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How To Draw This 2D Curve V2?


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Could someone please help me how to draw the 2D curve such as the attached image?


Thank you


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Please just tell us what type of curve it is supposed to be. Or is that your assignment, to determine what type of curve it is, then draw it?

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I don't know either what is the type of these curves.


And this is not my assignment.

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I don't know either what is the type of these curves.


And this is not my assignment.

So, then, what is it for and from where are you getting them? What kind of attempts have you made to determine this curve yourself?
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So, then, what is it for and from where are you getting them?


I have a 3D model of a car as a 3ds Max format file.


I got it from the internet.


I want to create it in AutoCAD.


What kind of attempts have you made to determine this curve yourself?


I do not understand how to determine these curves either.


But I do understand how to draw these curves in AutoCAD.


Determine VS draw.


Determine = explain something theoritically.


Draw = doing something practically, e.g. drawing.


Please correct me if I am wrong.

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determine (dĭ-tûrˈmĭn)


v. To decide or settle (a dispute, for example) conclusively and authoritatively.

v. To end or decide, as by judicial action.

v. To establish or ascertain definitely, as after consideration, investigation, or calculation.

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Wouldn't it be better to use a program that is more suited for this type of design? In my opinion AutoCAD would not be such a program. Using the right tool for the job goes a long way towards getting good results. If you had a hammer would you still use a rock to drive a nail?

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