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Hi Forum,

First of all, I know this is a well discussed topic and still:

Please dont blame me for not using the search function or the helpfile - honestly: I tried it all and thorough. :geek:


Im at Autocad 2012.


When I start drawing a line from a specific point in the drawing and type in the dimensions via DYN - relative coordinates work like a charm, but when I start a rectangle from the same point and type in the dimensions (via DYN) it wont work.


It does not change when I set dynpicoords to 0 or 1.

Nothing else happens when I type @ or # or nothing as prefix.


I guess there is either a solution or an easy explanation for this. I would be highly thankful, if someone can help me. :D


Thanks in advance for reading and thinking.

Cheers Pete


When you say "wont work", what exactly does happen. No new geometry, wrong dimensions, ...


I'm also using AutoCAD 2012, and the command sequence below creates a 10 x 20 rectangle with the lower left at 2,2.


Command: dynpicoords

Enter new value for DYNPICOORDS :



Command: _rectang

Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness/Width]: 2,2

Specify other corner point or [Area/Dimensions/Rotation]: @10,20



Sorry, wont work means relative coordinates wont work - it takes my inputs as absolute coordinates.

So in general: I cannot draw a rectangle somewhere in the drawing. (without knowing the exact absolute coordinates)


I understand your commandlines very well..

but again: dynpicoords does not change anything. Neither does @ or #.


Just for good understanding:

What I did (im using DYN):

typed "rec" - enter - clicked somewhere (absolute: 350,200) - typed "42" - Tab - typed "50" - enter

result is rectangle all over the drawing starting from 42,50 to 350,200.

What I want is a rectangle with 42 width and 50 height starting from 350,200.


Either its me completely off my mind or I changed some settings unpurposely.



  PeterDosh said:
typed "rec" - enter - clicked somewhere (absolute: 350,200) - typed "@", typed "42" - Tab - typed "50" - enter

result is rectangle all over the drawing starting from 42,50 to 350,200.

What I want is a rectangle with 42 width and 50 height starting from 350,200.

I believe that you didn't included the "@" into your description.


Hi Msasu,

Hi Seant,


In the beginning I thought "noo, thats not the reason", but then I tried to the end.

"To the end" means pressing enter after everything is previewed the wrong way.

Because only then it is on the right place.



thanks as well - polar makes no difference here.



So, sorry guys, but that only the preview is wrong is something unexpected.


Thanks for the time though - cheers

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