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First of my problem is with a 3D object but so far only when I am dealing with it in 2D so this may not be the right place for this.


I am running into a problem with my walls where the hatching I have assigned them gets funky and jagged and missing pieces without any real explanation. (see attached photo 01) Normally I just click around for a while, change justification etc. and it works itself out but not this time.


At first I though it was a problem with my wall types but as you see from picture 02 even when i change wall types the boundaries of the curved wall remain all jagged and messed up.


Has anyone dealt with this before or know any handy tricks that may fix this? I have messed around with the wall cleanup radius as well and nothing seems to work.


I am running Autocad arch 2009, 64 bit Windows 7 pro, 8 gb ram, intel core i7 2.93 ghz if it matters.


Thanks in advance for your ever-speedy responses




wall hatch problem 02.jpg

wall hatch problem 01.jpg


How did you create the wall? Did you use the WallConvert tool on an arc? I tried WallConvert with an Arc, and I was able to get the solid hatch to work with no issues at all.

How did you create the wall? Did you use the WallConvert tool on an arc? I tried WallConvert with an Arc, and I was able to get the solid hatch to work with no issues at all.


I used design > wall > add wall > "arc" in the command line. I ended up getting it to work by deleting the wall and then redrawing it a couple times.


Overall it seems like if i just draw it once and don't touch it the wall is fine but if i have to move or manipulate the wall at all the boundaries and hatch get all messed up. I am not sure if this is just an issue with the 2009 version or just my install or what but it happens in all my drawings from time to time not just this project. It is remarkably frustrating


Thanks for your help!




Ugh, and its back.


Only this time I am getting holes in the hatching of two different walls i have xref'd in my drawing. If you look at the attached image you will see within the two rev clouds there are chunks missing out of the walls. If I open the xref or edit in place the holes are not there. I am truly perplexed.


xref hatch issue.jpg


I sometimes get errors like that when I have walls overlapping for meeting at different heights, particularly if they're different wallstyles. I know you said you're only working in 2D ATM but it might be worth switching to a 3D view to see if you can spot anything of that sort.


on the right hand wall there's an horizontal line just inside the revcould. This suggests to me that you have two walls overlapping. Try erasing that line and see if there's one underneath it.






That line disappears as soon as I open the xref to edit. Examining both the xref file and the file it is placed in there is nothing that is overlapping or intersecting the wall.


when I click on that line it says it is part of the xref file but again, nothing is there when I go to edit it.



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