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Command line covering up my minimized files.

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I have minimized a couple of files at the bottom of my Autocad screen. Now there is thick transparent on top of them and when i go to open then it becomes a solid white line through which i cannot click.


Hove tried to explain this on Google to find an answer but may not have described it well enough.




uhh.. could we get a picture?


Perhaps if you temporarily remove the commandline (ctrl+9) you can see your files? (Hit ctrl+9 to get it back again).


yes but problem is that the picture will not show the brighten white line. And i can't upload the file as it's two files. Any how here is the best I can do.

Autocad transparent line issue.jpg


It could be the Layout-Model-tab-line...


If you open another drawing, type OPTIONS and enter. Under the Display-tab, at the bottom left corner, can you untick the Display Layout and Model tabs? Does it do anything?


Thanks I am going to have to just not minimize for the time being as I am working on another issue. Bit annoying as the same technology is all over other programs, always works has nothing screening it out. Sure Autocad have some reason but can't think what . Thanks all the same


A good tip is to disable the Infocenter in autocad (run the AcadInfoCenterOff.msi from here: http://www.manusoft.com/software/freebies/misc.html ) - I have had issues before been cleared up when I disabled Infocenter. Issues that I can't see the logical connection from Infocenter to, but it still worked.


I can't replicate the problem on my machine so there is something wonky there, but it's hard to say what.


Not surprised there is something wonky. But i'll get there. Frustratingly slowly. I want to get a planning application in today and am working to understand scaling and layouts

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