PATPOWER Posted September 18, 2012 Posted September 18, 2012 Hi, I have a macro that copy all sheet from a drawing and open new template and paste the sheets on. Then close old drawing and saveas the new one with the same name of the original one to overwrite it. The problem is that I cannot save after the paste is done. It works for a while but not anymore and I change nothing. Do you have any ideas ? here my code..It works well with the part and assy section.. Thank you Dim vSheetName As Variant Dim swView As SldWorks.View Dim swDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc Dim swAnn As SldWorks.Annotation Dim swSelMgr As SldWorks.SelectionMgr Dim SWNOTE As SldWorks.NOTE Dim S As String Dim swCustPropMgr As SldWorks.CustomPropertyManager Dim SheetCount As Integer Dim DOC As ModelDoc2 Dim boolstatus As Boolean Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long Dim PART As Object Dim PARTTITLE As String Dim X As String Public Z As String Public Q As String Dim SWAPP As SldWorks.SldWorks Dim swModel As ModelDoc2 Dim nErrors As Long Sub main() Dim Answer As String Dim MyNote As String 'Place your text here MyNote = "DO YOU REALLY WISH TO REFRESH" & Chr(13) & "ACTUAL DOCUMENT AUTHOR AND DATE?" 'Display MessageBox Answer = MsgBox(MyNote, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "???") If Answer = vbNo Then 'Code for No button Press MsgBox "OPERATION ABORT BY USER!" Exit Sub 'Code for Yes button Press End If Z = 0 A = 0 Set SWAPP = Application.SldWorks Set DOC = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC If DOC Is Nothing Then MsgBox "A SOLIDWORKS DOCUMENT MUST BE OPEN" & Chr(13) & "TO PERFORM REFRESH THIS WAY!!": End Dim swDocTypeLong As Long Set PART = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC EXT = Right(PART.GetPathName, 7) swDocTypeLong = Switch(EXT = ".SLDPRT", swDocPART, EXT = ".SLDDRW", swDocDRAWING, EXT = ".SLDASM", swDocASSEMBLY, True, -1) X = PART.GetPathName PARTTITLE = PART.GetTitle If swDocTypeLong = swDocDRAWING Then GoTo 2 UserForm3.Show If Z = 1 Then Exit Sub Set SWAPP = Application.SldWorks Set DOC = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC 'boolstatus = swApp.CloseAllDocuments(True) 'Debug.Print boolstatus 'If swDocTypeLong = swDocPART Then GoTo 4 'If swDocTypeLong = swDocASSEMBLY Then GoTo 4 Set PART = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC Set swModel = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC Set swCustPropMgr = swModel.Extension.CustomPropertyManager("") swCustPropMgr.Add2 "DESIGN DATE", swCustomInfoText, " " swCustPropMgr.Set "DESIGN DATE", Q PART.DeleteAllRelations Dim swEquationMgr As Object Set swEquationMgr = PART.GetEquationMgr() swEquationMgr.add -1, Chr(34) & "Autorun""" & "=" & "Application.SldWorks.RunMacro" & "(" & """" & "C" & ":" & "\" & "SOLIDWORKS" & " " & "MACRO" & "\" & "MACRO4.swp" & """,""" & "MACRO41" & """,""main" & """)" swModel.SummaryInfo(SwConst.swSumInfoAuthor) = "PAT LAFONTAINE" GoTo 6 2 Set PART = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC Set swModel = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC Set SWDWG = swModel Set swDraw = swModel vSheetName = swDraw.GetSheetNames 'For i = 0 To UBound(vSheetName) SheetCount = PART.GetSheetCount SWDWG.ActivateSheet vSheetName(SheetCount - (SheetCount)) PARTTITLE = PART.GetTitle boolstatus = PART.Extension.SelectByID2(vSheetName(SheetCount - 1), "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0) If SheetCount - 1 = 0 Then GoTo 8 boolstatus = PART.Extension.SelectByID2(vSheetName(SheetCount - 2), "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0) If SheetCount - 2 = 0 Then GoTo 8 boolstatus = PART.Extension.SelectByID2(vSheetName(SheetCount - 3), "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0) If SheetCount - 3 = 0 Then GoTo 8 boolstatus = PART.Extension.SelectByID2(vSheetName(SheetCount - 4), "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0) If SheetCount - 4 = 0 Then GoTo 8 boolstatus = PART.Extension.SelectByID2(vSheetName(SheetCount - 5), "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0) If SheetCount - 5 = 0 Then GoTo 8 boolstatus = PART.Extension.SelectByID2(vSheetName(SheetCount - 6), "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0) If SheetCount - 6 = 0 Then GoTo 8 boolstatus = PART.Extension.SelectByID2(vSheetName(SheetCount - 7), "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0) If