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I tried several ways to let 2 points (cirlces, see image below) following a drawing path (polyline). I tried it with arraypath etc.

It doesn't work and I don't find any solution for this problem :( . Can somebody help me? I work with Autocad 2013.


The two circles must follow the polylinepath always with the same distance between the circles. It's like a train or tram movement. The user must be able to enter a certain distance between the objects that has to be copied and the user must also be able to chose how many times it has to be copied.


Please, does anyone know a solution? :cry:


Thx in advance :).



  Costinbos77 said:
measure command


I tried that too but it doesn't work. Always one circle doesn't follow the path. :(


Do, but insert blocks or AutoCAD dots (points). And do very well.



Attached drawing in which you try

  Costinbos77 said:
measure command


I would have thought that measure would give equal lengths along the curve, but not what the OP requires, which is an equal chord length.


I would probably use a suitable block and rotate it for required alignment.


There is a way you place a block on the pline and the 1st insertion pt is cen of circle 2nd rotation pt is calculated and block rotated to this angle, the code is in VBA but I would do now in VL the variable crad is the distance between centres to try make a block called "holden"


Sub draw_vehicle()
Dim CAR As String
Dim arcobj As AcadArc
Dim oPoly As AcadEntity
Dim blkobj As AcadEntity
Dim retVal As Variant
Dim snapPt As Variant
Dim oCoords As Variant
Dim blpnt1() As Variant
ReDim blpnt1(100)
Dim blpnt2() As Variant
ReDim blpnt2(100)
Dim vertPt(0 To 2) As Double
Dim Pt1(0 To 2) As Double
Dim Pt2(0 To 2) As Double
Dim newPt(0 To 2) As Double
Dim iCnt, w, x, y, z As Integer
Dim cRad, interval, blkangle As Double
Dim circObj As AcadCircle
Dim lineObj As AcadLine
On Error GoTo Something_Wrong
If ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace Then
Set Thisspace = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
Else: Set Thisspace = ThisDrawing.PaperSpace
End If
For Each Item In ThisDrawing.Blocks
If Item.Name = "holden" Then GoTo continue_on
Next Item
' insert holden block
InsertBlock "p:\Autodesk\vba\holdencar.dwg", 0
w = 1
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity oPoly, snapPt, vbCr & "Select polyline :"
If oPoly.ObjectName = "AcDbPolyline" Then
oCoords = oPoly.Coordinates
Else: MsgBox "This object is not a polyline! Please do again"
Exit Sub
End If
interval = CDbl(InputBox("Enter interval:", , 1#))
If interval < 1 Then
interval = 1
End If
For iCnt = 0 To UBound(oCoords) - 2 Step 2
Pt1(0) = oCoords(iCnt): Pt1(1) = oCoords(iCnt + 1): Pt1(2) = 0#
newPt(0) = Pt1(0)
newPt(1) = Pt1(1)
newPt(2) = 0#
iCnt = iCnt + 2
Pt2(0) = oCoords(iCnt): Pt2(1) = oCoords(iCnt + 1): Pt2(2) = 0#
x = (Pt1(0) - Pt2(0)) / interval
y = (Pt1(1) - Pt2(1)) / interval
'reset back 2 values
iCnt = iCnt - 2
cRad = 3.05
startang = 4.71239
endang = 1.570796
For z = 1 To interval
vertPt(0) = newPt(0) - x
vertPt(1) = newPt(1) - y
vertPt(2) = 0#
'blpnt1(w) = vertPt
'Set arcobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddArc(vertPt, cRad, endang, startang)
Set arcobj = Thisspace.AddArc(vertPt, cRad, endang, startang)
retval2 = arcobj.IntersectWith(oPoly, acExtendOtherEntity)
Set arcobj = Nothing
blkangle = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(retval2, vertPt)
'Set blkobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(vertPt, CAR, 1#, 1#, 1#, blkangle)
Set blkobj = Thisspace.InsertBlock(vertPt, CAR, 1#, 1#, 1#, blkangle)
Set blkobj = Nothing
w = w + 1
newPt(0) = newPt(0) - x
newPt(1) = newPt(1) - y
Next z
Next iCnt
GoTo Exit_out
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub InsertBlock1()


   '*** Code from VisibleVisual.com ********


   InsertBlock "p:\Autodesk\vbaholden.dwg", 0

   'Change the 0 to another value (in degrees) to rotate the block'

   End Sub

   Function InsertBlock(ByVal blockpath As String, ByVal rotation As Double)

