleed")("then ask...")("Eureka! .. I got it!"))


The best way to understand the code is to run the line one by one.... pause .. then try again...


Repetition my good man.. repetition....


[You can do it]


I guess my “Beginner” privilege has been void now :D

Ok thanks PBE


I guess my “Beginner” privilege has been void now :D


:lol:.. its not that samifox. just want you to learn by forcing your gray matter to work overtime until it clicks.


But if you really really need our help. you know where to find us. :)


i know...just kidding...:D

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