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I am trying to learn how to project geometry in inventor 2013 to cut down how much work I am putting into my project and getting frustrated with it.

The issue I am having is that when I project geometry from one side to another side it projects it to the same side instead of projecting it to the side I am working on.

I will try to explain exactly step by step on my process so you might be able to see where I am going wrong.

here is a sample file that I am using to learn with, without projections attempt


Here is how I have created this.

1. I created sketch1 on xz plane.

2. I extruded it to 4 ft using surface extrusion

3. selected front face of the extrusion and sketched my line and constraints as you can see in attachment.

OK now I am wanting to project all my sketched lines from the front surface to the right surface, so I select create sketch and select the right surface and it brings up the correct surface to work on; Now here is where it goes horribly wrong for me.

Here is what I am doing now I am not sure if it is a configuration or something I am doing wrong so if you do the same thing as i do and it works the way its intended then I suppose it is in my configuration settings but if you have same issue then i am doing something wrong.

1. I click on created sketch and the surface to create sketch on (for this example the right surface of extrusion).

2. I click on project geometry.

3. I click on the items to project. This is exactly where it goes wrong for me.

Instead of it projecting to the surface I am working on it is projecting to the same surface I want projected from. This only happens on the right or left surfaces and it works correctly when I do the same steps as above but instead of working on the either the right surface or left surface I work on the back surface ;) .


Wow that was long and drawn out some what and I am sorry for that I am just not sure what I am doing wrong so I tried to recreate step by step so as to help someone help me with this.


Seriously? There is only one person on here who can help me with this? Is there no one else active on this forum that knows what to do?

Wow JDM I guess you are a very busy person on here then lol.


From your post it sounds like you are projecting geometry to a plane that is perpendicular to your geometry. If that is so it will appear as in it is projecting to the same plane as your geometry but is actually projecting to the correct plane just at the intersection of the two planes. If you have a cube and draw in the front face, then project geometry to the right side. the view from the front lookes like it projected to the front plane but if you look at the right side it actually projected to that side only it looks like a straight line due to the front plane now being an edge view.


I get what you are saying but this is not the case I am trying to project to the perpendicular sides of the front face of the surface extrusion I suppose it could be called a plane. But it simply is not projecting to it I know this because when I update it and save it close it and then reopen it I can click on the plane that it was suposed to be projected to and it says create a sketch not edit one. I am so lost here and would really love to have some help.


I mean I might be doing something wrong which could very well be the case here I just dont know what.


OK I can verify that something is wrong now I used the sketch doctor and it came up with this response "Multiple sketch points exist at the same location. Use Combine Sketch Points to create a single sketch point at each location." so it would seam that my projects are in fact being project to the same face as I was want them projected from.

So how do I fix this what am I doing wrong


wow I can not believe that there is no one on here who can identify my issues and lend some support

  trussman said:
OK I can verify that something is wrong now I used the sketch doctor and it came up with this response "Multiple sketch points exist at the same location. Use Combine Sketch Points to create a single sketch point at each location." so it would seam that my projects are in fact being project to the same face as I was want them projected from.

So how do I fix this what am I doing wrong




What I think you're trying to do doesn't work quite the way I think that you think it's supposed to work.



If I understand you correctly, you're trying to duplicate the truss pattern from one face of your column to a second face, correct? And you probably want things to come together point-to-point?


You can't do that through project geometry. If you try and project the sketch geometry from one face around to another face that's 90° off, all you're going to get is a jumbled mush of points and line segments that lie on the original sketch plane, because ... that's all they are when viewed from 90° off.


Create 1 set of opposing faces first. You can do this entirely with Project Geometry, if you don't mind the trusses going the same way. Now, for the first 90° face, you need to ONLY project the lines that form end-points for your trusses, and then play connect-the-dots with the line tool. You're not going to auto-project this stuff around corners. You can do it for the opposite faces, but you can't do it around corners.



And, as far as "identifying your issues" goes, you've got one big issue, and that's lack of experience. You haven't spent a whole lot of time yet playing with Inventor to figure out what does or doesn't work. You might be able to get some of that out of the way by taking a class, but most of it's going to come from just messing with the software for a couple months or years, and from reading forums like this one, or the Autodesk Discussion Groups, where I see you have just signed up and asked this same question.


This issue is fixed what you have mentioned is correct and I have miss understood what was being mentioned in another post but thanks for you input

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