   Dim blockobj As AcadBlockReference

   Dim insertionPnt As Variant

   Dim prompt1 As String

   'set rotation Angle

   rotateAngle = rotation

   'rotateAngle = rotation * 3.141592 / 180#

   'Prompt is used to show instructions in the command bar

   prompt1 = vbCrLf & "Enter block insert point: "
   'ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace
   insertionPnt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, prompt1)

   Set blockRefObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(insertionPnt, blockpath, 1#, 1#, 1#, rotateAngle)

   'Change Modelspace into Paperspace to insert the block into Paperspace
   End Function

  eldon said:
I would have thought that measure would give equal lengths along the curve, but not what the OP requires, which is an equal chord length.


I would probably use a suitable block and rotate it for required alignment.


That's what I'm doing now. But sometimes it's more than one block and it takes a lot of time and sometimes you snap to the wrong line :(.

Therefor, with a lisproutine (if it's possible) you don't make a mistake :)

  BIGAL said:
There is a way you place a block on the pline and the 1st insertion pt is cen of circle 2nd rotation pt is calculated and block rotated to this angle, the code is in VBA but I would do now in VL the variable crad is the distance between centres to try make a block called "holden"


Sub draw_vehicle()
Dim CAR As String
Dim arcobj As AcadArc
Dim oPoly As AcadEntity
Dim blkobj As AcadEntity
Dim retVal As Variant
Dim snapPt As Variant
Dim oCoords As Variant
Dim blpnt1() As Variant
ReDim blpnt1(100)
Dim blpnt2() As Variant
ReDim blpnt2(100)
Dim vertPt(0 To 2) As Double
Dim Pt1(0 To 2) As Double
Dim Pt2(0 To 2) As Double
Dim newPt(0 To 2) As Double
Dim iCnt, w, x, y, z As Integer
Dim cRad, interval, blkangle As Double
Dim circObj As AcadCircle
Dim lineObj As AcadLine
On Error GoTo Something_Wrong
If ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace Then
Set Thisspace = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
Else: Set Thisspace = ThisDrawing.PaperSpace
End If
For Each Item In ThisDrawing.Blocks
If Item.Name = "holden" Then GoTo continue_on
Next Item
' insert holden block
InsertBlock "p:\Autodesk\vba\holdencar.dwg", 0
w = 1
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity oPoly, snapPt, vbCr & "Select polyline :"
If oPoly.ObjectName = "AcDbPolyline" Then
oCoords = oPoly.Coordinates
Else: MsgBox "This object is not a polyline! Please do again"
Exit Sub
End If
interval = CDbl(InputBox("Enter interval:", , 1#))
If interval < 1 Then
interval = 1
End If
For iCnt = 0 To UBound(oCoords) - 2 Step 2
Pt1(0) = oCoords(iCnt): Pt1(1) = oCoords(iCnt + 1): Pt1(2) = 0#
newPt(0) = Pt1(0)
newPt(1) = Pt1(1)
newPt(2) = 0#
iCnt = iCnt + 2
Pt2(0) = oCoords(iCnt): Pt2(1) = oCoords(iCnt + 1): Pt2(2) = 0#
x = (Pt1(0) - Pt2(0)) / interval
y = (Pt1(1) - Pt2(1)) / interval
'reset back 2 values
iCnt = iCnt - 2
cRad = 3.05
startang = 4.71239
endang = 1.570796
For z = 1 To interval
vertPt(0) = newPt(0) - x
vertPt(1) = newPt(1) - y
vertPt(2) = 0#
'blpnt1(w) = vertPt
'Set arcobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddArc(vertPt, cRad, endang, startang)
Set arcobj = Thisspace.AddArc(vertPt, cRad, endang, startang)
retval2 = arcobj.IntersectWith(oPoly, acExtendOtherEntity)
Set arcobj = Nothing
blkangle = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(retval2, vertPt)
'Set blkobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(vertPt, CAR, 1#, 1#, 1#, blkangle)
Set blkobj = Thisspace.InsertBlock(vertPt, CAR, 1#, 1#, 1#, blkangle)
Set blkobj = Nothing
w = w + 1
newPt(0) = newPt(0) - x
newPt(1) = newPt(1) - y
Next z
Next iCnt
GoTo Exit_out
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub InsertBlock1()


'*** Code from VisibleVisual.com ********


InsertBlock "p:\Autodesk\vbaholden.dwg", 0

'Change the 0 to another value (in degrees) to rotate the block'