SheetCount - 7 = 0 Then GoTo 8 boolstatus = PART.Extension.SelectByID2(vSheetName(SheetCount - , "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0) If SheetCount - 8 = 0 Then GoTo 8 boolstatus = PART.Extension.SelectByID2(vSheetName(SheetCount - 9), "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0) If SheetCount - 9 = 0 Then GoTo 8 boolstatus = PART.Extension.SelectByID2(vSheetName(SheetCount - 10), "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0) If SheetCount - 10 > 0 Then MsgBox "DRAWING COUNTAIN MORE THAN 10 SHEETS," & Chr(13) & "ONLY 10 FIRST WILL BE COPY," & Chr(13) & "SO CHECK TO MANUALLY COPY MISSING SHEETS." 8 PART.EditCopy 'If Right(M, 6) = "SLDASM" Then Set PART = swApp.NewDocument("s:\aaatemplates\solidworks 2010 template\fond de plan\ASSY-D_Orientech.slddrt", 12, 0.2794, 0.4318) Set PART = SWAPP.NewDocument("s:\aaatemplates\solidworks 2010 template\DRAWING.drwdot", 12, 0.2794, 0.4318) SWAPP.ActivateDoc2 "Draw7 - Sheet1", False, longstatus 'Y = Mid(X, 1, Len(X) - 7) & "1" & Right(X, 7) 'PARTTITLE2 = PART.GetTitle 'SWAPP.CloseDoc PARTTITLE 'Set PART = SWAPP.ActivateDoc2(PARTTITLE2, 0, 0) 'longstatus = PART.SaveAs3(Y, 0, 0) 'PARTTITLE3 = PART.GetTitle 'SWAPP.CloseDoc PARTTITLE3 'Set swModel = SWAPP.OpenDoc6(Y, swDocTypeLong, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", nErrors, NWARNINGS) Set PART = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC Dim myDrawingSheet As Object Set myDrawingSheet = PART.GetCurrentSheet() myDrawingSheet.SetName "SHEET TO DELETE" Set PART = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC boolstatus = PART.Extension.SelectByID2("SHEET TO DELETE", "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0) PART.Paste Set swModel = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC Set SWDWG = swModel Set swDraw = swModel vSheetName = swDraw.GetSheetNames SWDWG.ActivateSheet vSheetName(SheetCount - (SheetCount - 1)) Set swModel = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC Set swDraw = swModel Set swSheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager Set swView = swDraw.GetFirstView Set swView = swView.GetNextView Set swModel = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC Set SWDWG = swModel SWDWG.ActivateSheet "SHEET TO DELETE" M = swView.ReferencedDocument.GetPathName Set PART = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC Dim MYView As Object Set MYiew = PART.CreateDrawViewFromModelView3(M, "*Front", 0.1097457655955, 0.1648856124764, 0) Set swModel = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC Set SWDWG = swModel sSheetNames = SWDWG.GetSheetCount Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager Set swModel = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC Set PART = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC boolstatus = PART.Extension.SelectByID2("DetailItem346@Sheet Format1", "NOTE", 0.4080223743143, -0.001548983140407, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0) Set SWNOTE = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, 0) Set swAnn = SWNOTE.GetAnnotation S = SWNOTE.GetText SWDWG.ActivateSheet vSheetName(SheetCount - (SheetCount - 1)) Set myDrawingSheet = PART.GetCurrentSheet() Set swDraw = swModel Set swSheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet myDrawingSheet.SetName "Sheet1" boolstatus = PART.Extension.SelectByID2("SET AUTHOR NAME & PROPERTY1", "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0) 'part.DeleteSelection (False) If boolstatus = True Then GoTo 9 boolstatus = SWAPP.RunMacro2("c:\SOLIDWORKS MACRO\DWG.swp", "MACROFEATURE_MODULE1", "main", swRunMacroUnloadAfterRun, nErrors) 9 vSheetProps = swSheet.GetProperties 'Set swCustPropMgr = swModel.Extension.CustomPropertyManager("") 'swCustPropMgr.Add2 "DOCTYPE", swCustomInfoText, " " 'swCustPropMgr.Set "DOCTYPE", "$PRPSHEET" & ":" & Chr(34) & "DOCTYPE""" 'Set part = swApp.ACTIVEDOC 'S = swCustPropMgr.Get("DOCTYPE") If S = " " Then boolstatus = PART.SetupSheet5("Sheet1", 12, 12, vSheetProps(2), vSheetProps(3), False, "PART-B_Orientech.slddrt", 0.4318, 0.2794, "Default", True) If S = " " Then boolstatus = PART.SetupSheet5("Sheet1", 12, 12, vSheetProps(2), vSheetProps(3), False, "ASSY-D_Orientech.slddrt", 0.4318, 0.2794, "Default", True) If S = "" Then boolstatus = PART.SetupSheet5("Sheet1", 12, 12, vSheetProps(2), vSheetProps(3), False, "ASSY-D_Orientech.slddrt", 