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Hi guys,


I'm new here and in programming also. I need to create a programm which should check a drawing. The check means, that we have 3 different layers: contour, axes and section. As you know all of them must have different lines thickness.

So, let's imagine that thickness should be: 0,5mm 1mm ant 2mm.


Is it possible to create such a program, which, when user selects any line or selects any layer in the drawing, my programm checks this solution and changes automatically thickness of the layer lines?


If yes, how can I do it? any suggestions?



Have you looked into using the Standards Checker feature in AutoCAD. It might save you some work.


Thanks for your advise, but i need to work with *.dwg files not *.dws :(

As i untertand i need to write code, that checks selected layer or line, with parameters in my programm 0,5 1 2 mm and colours red green and blue.

if contour is red and thickness is 0,7, its a problem. my program must change thickness to 0,5 and leave current colour. As i understand all of checks must be done on layer name? isn't it?


The CHECKSTANDARDS command can be used to check a drawing (DWG) for violations. Violations can then be fixed automatically, manually or ignored.


If you want to do this via VBA programming then by all means carry on. Maybe one of the programming gurus here can help get you started.


Good luck with your project.


thanks for helpReMark ;) Programming gurus are my last hope...

  Robke said:
thanks for helpReMark ;) Programming gurus are my last hope...




If dealing with internal workstations, you could instead use a Reactor/Event Handler to detect changes made to the Layer Objects, and programmatically restore the desired settings (which gives the user the illusion that the changes made are not taking affect)... But since you're new to programming, you should revisit the Standards Command option, methinks.


Good luck!


Hi guys one more time....

i wrote my programm code... now i need to do this: is it possible to create a procedure or smth that my programm will starts if user clicks on drawing (i mean line) or clicks on layers in autocad?

now my programm works if i starts macros (vba) and click on a button that i created in a form... i need to create smth that my programm will start automatically :)

  • 4 weeks later...

hi guys,

i have two questions for you.

this is my simple VBA code for my exercise. i want to ask what i'm doing wrong, because then i load a *.dwg file and run macros, i get always Else statement. I don't know why... so how do i need to compare layer name which is string correctly to get the correct if elseif or else statement?

and the second question is, is it possible to write something that this kind of program will run automatically then i select layer on autocad?


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim strLayerKonturas As String
Dim strLayerAsys As String
Dim strLayerMatmenys As String
Dim objLayer As AcadLayer
Dim intColor As Integer

strLayerKonturas = "konturas"
strLayerAsys = "Asys"
strLayerMatmenys = "Matmenys"
'For Each objLayer In ThisDrawing.Layers

  If "" = strLayerKonturas Then ' exit if no name entered
       If objLayer.Color = acRed Xor objLayer.Linetype = "Continuous" Xor objLayer.Lineweight = acLnWt050 Then
         MsgBox "Sluoksnis: '" & objLayer.Name & "' tvarkoj"
          objLayer.Color = acRed
         objLayer.Linetype = "Continuous"
         objLayer.Lineweight = acLnWt050
         MsgBox "Sluoksnis: '" & objLayer.Name & "' pertvarkytas"
       End If
         MsgBox "Nera Konturo."
         End If
'   If "" = strLayerAsys Then 'Exit Sub ' exit if no name entered
        ' On Error Resume Next ' handle exceptions inline
  '       Set objLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers(strLayerAsys)
   '      If objLayer.Color = acGreen Xor objLayer.Linetype = "CENTER" Xor objLayer.Lineweight = acLnWt025 Then
     '    MsgBox "Sluoksnis: '" & objLayer.Name & "' tvarkoj"
    '     ElseIf objLayer.Color <> acGreen Xor objLayer.Linetype <> "CENTER" Xor objLayer.Lineweight <> acLnWt025 Then
      '       objLayer.Color = acGreen
       '      objLayer.Linetype = "CENTER"
        '     objLayer.Lineweight = acLnWt025
         '    MsgBox "Sluoksnis: '" & objLayer.Name & "' pertvarkytas"
          '    End If
           '  Else:       MsgBox "Nera asiu"
    ' End If
     '           If "" = strLayerMatmenys Then 'Exit Sub ' exit if no name entered
                 'On Error Resume Next ' handle exceptions inline
      '            Set objLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers(strLayerMatmenys)
       '                  If objLayer.Color = acBlue Xor objLayer.Linetype = "Continuous" Xor objLayer.Lineweight = acLnWtByLwDefault Then
        '                    MsgBox "Sluoksnis: '" & objLayer.Name & "' tvarkoj"
         '                ElseIf objLayer.Color <> acBlue Xor objLayer.Linetype <> "Continuous" Xor objLayer.Lineweight <> acLnWtByLwDefault Then
          '                 objLayer.Color = acBlue
           '                objLayer.Linetype = "Continuous"
            '               objLayer.Lineweight = acLnWtByLwDefault
              ''             MsgBox "Sluoksnis: '" & objLayer.Name & "' pertvarkytas"
             '              End If
                ''           Else: MsgBox "ner gaidze"
       '' End If
 '      ElseIf ("" <> strLayerAsys) And ("" <> strLayerKonturas) And ("" <> strLayerMatmenys) Then
 '  MsgBox "Brezinyje privalo buti trys sluoksniai: Asys, Konturas, Matmenys. Prasome pertvarkyti brezini"
'End If

End Sub


I wrote some stuff in vba when i was first learning. attached is a full project that compares and changes several different properties of layers and linetypes from a text file that is included in the zip. Remember this is not a load and run. You will need to modify the project, but you can look at the syntax and get some good examples of how things should be structured. good luck... and remember, although there are not many resources for autocad vba online... google is your best friend...



vba-custom.zipFetching info...

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