End Sub

Function InsertBlock(ByVal blockpath As String, ByVal rotation As Double)

Dim blockobj As AcadBlockReference

Dim insertionPnt As Variant

Dim prompt1 As String

'set rotation Angle

rotateAngle = rotation

'rotateAngle = rotation * 3.141592 / 180#

'Prompt is used to show instructions in the command bar

prompt1 = vbCrLf & "Enter block insert point: "

'ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace

insertionPnt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, prompt1)

Set blockRefObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(insertionPnt, blockpath, 1#, 1#, 1#, rotateAngle)

'Change Modelspace into Paperspace to insert the block into Paperspace

End Function


Thx, but I don't know how to start or how to run a VBA program on my Autocad. Anyway, I hope you will succeed in VL :)

Here's the autocadfile 2pointspath.dwg

Posted (edited)

Your problem is more complicated because you have to align block "TEMP" (which does not have the same length in the direction of x and y) from the point of insertion and a calculated point at a distance equal to the length of the block.

Edited by Costinbos77

I am redoing to match "temp"


Any way a quick way insert block make sure insertion point is center of 1 circle then draw a circle 7.0 units rotate the block using Ro R the crossing point is the correct angle.


My version draws lots of blocks its for checking purposes.


Constinboss77 have a look at the code thats what it does rotates the block to suit.

  Costinbos77 said:
Your problem is more complicated because you have to align block "TEMP" from the point of insertion and a calculated point at a distance equal to the length of the block.


I know and it doesn't work with a normal Autocad commando :(


Revised have a look at this


Type VBAMAN New pick the global1, visual basic editor, double click the global1 top left the code window should open paste code & save to see result use the RUN sub/userform try 1 for interval. Its more about the method of how to do. You will need a new vertices lsp as well to work out how many you display and at what spacing. Time at moment is a problem for a complete solution.



Sub draw_vehicle()
Dim CAR As String
Dim arcobj As AcadArc
Dim oPoly As AcadEntity
Dim blkobj As AcadEntity
Dim retVal As Variant
Dim snapPt As Variant
Dim oCoords As Variant
Dim blpnt1() As Variant
ReDim blpnt1(100)
Dim blpnt2() As Variant
Dim vertPt(0 To 2) As Double
Dim Pt1(0 To 2) As Double
Dim Pt2(0 To 2) As Double
Dim newPt(0 To 2) As Double
Dim iCnt, w, x, y, z As Integer
Dim cRad, interval, blkangle As Double
Dim circObj As AcadCircle
Dim lineObj As AcadLine
On Error GoTo Something_Wrong
For Each Item In ThisDrawing.Blocks
If Item.Name = "temp" Then GoTo continue_on
Next Item
' exits out of program
GoTo Exit_out
w = 1
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity oPoly, snapPt, vbCr & "Select polyline :"
If oPoly.ObjectName = "AcDbPolyline" Then
oCoords = oPoly.Coordinates
Else: MsgBox "This object is not a polyline!"
Exit Sub
End If
interval = CDbl(InputBox("Enter interval:", , 1#))
If interval < 1 Then
interval = 1
End If
For iCnt = 0 To UBound(oCoords) - 2 Step 2
Pt1(0) = oCoords(iCnt): Pt1(1) = oCoords(iCnt + 1): Pt1(2) = 0#
newPt(0) = Pt1(0)
newPt(1) = Pt1(1)
newPt(2) = 0#
iCnt = iCnt + 2
Pt2(0) = oCoords(iCnt): Pt2(1) = oCoords(iCnt + 1): Pt2(2) = 0#
x = (Pt1(0) - Pt2(0)) / interval
y = (Pt1(1) - Pt2(1)) / interval
'reset back 2 values
iCnt = iCnt - 2
cRad = 7#
startang = 4.7123889
endang = 1.57079632
CAR = "temp"
For z = 1 To interval
vertPt(0) = newPt(0) - x
vertPt(1) = newPt(1) - y
vertPt(2) = 0#
'blpnt1(w) = vertPt
Set arcobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddArc(vertPt, cRad, endang, startang)
retval2 = arcobj.IntersectWith(oPoly, acExtendOtherEntity)
Set arcobj = Nothing
blkangle = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(retval2, vertPt)
Set blkobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(vertPt, CAR, 1#, 1#, 1#, blkangle)
Set blkobj = Nothing
w = w + 1
newPt(0) = newPt(0) - x
newPt(1) = newPt(1) - y
Next z
Next iCnt
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

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