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'CAL Command in transparant mode not working

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I'm working with AutoCAD 2012 and I was surprised to find out that after typing:

'CAL "Expression" came up; and from all appearances, you'd think Autocad was awaiting (if not expecting) my input. However, none appeared on screen as I typed.


CAL command worked.


My setvar of CALCINPUT is set to 1.


Thanks in advance


Hit F2

Post screen shot of your steps (from F2).

Hit F2

Post screen shot of your steps (from F2).


Thanks for your reply.


I can't post a screen shot, because what I'm working on is copyrighted, (not by me.)


What I did was:


Started the Line command with Polar Tracking enabled


Put my mouse on the quadrant, and pulled it, (it being the mouse) away.


I typed the following: 'cal at the dynamic prompt (I think it's called)


Then I saw on screen:


>>Expression: (this area was a small blue patch in a box, for data entry)


I tried typing anything and everything, but it wouldn't show up on screen as it would when I used the cal command .


My apologies if my initial post wasn't clear.


Thanks in advance,

Thanks for your reply.


I can't post a screen shot, because what I'm working on is copyrighted, (not by me.)



F2 and then hit Alt Print Screen and then open MSPaint and Ctrl V , now tell me, what is copyrighted in that screen shot that you can't show?

(you should have a simple list of your command line entries to reproduce the problem, no geometry at all)




I don't understand why something like this can't be done?


What I did was:....

I didn't even bother to try to reproduce your steps - I want to absolutely know what you did, F2 will tell me that.


Go back to the 'cal step, type your expression, now swipe your cursor over the area where you expect text. I am wondering if the text is set to a color that won't show in that window.


As you are typing more and more into the little 'cal window it should grow in size, does it do that?

Go back to the 'cal step, type your expression, now swipe your cursor over the area where you expect text. I am wondering if the text is set to a color that won't show in that window.


As you are typing more and more into the little 'cal window it should grow in size, does it do that?


Sorry for the late reply...


Thanks for the suggestion of "swiping your cursor" I typed "L" clicked and dragged away from the quadrant in question, then went to the command line moved the mouse and typed the expression, and it worked.


I don't know why the dynamic prompt didn't show up on screen...

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