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Transparency Control in HATCH and GRADIENT

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What exactly does the Transparency control do in the Hatch and Gradient mode?


Can someone show me an example?


Thank you.


It allows you to set the transparency level of the hatch object when the transparency "TPY" button is activated on the status bar.





Thank you for the time to explain this. It can come in handy.


Second, any idea what cuased those white lines ( streaks) in the transparent circle?


Thank you again for the lesson.

trans.tpy 1.dwg


I think it a display issue. I see the streaks on my screen. It plots just fine.


I didn't see a transparent circle what I get are 4 circles and 4 hatches, you have them doubled up on top of themselves.

Did you set your TRANSPARENCYDISPLAY system variable to 1?

The circle in the image on the right has transparency set to 0 (meaning it is opaque), the one on the left is set to 65.

transparency 2.jpg


I think the steaks he is talking about is in the gradients not the circles.whitestreaks.PNG

I think the steaks he is talking about is in the gradients not the circles.[ATTACH=CONFIG]34908[/ATTACH]


I heartily concur with your assessment, just a display glitch, and of no consequence in the grand scale of things.

As the OP was describing a transparent circle, I thought it worth mentioning the duplicitous objects. :)

STEAKS????? :shock: Damn, I just put a tall guinness in the freezer, scorching hot here, but suddenly my stomach is doing sommersaults, a capital suggestion! :beer: LUNCH time!


More lessons to learn. When I reduce transparencies, I should have the systems variables to 1.


Where do I find this on ACLT 2012?


Thank you all again for the lesson.



....and i still can not capture the screen like you all do..... any suggestions on that issue??? It would make my asking these silly questions a lot easier.

More lessons to learn. When I reduce transparencies, I should have the systems variables to 1.


Where do I find this on ACLT 2012?


Yes. How? Just type in command line: TRANSPARENCYDISPLAY, press 'Enter/Return' and than 1, 'Enter/Return'. Done.


....and i still can not capture the screen like you all do..... any suggestions on that issue??? It would make my asking these silly questions a lot easier.


'Print Screen' on your keyboard and than past (CTRL+V) into 'Paint' or something better, save and publish :o


That was easy. Thank you all again.


If you have Windows 7, you can capture a section of your screen using the Snipping Tool. It located under Accessories.


Windows XP.


I am looking for a new set up that i can swing at the end of this season.


So much conversation about what is and what ain't.

I was told i could not run ACLT12 on THIS computer because of the 3.00 GB RAM and the low end graphics card..... but it did run. I got a higher end graphics card installed, from the computer place I deal with. It runs the same speed.


When its time, I will check out what's what.

I was told Windows 7 was better than XP.....hell, I build fish nets.....I draw on this thing to make bids and draw up instructions on how to use the gear..... I am really at a loss . All I know is that I just want something a little faster than this and with a tad bit more storage....not much else. My drawings are soooo simple compared to what you all do.


Thank you for all the help.


Bon soir.


I would tend to agree that Windows 7 is better than XP, although it is hard to imagine, based on how you use the software, that you NEED anything more than what you have. :)

I can run 2013 on a five year old 32 bit VISTA laptop with 3GB RAM, and I work extensively in 3D.

For the time being I am sticking with 2012 until they resolve numerous issues with the new release.

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