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viewport display modes

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I just installed Rhino 4.0 on Windows XP. It seems to work fine except that I can't get the view ports to display anything other than wire frame. I can get a rendering if I use the Render pull-down menu, but nothing "real-time". I even tried saving the file as a .dwg and opening it in AutoCAD 2011, but I still couldn't get anything other than wire frame. So whatever the problem is, it followed the file.


Can anyone help me with this?


That file doesn’t contain any renderable geometry. It is just wireframe elements, Lines, Arcs,Splines, etc. If the file should contain Surfaces/Solids then it may have been converted when you saved as DWG.




You may be able to post the original Rhino geometry if you first ZIP the 3DM file. Or, export the geometry as ASIC or STEP then ZIP and Attach.


I guess it is not a geometry thing. The STEP file imports and renders in the viewports okay over here.




On your setup, are there some files that do render correctly, and others that do not?



No, I can't get anything to show as anything other than wire frame in "real-time". And all view ports are the same. It started this right off the bat. I did the "flash light" tutorial and the second step is to turn the perspective view port on "ghosted". When I tried that, I got no change. I do get some change when I try to set the view port on "render", but what it does is to turn invisible. If I tell it to show the wire lines, etc., I see the object as if it were wire frame, if I turn them all off, I see nothing.


I think I may have found the source of my problem. I looked around a bit harder on the McNeel site and found a little note that I hadn't noticed before. It says that "virtualization systems such as VMWare...are not recommended". An attached link leads to the further statement: "It will result in poor graphics quality and slower overall performance compared to running on the same hardware under native Windows". I am trying to use this on a Mac using VMWare Fusion as a platform for Windows XP. This set-up worked fine for AutoCAD, SolidEdge and SolidWorks, so I never thought that it wouldn't with Rhino.


OK, so with that info, can anybody help me massage the system so that I can use this for more than simple 2D?

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