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OK this is driving me nuts. It appears that importing points from file I get some default groups (tree, STA and Storm Sewer Manhole)... and they get assigned to default layers (V-CTRL-HCPT and V-CTRL-TREE... I believe). These I see show up as Description Keys.


How the heck to I get these points unassociated with these default groups? I deleted the Desc Keys, I deleted the layers... a reassigned point styles... now when I change the priority order of the point groups in Prospector, with "All-Points" have an invisible Label/Point style, and put Stations on top so they are the only points that should appear... I still have all the trees (along with the Stations) showing! What am I missing? Anybody??




Oh yeah, let me add that all the stations are visible too. Even when I place "All-points" at the top of the Groups listing (Prospector), and assign the "invisible label/marker" style... I still get the trees and Stations...


Any point group above your "no display" point group in the stacking order will be displayed by default.


If you do not have a "no display" point group, make one, and move it directly under the point groups you do want to display.


Yeah, that I've done... my "no display" group is tippy top... Trees and Stations are dead last.. yet they still appear...


As I mentioned, that behavior is default... For it to not behave in this manor, you must have one or more Overrides implemented.


I figured it was my fault somehow... I have never seen this behavior before. Any suggestion as to where to look at for Overrides? Thanks


This may not be your fault... This (perhaps these?) overrides can exist in multiple places simply by the nature of Civil 3D's structure, Drawing settings, Command settings, and even Style settings, etc..


Beyond what I've already mentioned here... Without a sample drawing to look at, it would be difficult for me to give specific instruction.


I've simplified this... wondering if all points/labels come through. I gone ahead and put the Trees and Stations on different layers (V-TREES and V-POINTS) as a work around, but I know this is not how it works... that's why it's bugging me.


Thanks so much for delving into a possible answer for me!

SAMPLE.dwgFetching info...


The points you have in your sample drawing have the styles overridden in the properties menu.


These will override the styles set in your point groups.


Select all your points, and in the properties palette, change Style to , and change Point Label Style to .


The points will then use the corresponding point group labels and styles.


YOU are freaking awesome dude! Can't believe the hours I spent tracking down this problem. This solutions opens my eyes to a bunch of other issues I was grasping my brain around... thanks for making my day!



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