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Not sure where to find "yourfilepath\yourfilename.scr"


I need to be spoon fed when it comes for help on here. I'm not familiar with any of this stuff.

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Not sure where to find "yourfilepath\yourfilename.scr"


I need to be spoon fed when it comes for help on here. I'm not familiar with any of this stuff.


If you've not done so already, open a new text file, and paste the script sequence in the empty text file. Save this text file with an ".SCR" file extension, for example "LoadMyMap2012workspace.SCR" (i.e., YourFileName), and note the location that you have saved this newly created script (i.e., YourFilePath)... "C:\Temp\" for example?


Then, within the application icon's Target, you will replace the YourFilePath with the location above, and YourFileName with the file name of your choosing. Building on the example here, it might look something like this:


"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD Map 3D 2012\acad.exe" /b "[color=blue]C:\Temp[/color]\[color=red]LoadMyMap2012Workspace[/color].scr"

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Still didnt work, I tried it a few times with spaces and without, I managed to really mess something up by doing that so I set it back to the previous way. I'll have to close the ribbon every time it pops up.


Thanks though.

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Perplexing... As I just tried it here (as I do not normally use this methodology with Civil 3D 2011, 2012), and it is working as expected.


Perhaps this is indicative of there being further customizations loading that you are either not considering, or are simply unaware of? Do you manage your deployment, or does someone else (i.e., AcadDoc.lsp, SomeCuixName.mnl, etc.)?


In any event, we gave it a shot... (one day) You may find the need for the Ribbon Tool Palette; I've come to prefer it over toolbars given the built-in contextual tab functionality paired with the ability to customize the Ribbon Tool Palette in general... Something that fellow Visual Studio developers can appreciate, given the lack of Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) dependency. :geek:


Besides... There's always 'clean screen' mode (Ctrl+0 to toggle, or CleanScreenOn / CleanScreenOff Commands). Good luck!

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I would urge you to begin to embrace the Ribbon. Remember, like many other features, it too can be customized to suit your needs and work habits.


3 (4?) years on after it was introduced and I still don't like it. Not because I can't use it if I have too, although because I find it slower to work with. :)

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I used to think the ribbon was slow, but after our hardware upgrades this is a non-issue for us (thankfully), as I now prefer the ribbon tool palette.

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The ribbon's good for editting hatching, most other stuff can still be done better on the command line (talking of, does anybody know a way to regenerate an AEC elevation from the command line? lol).



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I used to think the ribbon was slow, but after our hardware upgrades this is a non-issue for us (thankfully), as I now prefer the ribbon tool palette.


I agree with Dink and not because of hardware but because it causes/creates more clicking to me and my #1 reason for not liking it is that it takes up so much screen space. Yes before a "captain obvious" comes in I know you can minimize it. Just my beef with it.

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Thats why I dont like it, I was introduced to it 4 or 5 years ago. It was a big change and alot more clicking in order to do the same job. It cost more time to do the work. Therefore I hate it!

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I detest the ribbon in AutoCAD. It's not slow, I just think it's too pretty and takes up too much screen space.


Why do I need a 100px x 100px (or whatever size it is) button for a command that I have a small toolbar button and two command lines for? It's a waste of computer resources, imo.


For our default user interface on new installs, I have the ribbon disabled and the basic toolbars setup. Only ONE person has ever asked where the ribbon was; not because he wanted to use it (he hated it), it caught him by surprise that we weren't forcing his hand like previous employers did.

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I've always seen positive results from simply informing users of what features and functionality is available, encouraging them to use what they're most comfortable with, and rewarding those who excel... Specifically those who produce accurate work (which is most important), in a timely fashion.


It's hard to not adopt the Ribbon when working with a vertical such as Civil 3D; as Autodesk has relegated much of the functionality that we require for our work to only being available via Ribbon. It would take many, many hours of non-billable time for me to go through each, and every Ribbon Tab and Panel to re-create "Civil 3D Toolbars" and after all of that work, we'd still be lacking the Contextual functionality... Something I discussed in a previous thread here (last year?).


To dictate one method over another (not that you do, just saying), seems fruitless, IMO.

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I understand the benefits, I still don't like it, just my opinion. It doesn't matter to me if someone else wants to use it, I just don't like it on my screen.


In the CAD Manual is a section specific to customizing the ribbon's appearance. The users are completely free to customize as they see fit and I have lisps/dcl's in place for them to more easily save their CUI and Profile. The users know it's there, they know how to turn it on or off. It was by specific request, and popular vote, that I turn it off by default.

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I must confess, first off I consciously didn't download 2013 specifically because of the 'ribbon' and issues with the CUI previously.


IMO Autodesk have deliberately 'created' the ribbon for two reasons


A/. I think it's generally accepted that software controls are better placed across the top of the screen not both sides. So pull downs/tabs are the way forward for healthy working.


B/. Autodesk want us to understand the CUI better. That's the only reason I can see for the crap that's contained in it as standard. When you realise/do create tabs with specific sub commands all in a 'one click' place it all begins to make a hell of a lot of sense.


A good idea (once again Autodesk) badly implimented

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I believe the Ribbon came about as a result of Microsoft introducing it for the first time in MS Office. AutoDesk likes to emulate big brother.

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I believe the Ribbon came about as a result of Microsoft introducing it for the first time in MS Office. AutoDesk likes to emulate big brother.


I wouldn't disagree with that ^^^


However, whoever originated the idea (esp with a button based command selection like CAD) had a very good idea.


Screen commands in CAD were always going to increase and ergo screen space was going to decrease. Using tabs/ribbons puts access to selected groups of commands at the top of the screen (better for the user - trust me, I know about posture - i've got Ankylosing Spondylitis)


The only thing I miss is dragging/dropping buttons in customisation mode. Again, I think that's Autodesk forcing us to learn the CUI better to alleviate future pain :)

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AutoDesk has always followed Microsoft's lead. Case in point: pricing. Both companies refuse to lower their prices even in the face of competition.

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AutoDesk has always followed Microsoft's lead. Case in point: pricing. Both companies refuse to lower their prices even in the face of competition.


^^^ That's just global market capture, If 90% of the user market are using your product you can essentially do what you want.


If what you want to do with your product is good (I believe the ribbon/cui is good) then we should all benefit.


The problem here is Autodesk using the heavy hand not the carrot. They removed the classic layout and left us with a rubbish ribbon layout - hence everybody baulking/bailing out.


Agreed at the pricing format. Tell me about it. 3 year upgrades equalling 3x years subscriptions? I'm royally fed up with them keeping us at ransom

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The irony about all of the moaning over the ribbon, being that anyone who is familiar with both the ribbon interface for AutoCAD, and that of MS Office, will appreciate the amount of work that went into making the ribbon with AutoCAD customizable.


It's far from perfect, admittedly, but delve into VSTO and you'll begin to get what I mean.


The CUI editor in an of itself is basically a wrapper application for VSTO (in addition to everything else it manages in the UI), and allows the user the benefit of managing the ribbon graphically (from within CUI Editor at least), rather than through code in Visual Studio.

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