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Insert separator lines of coordinates in a txt file


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This will convert a file from one format to another - you should adjust the width of the columns if case:

;;; Convert for Teknomatika's Data File (11-VII-2012)
(defun c:CTDF( / widthColumns fileOld fileNew streamOld streamNew stringOld stringNew indexColumn )
(setq widthColumns '(8 10 10 10))   [color=red]<-- Validate the width of the data columns !!![/color]

(if (setq fileOld (getfiled "Select file to convert" "C:\\" "*" 0))
  (setq fileNew (strcat (vl-filename-directory fileOld)
                        (vl-filename-base      fileOld)
                        (vl-filename-extension      fileOld)))
  (setq streamOld (open fileOld "r")
        streamNew (open fileNew "w"))

  (while (setq stringOld (read-line streamOld))
   (setq indexColumn 1
         stringNew "")

   (foreach widthTemp widthColumns
    (setq stringNew (strcat stringNew
                            (substr stringOld indexColumn widthTemp))
          indexColumn (+ indexColumn widthTemp))
   (setq stringNew (strcat (substr stringNew 2)
                           (substr stringOld indexColumn)))

   (write-line stringNew streamNew)

  (setq streamOld (close streamOld)
        streamNew (close streamNew))

  (startapp "NOTEPAD" fileNew)


(Sorry, but I cannot test it right now.)

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This will convert a file from one format to another - you should adjust the width of the columns if case:

;;; Convert for Teknomatika's Data File (11-VII-2012)
(defun c:CTDF( / widthColumns fileOld fileNew streamOld streamNew stringOld stringNew indexColumn )
(setq widthColumns '(8 10 10 10))   [color=red]<-- Validate the width of the data columns !!![/color]

(if (setq fileOld (getfiled "Select file to convert" "C:\\" "*" 0))
  (setq fileNew (strcat (vl-filename-directory fileOld)
                        (vl-filename-base      fileOld)
                        (vl-filename-extension      fileOld)))
  (setq streamOld (open fileOld "r")
        streamNew (open fileNew "w"))

  (while (setq stringOld (read-line streamOld))
   (setq indexColumn 1
         stringNew "")

   (foreach widthTemp widthColumns
    (setq stringNew (strcat stringNew
                            (substr stringOld indexColumn widthTemp))
          indexColumn (+ indexColumn widthTemp))
   (setq stringNew (strcat (substr stringNew 2)
                           (substr stringOld indexColumn)))

   (write-line stringNew streamNew)

  (setq streamOld (close streamOld)
        streamNew (close streamNew))

  (startapp "NOTEPAD" fileNew)


(Sorry, but I cannot test it right now.)




It works well.

I note also that I can control the position or the introduction of the comma separator editing the variable widthColumns



Thanks for the help.

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If length is indeed constant


(defun c:demo (/ data)
(setq data '("09F15004128012.1640000103.357600113.245600OD"
(foreach str Data
(strcat (substr str 1 
(apply 'strcat
       (mapcar (function
                     (lambda (j)
                           (strcat ","
                                   (substr str
                                           (car j)
                                           (cadr j)))))
               '((9 4) (13 10) (23 10) (33 10) (43 2))))))


Command: demo











(defun c:demo2 ()
(defun _split (str)
     (mapcar (function (lambda (j)
        (substr str (car j) (cadr j))))
           '((9 4) (13 10) (23 10) (33 10) (43 2))))
(setq data '("09F15004128012.1640000103.357600113.245600OD"
    codelist nil )
(foreach stringOld Data      
(if (setq code (assoc (setq StationCode (substr stringOld 1 ) codelist))
      (setq codelist (subst (cons (car code)(list
                                     (append (cadr code) (list (_split  stringold)))))
                               code codelist))
         (setq codelist (cons (list  StationCode
                            (list (_split  stringOld))) codelist))
(foreach df codelist 
     (print (car df))
     (foreach itm (cadr df)
            (print itm)(princ))      


Command: demo2


("1280" "12.1640000" "103.357600" "113.245600" "OD")

("1281" "8.69700000" "100.978600" "142.721400" "RD")

("1282" "4.80900000" "101.967000" "112.053400" "RD")

("1283" "4.72000000" "101.520800" "112.992800" "RD")

("1284" "3.94700000" "102.084400" "67.2318000" "RD")

("1285" "1.67800000" "103.435000" "351.147600" "RD")

("1286" "1.76000000" "103.541200" "226.526200" "RD")

("1287" "8.81200000" "100.714400" "187.285600" "RD")



Edited by pBe
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Being different from the solution of Mircea, works equally well.

Thanks for the help. It was very important.

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Being different from the solution of Mircea, works equally well.

Thanks for the help. It was very important.


Good for you, Both codes are not complete. it just shows you how to parse the string after "reading" the file.

The frist demo rouitne will add the "comma" separator and you can overwrite or create a new file similar to MSasu's code.


The second Demo rouitne demonstrates splitting the string to a list

(Station code (( "point number" "X" "Y" "Z" "Code Point")( "point number" "X" "Y" "Z" "Code Point")....) ready for whatever purposes. its a direct way of reading and using the data without re-writing the source data


Glad you find it useful



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