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find and mark block lisp


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Dear all,


Sorry if this title was discussed before, please does anyone know lisp to find block and mark them. i have a lot block with my drawing and make some change with them, but it's to much time to find one by one.


thanks you,


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Hi bigal,


thanks for reply, i just want to find block and after that mark them all block that i want, and no changing for attributes.



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I believe what Bigal is suggesting to you is use Bedit to make changes on the block globally.


highlight the blocks

(sssetfirst nil  (ssget "_X" '((2 . "blockname"))))

Edited by pBe
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Hi Pbe,


sorry, please find attachment for illustarion. examples, I have drawing with huge off block, and i want to find (Ex.Block LF9) and after that mark of them automatically with lisp where there are. if i do manually i think it will spend the time..:)





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I understand what you mean esputro, but tell us what exactly are you're going to do with the block when found?

Put a marked on the block and leave the mark there?

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if thats all you want to do then use the snip i posted on my first post or


(defun c:markb (/ bn blks e)(vl-load-com)
(setq bn "Block LF9")  
 	(if (setq blks (ssget "_x" (list (cons 2 bn)(cons 410 (getvar 'ctab)))))
  	(repeat (sslength blks)
	   (vla-highlight (vlax-ename->vla-object (setq e (ssname blks 0))) :vlax-true)
		     		  	(ssdel e blks)


or even QSELECT

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thanks pbe that works, but the problem is if i choose for others block i must change again for lisp.

do you have any idea for general options to show all existing blocks.




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ahh. i think i misunderstood the OP :lol:


(defun c:markb (/ bn blks e hl)
 (setq ef (lambda (e)
     (vla-get-effectivename (vlax-ename->vla-object e))))
 (prompt "\nSelect Block to highlight")
   	(if (and (setq hl (ssadd) bl (ssget ":S:E" '((0 . "INSERT"))))
	 (setq bn (ef (ssname bl 0)))
         (setq blks (ssget "_x" (list '(0 . "INSERT")
				      (cons 2 (strcat bn ",`*u*"))(cons 410 (getvar 'ctab))))))
  	(repeat (sslength blks)
	   (if (eq bn (ef (setq e (ssname blks 0))))
	   	(ssadd e hl)) (ssdel e blks)
  (sssetfirst nil hl)


but then again. if the OP is planning to change a value on the block

...equipment tagging that i need to change....


, change the sssetfirst line to whatever function.

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  • 7 years later...
8 minutes ago, troggarf said:

Hey Tharwat,

How do I increase the width of the dialog box for the MarkBlock routine?


You can add the width attribute to do so and you can increase the digit ( 40 ) to fit your desired presentation as follows;

MarkBlock: dialog { label = "Search for Blocks"; width = 40;
         : column { ........


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