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Tagging AMEP elevation/section/detail views


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I'm fairly new to AMEP, and I'm on the documentation end of my modeled project. I would like to tag an elevation/section/detail view created through AMEP's elevation/section/detail tools, but the tagging tool, e.g. "Pipe Tag", will not recognize a pipe in any of the respective views. Am I approaching this all wrong? Can such a view created in AMEP be tagged? What should I change?

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The Section or Elevation View generated is a 2D linked representation of the AEC Objects and cannot be tagged. You'll have to actually alter the View of the Model to accomplish this. Best thing to do is use the Live Section instead, then change the orientation to the Elevation View that you need.


It's good that you're testing the boundaries of AMEP but you will soon start to find limitations. This is where Revit MEP will be a better choice, as things like what you're trying to accomplish are beyond capable in Revit. In fact, that's how Revit was intended to be used when it was created to begin with.


We have an AutoCAD MEP section too, BTW. I'll ask a mod to move the thread.

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Well, that is quite a disappointment. As for altering the view, I've tried setting the x/y plane to the front view of the model in the View, but only the leader displays on the x/y plane without the tag. Also, only some of the objects in the View are able to be tagged.

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Did you change your UCS to the current orientation of the View before placing your Tags?



Well, that is quite a disappointment.
That's why I use Revit now instead of AutoCAD. ;)
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It is possible to create section views from 3D objects that you can tag. This is how I do it. First off you need to make an xref of your drawing. That is xref it into a blank drawing. Then draw a bounding polygon around the area that you want to create a section out of. You then need to XCLIP everything outside of the bounding polygon so that only the piping inside the box remains. Once that is done, set you view to a front or side view. You now have a 3D section that you can tag. Next you will need to create a tag that is visible in a front view or a side view. I have attached a document that I made for a coworker where he wanted a specific tag that would work in both a top and front view. You should be able to figure out from the notes how to create a front view tag.


Top and Front Tag.docx

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Wow great tip Keith! However..... after reading all that, I still stand by my statement of why I use Revit now instead of AutoCAD, haha. That's a helluva lotta steps to tag something in an Elevation View. :)


Thanks for sharing. This has been asked a few other times on here... I might take the time to go back and link them to your post.

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True, REVIT does stand out in features such as section and elevation views but it is severly lacking when providing tools for the contractor. There is no software offering direct downloads to a cam machine because of this. Everyone's solution is to first port it to Autocad or one of its verticals and then export to CAM software.

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Agreed. I come from contracting and have been producing HVAC and Piping mechanical shop drawings for over 7 years, until a year and a half ago when I became a traitor and stepped over on the dark side of the consulting engineering firm. I still stand by AutoCAD MEP being far better for the contractor. The full library of accurate ANSI fittings and routing preferences far, far outweigh that of Revit's. However, Revit is getting there. I suspect by the next release or two, Revit MEP will finally make the leap they're needing.


It is good having your level of expertise in here though. Being able to rub elbows with a programmer who's very knowledgeable in AutoCAD MEP is great. You and one other guy are the only ones I've seen active in voluntary public forums.



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