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Dual Icon menu panel, AutoCAD Electrical 2012

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Hi guys,

I would like to ask you how can I swap between two different icon menus for panel footprints? I know that it is possible but I can not find how to do it now.

I have got two separate libraries with panel footprint symbols with it's own *.dat files (for several reasons I can not megre them in to one library for now) and during creation my drawing package I have to use blocks from both of them.

I saw it on example a lon time ago. See please attached picture how it looked like.






ac.down.gifReferencing icon menus from other menu filesYou can also share custom symbols to be accessed by multiple users. The easiest way to do this is to create and link to your own menu file.

You can set up AutoCAD Electrical's icon menuing system so that you can switch back and forth from the default menu file (such as ACE_JIC_menu.dat) to your own menu (for example "special_menu.dat").

  1. Add a line like this to AutoCAD Electrical's ACE_JIC_menu.dat file:Special menu|special_menu.sld|$C=(c:wd_loadmenu "special_menu.dat")(c:wd_insym_go2menu 0)
  2. In your new "special_menu.dat" file, add this line so you can switch back to AutoCAD Electrical's default menu:Default Electrical menu|back2wd.sld|$C=(c:wd_loadmenu "ACE_JIC_menu.dat")(c:wd_insym_go2menu 0)
  3. In AutoCAD Electrical's default icon menu, select the new entry.Your menu immediately appears. When you want to go back to AutoCAD Electrical's default menu, select Default Electrical menu on your own special menu. AutoCAD Electrical immediately switches back to the AutoCAD Electrical default icon menus.

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