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I am trying to send some parts to get printed in 3D.


When I use the 'Send to 3D Print Service' button I select all the solids to get printed. I get no error message but the 3D render of the part has bits missing. See attachment.


Does anybody else have this problem? Am I doing something wrong?




Are all parts solid bodies (no surface bodies or meshes)?

How big is that?

Is it going to be printed 1:1 scale?

Be aware that when (if) you scale things down that those tubes will become so thin they might not print or will be very brittle.

I have no way of telling the overall size - but that looks like something that would have to be scaled down significantly to print.

How bit is it? What is the diameter of the cylindrical tubes (or solids)?

It they are tubes - the scaled wall thickness becomes a problem as well, so do as solid cylinders if possible.


They are all solid bodies made by drawing a circle and extruding it. They are 1 mm in diameter and should be ok for the printing process I am using. its all been draw to size so there is no scaling needed


I think its strange why some appear ok and others are missing.


what are no surface bodies?


Here is the file


I moved all the solid parts away from all the poly lines I had used to construct gantry, to see if that caused a problem.


I had wanted to include the small spheres to tidy up the corners but if I include those it just seems to lock up when I try to create the STL.

Crane2.dwgFetching info...


Shows up fine here in preview. [ATTACH=CONFIG]35583[/ATTACH]


it is missing one section, one of the diagonals just in front of the the curved roof.


I didn't notice that one, I was comparing to yours. Tried again and only a few items show up. :ouch: Everytime it is different.


It exports to .stl just fine, it appears to be a glitch with the print to 3D previewer.


Have you tried actually sending to the printer?

  • 2 weeks later...

The parts are also missing from the stl file.


I redrew the parts and unioned all the tubes and seems to be working.



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