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Plotting multiple DWG files to multiple PDFs automatically

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I'm trying to find a way to plot multiple (over a thousand) DWG files to PDF without doing each one manually. I've played around a little bit but without any luck. I'm using AutoCAD 2002 LT. Is there any way to do this?


I've also got little to no experience with the more complex settings and abilities of autocad so when explaining please do so in laymans terms.


Thanks very much to anyone that can help in advance! :)


PS. 2002 lt has no general publish (only publish to web) option and I have no idea how sheet sets work.


Since is about LT, I believe that the only automation available is the script technology. Basically, you will need to replicate into a text file the calls of the commands to apply and also the answers to their options.

_OPEN [i]Drawing path 1st[/i]
_PLOT [i]Plotting options[/i]
_OPEN [i]Drawing path 2nd[/i]
_PLOT [i]Plotting options[/i]
;end of script

To establish the content, I suggest you to call the commands in command line mode (i.e. -PLOT) and note down the answers to their prompts. Please pay attention that if the path contains spaces will have to place it in quotes.

To create the list of the files to plot create a BAT file with the code below; next use Excel (or other spreadsheet application, for that matter) and build the script.

DIR /b *.* > drawings.txt


Thanks for the reply Mircea! I'll have a go at work tomorrow and see how I go. Once again thank you very much! :)


Or you can use DWG TrueView, its free from autodesk website

In DWG TrueView you have the option to convert , model , layouts or both while adding files to batch plot

  hoss said:
Or you can use DWG TrueView, its free from autodesk website

In DWG TrueView you have the option to convert , model , layouts or both while adding files to batch plot


+1, +1, +1, +1, +1...


Plotting to PDF has improved tremendously since 2002.

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