Mondo Posted June 14, 2012 Posted June 14, 2012 (edited) Wrote this years ago and have not messed with much lisp since then. Not sure what the problem is but was written if I remember R14. Not sure what has changed with 2010 but it last worked in 2006. What it did was you would have intersecting line 3 each for back of curb, face of curb, and edge of pavement. You would start this enter the radius, pick the 2 back of curb lines to fillet with supplied radius, fillet would be made, then asked for next 2 picks, fillet radius indexed up by .5, fillet created, then pick next 2 lines, fillet radius indexed up by 1, fillet created. Now in 2010 I pick the 2 lines, the second line highlights, no fillet made and it ask for next picks. Below is the code (defun c:CCR(/) (setq r1 nil) (setq ra nil) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (SETQ R1 (GETREAL "\n ENTER RADIUS AT BACK OF CURB<5.0>: ")) (if (= r1 nil) (setq r1 5.0)) (TERPRI) (TERPRI) (SETQ R2 (+ 0.5 R1)) (SETQ R3 (+ 1.5 R1)) (SETVAR "FILLETRAD" R1) (SETQ PT1 (GRREAD (SETQ OBJ1 (ENTGET (CAR (ENTSEL "\nPICK FIRST BACK OF CURB LINE: ")))))) (SETQ PT1 (CAR (CDR PT1))) (SETQ PT2 (GRREAD (SETQ OBJ2 (ENTGET (CAR (ENTSEL "\nPICK SECOND BACK OF CURB LINE: ")))))) (SETQ PT2 (CAR (CDR PT2))) (COMMAND "FILLET") (COMMAND PT1) (COMMAND PT2) (SETVAR "FILLETRAD" R2) (TERPRI) (SETQ PT1 (GRREAD (SETQ OBJ1 (ENTGET (CAR (ENTSEL "\nPICK FIRST FACE OF CURB LINE: ")))))) (SETQ PT1 (CAR (CDR PT1))) (SETQ PT2 (GRREAD (SETQ OBJ2 (ENTGET (CAR (ENTSEL "\nPICK SECOND FACE OF CURB LINE: ")))))) (SETQ PT2 (CAR (CDR PT2))) (COMMAND "FILLET") (COMMAND PT1) (COMMAND PT2) (SETVAR "FILLETRAD" R3) (TERPRI) (SETQ PT1 (GRREAD (SETQ OBJ1 (ENTGET (CAR (ENTSEL "\nPICK FIRST EDGE OF CURB LINE: ")))))) (SETQ PT1 (CAR (CDR PT1))) (SETQ PT2 (GRREAD (SETQ OBJ2 (ENTGET (CAR (ENTSEL "\nPICK SECOND EDGE OF CURB LINE: ")))))) (SETQ PT2 (CAR (CDR PT2))) (COMMAND "FILLET") (COMMAND PT1) (COMMAND PT2) (SETVAR "FILLETRAD" 0.0) ) end product see image Thanks for looking Kent Edited June 15, 2012 by Mondo Quote
BIGAL Posted June 15, 2012 Posted June 15, 2012 Without answering your code question way better way to do this, drag a line across first kerb then across second kerb enter radius bingo done. You use the ability to measure the spacing of the kerb lines from a INTERS lisp calc now vlclosestpointto, the point of intersection is the fillet points for selection. I wrote a routine for as many lines as you like many years ago. This idea was in an option to simple change wall sizes by dragging over existing wall lines. I will have a look for code. Quote
BIGAL Posted June 15, 2012 Posted June 15, 2012 (edited) Try this code not cleaned up ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; autokerb rad.LSP Version 1.0 ;;; by BIGAL ;;; 1 Aug 2011 ;;; uses fillet given inside radius for any number of lines ;;; ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun C:krad (/ CM EN EN2 NUM OLDSNAP PT1 PT2 PT3 RAD SS1 SS2 TP1 TP2 ANS NUM2 PT4 X Y) (vl-load-com) (setq cm (getvar "cmdecho")) (setvar "cmdecho" 1) (setq oldsnap (getvar "osmode")) (setvar "osmode" 0) (setq pt1 (getpoint "\nPick outside first kerb :")) (setq pt2 (getpoint Pt1 "\nPick centre pt :")) (setq pt3 (getpoint pt2 "\nPick outside second kerb :")) (setq rad (getreal "\nEnter radius :")) (setq ss1 (ssget "F" (list pt1 pt2))) (setq ss2 (ssget "F" (list pt3 pt2))) (setq num (sslength ss1)) (setq num2 (sslength ss2)) (if (/= num num2) (progn (princ "\nYou have unequal number of lines ") (Setq ans (getstring "\Press any key when ready and try again")) (exit) ) ) (repeat num (setq en (ssname ss1 0)) (setq en2 (ssname ss2 0)) (setq tp1 (cons (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo en pt2) tp1)) (setq tp2 (cons (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo en2 pt2) tp2)) (ssdel en ss1) ; Delete each measured entity from set (ssdel en2 ss2) ; Delete each measured entity from set ) ; end repeat (reverse tp2) (setq pt1 (nth 0 tp1)) (setq pt2 (nth 0 tp2)) (setvar "filletrad" rad) (command "fillet" pt1 pt2) (setq num (- num 1)) (setq x 0) (repeat num (setq pt1d (nth x tp1)) (setq pt2d (nth (+ x 1) tp1)) (setq rad (+ rad (distance pt1d pt2d))) ; add distance between to rad (setvar "filletrad" rad) (setq pt1 (nth (+ x 1) tp1)) (setq pt2 (nth (+ x 1) tp2)) (command "fillet" pt1 pt2) (setq x (+ x 1)) ) ; end repeat (setvar "CMDECHO" cm) (setvar "osmode" oldsnap) ; (setq ss1 nil ; ss2 nil ; tp1 nil ; tp2 nil ) ) (princ) Edited June 16, 2012 by BIGAL Quote
SLW210 Posted June 15, 2012 Posted June 15, 2012 Please read the CODE POSTING GUIDELINES and edit your post. Quote
Mondo Posted June 18, 2012 Author Posted June 18, 2012 Thanks for your code, will give it a try. I would like to know why mine no longer works though. Kent Quote
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