0.4318, 0.2794, "Default", True) If S = "" Then boolstatus = PART.SetupSheet5("Sheet1", 12, 12, vSheetProps(2), vSheetProps(3), False, "PART-B_Orientech.slddrt", 0.4318, 0.2794, "Default", True) D = 2 3 If sSheetNames = D Then GoTo 5 SWDWG.ActivateSheet vSheetName(SheetCount - (SheetCount - D)) Set PART = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC Set myDrawingSheet = PART.GetCurrentSheet() Set swDraw = swModel Set swSheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet vSheetProps = swSheet.GetProperties If A = 1 Then If S = " " Then boolstatus = PART.SetupSheet5("Sheet" & D - 1, 12, 12, vSheetProps(2), vSheetProps(3), False, "PART-B_Orientech.slddrt", 0.4318, 0.2794, "Default", True) If A = 1 Then If S = " " Then boolstatus = PART.SetupSheet5("Sheet" & D - 1, 12, 12, vSheetProps(2), vSheetProps(3), False, "ASSY-D_Orientech.slddrt", 0.4318, 0.2794, "Default", True) If A = 0 Then If S = " " Then boolstatus = PART.SetupSheet5("Sheet" & D, 12, 12, vSheetProps(2), vSheetProps(3), False, "PART-B_Orientech.slddrt", 0.4318, 0.2794, "Default", True) If A = 0 Then If S = " " Then boolstatus = PART.SetupSheet5("Sheet" & D, 12, 12, vSheetProps(2), vSheetProps(3), False, "ASSY-D_Orientech.slddrt", 0.4318, 0.2794, "Default", True) If A = 1 Then If S = "" Then boolstatus = PART.SetupSheet5("Sheet" & D - 1, 12, 12, vSheetProps(2), vSheetProps(3), False, "ASSY-D_Orientech.slddrt", 0.4318, 0.2794, "Default", True) If A = 1 Then If S = "" Then boolstatus = PART.SetupSheet5("Sheet" & D - 1, 12, 12, vSheetProps(2), vSheetProps(3), False, "PART-B_Orientech.slddrt", 0.4318, 0.2794, "Default", True) If A = 0 Then If S = "" Then boolstatus = PART.SetupSheet5("Sheet" & D, 12, 12, vSheetProps(2), vSheetProps(3), False, "ASSY-D_Orientech.slddrt", 0.4318, 0.2794, "Default", True) If A = 0 Then If S = "" Then boolstatus = PART.SetupSheet5("Sheet" & D, 12, 12, vSheetProps(2), vSheetProps(3), False, "PART-B_Orientech.slddrt", 0.4318, 0.2794, "Default", True) If A = 1 Then A = 0 'myDrawingSheet.SetName "Sheet" & D Dim bRet As Boolean Set SWAPP = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application") Set swModel = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC Set swDraw = swModel Set swSheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet Set swView = swDraw.GetFirstView Debug.Print "File = " & swModel.GetPathName Debug.Print " " & swSheet.GetName While Not swView Is Nothing Debug.Print " " & swView.GetName2 & " [" & swView.Type & "]" Set swView = swView.GetNextView While swView Is Nothing boolstatus = PART.Extension.SelectByID2("Sheet" & D, "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0) PART.DeleteSelection (False) A = 1 GoTo 4 Wend GoTo 4 Wend 4 D = D + 1 GoTo 3 5 'swDwg.ActivateSheet "SHEET TO DELETE" boolstatus = PART.Extension.SelectByID2("SHEET TO DELETE", "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0) PART.DeleteSelection (False) 'part.EditDelete swModel.SummaryInfo(SwConst.swSumInfoAuthor) = "PAT LAFONTAINE" PARTTITLE2 = PART.GetTitle SWAPP.CloseDoc PARTTITLE Set PART = SWAPP.ActivateDoc2(PARTTITLE2, 0, 0) 'PART.Save2 (silent) Set PART = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC 'Dim i As Integer ' Set SWAPP = Application.SldWorks ' SendKeys "%{F}" 'invoke file menu ' For i = 0 To 3 'go down to the saveas dialog ' SendKeys "{down}" ' Next i 'SendKeys "{enter}" 'enter longstatus = PART.SaveAs3(X, 0, 0) If swDocTypeLong = swDocDRAWING Then GoTo 11 6 longstatus = PART.SaveAs3(X, 0, 0) Set PART = Nothing Dim Answer3 As String Dim MyNote3 As String 'Place your text here MyNote3 = "DO YOU WISH TO CLOSE DOCUMENT?" 'Display MessageBox Answer3 = MsgBox(MyNote3, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "???") If Answer3 = vbNo Then 'Code for No button Press GoTo 10 'Code for Yes button Press End If SWAPP.CloseDoc PARTTITLE GoTo 10 11 Set PART = SWAPP.ACTIVEDOC PARTTITLE = PART.GetTitle Set PART = Nothing Dim Answer2 As String Dim MyNote2 As String 'Place your text here MyNote2 = "DO YOU WISH TO CLOSE DOCUMENT?" 'Display MessageBox Answer2 = MsgBox(MyNote2, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "???") If Answer2 = vbNo Then 'Code for No button Press GoTo 10 'Code for Yes button Press End If SWAPP.CloseDoc PARTTITLE 10 MsgBox "REFRESH DONE!" ' Define title. End End Sub Quote
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