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Hi, I have a simple brick like hatch that is set to have a full tile at the origin of the hatch. All is well when the hatch is horizontal:)but when the hatch is rotated within the hatch edit box it loses the origin and it won't set with a full tile:cry:.


Can someone help please!!! How can I get the origin to be the same at any angle and the hatch start with a full tile????????


Isn't there an option in the Hatch dialog box to "Specify origin"?


Yes there is but when an origin is chosen for the hatch at an angle (or anything other than horizontal) it does not start with a full tile?? The hatch is meant to start with the thin tile first (as in the horizontal hatch) but it doesn't as soon as its angle is changed (as in the vertical example):cry:



I guess you can tell I don't do much hatching using brick or block. I hadn't noticed and even if I had I'm not so sure it would be enough to cause me any concern. I like your attention to detail though. What hatch pattern as you working with at the moment? Is it native to AutoCAD or one that you downloaded?


The hatch has been written and then inserted into the support files (with the help of the friendly cadtutor forums!!). I had to adjust the code as we were required to specifically set out the tiles according to the manufacturers details which is why its important that the hatch starts with the correct full tile!! up untill now if we have to use the hatch at an angle we are rotating the area so its horizontal then hatching it and the rotating back into the correct position!! its a real pain and very time consuming!!!!!


I was hoping it was a hatch pattern I could experiment with then report back if I found a solution. Without the particular pattern I am not sure I can offer a solution. Maybe another forum member can provide an answer to your dilemma.


Try using "snapang"

Set up snapang to the value of rotation and then try hatch. It may work


Thanks for the idea, just tried it it! but unfortunately the hatch remains as it is in the above example :(


Would be nice to have a copy of the hatch pattern. Hint. Hint.


Hatch pattern below!



0, 0,0, 0,1350

0, 0,150, 0,1350

0, 0,450, 0,1350

0, 0,750, 0,1350

0, 0,900, 0,1350

0, 0,1050, 0,1350

90, 0,0, 0,600, 150,-1200

90, 100,150, 0,600, 300,-1050

90, 500,450, 0,600, 300,-1050

90, 850,750, 0,600, 150,-1200

90, 1800,900, 0,600, 150,-1200

90, 2200,1050, 0,600, 300,-1050



I get the message "Error in pattern file." Maybe you missed a line or two?


I think that you do not need the last * in the file.


But I had no trouble in making the hatches behave. Because my version of AutoCAD is older, there is no means of setting the hatch origin. So I always set up a UCS on the corner of the hatch, and the hatches come out as meant to.



For a hatch rotated through 90 degrees, pick the hatch origin to be at the bottom right of the area.


For a hatch origin at the top left, rotate by 270 degrees.


Other outcomes can be obtained by using this mirrored pattern:




; Pattern written by HatchKit v2.7 Hatch Pattern Editor

; HatchKit v2.7 Hatch Pattern Editor© Cadro Pty Ltd 1990-2012.

; www.hatchkit.com.au


;-Template=FLOOR TILES, tiles

;-Source =C:\Documents and Settings\Hugh\Desktop\FT.PAT

;-Date =19/10/2012

;-Time =9:27:19 AM


















Hugh Adamson



You can't lay brick stacked vertical anyway. It destroys the structural integrity altogether, and defeats the purpose the Romans and Chinese had in mind for them. In fact, they won't even stay in position until the mortar cures.


Of course, if it is a tile pattern, then try writing a second hatch pattern, name the original one horizitile, and the new one verticatile.;)


Thanks for the above, I have had a go at the mirrored version but seems to affect the specific setout details that we have to follow:(. The UCS set does work with the origin for the hatch:D just a bit of a pain set up for every hatch!!!! Thankyou!

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