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Can someone please help me to create a consistent annotation scaling of text and dimensions in a layout drawing in paperspace?


Also, can someone tell me how to update dimensions/annotations scaling in modelspace to create consistant scaling of annotations for an entire drawing that has annotations that have different/inconsistent scaling (arrow size text heights all differ slightly)?


I'll try...note that this is just how I do it - you'll probably get a lot of varying methods...


1. create a text style. I'll name it Romans-0.1 and make it use Romans font, check annotative, and set a fixed text height of 0.1 (hence the name). (this represents 0.1 paperspace units, normally it means 0.1 inches for me)

2. create a dimension style. I'll name it Romans-0.1 and again make it annotative, use the text style created in step 1, set the other numbered categories (like arrows, text offsets etc.) to either 0.1 or 0.05, whatever looks good. Note that I would probably need a more descriptive name and maybe a few additional styles - with/without backgrounds, centered, aligned, etc. depending on what I'm going to be doing.

3. draw objects to the true scale in model space.

4. If I label in modelspace, I need to make sure I set the active scale first. (I also always have ANNOAUTOSCALE off). To set the annotation scale, in the lower right corner find the tab with a scale shown. Change this to whatever scale I am going to label in.

5. using the Annotative scales I created, just place them. the actual size of the labels is controlled by the program (multiplies the 0.1 I set by the scale I set).


4a. If I label inside a viewport, it's easier, because the viewport already has a scale. when I place labels using our styles, they will always be the right size. Also, placing labels in layout outside the viewport...yep, still always the correct size (in this case they are the real 0.1 that I made them at, which is 0.1 paper units).


6. If I decide later to change the scale I am showing something at, just do a big selection box to get everything and right-click, annotative-> add/delete scales. pick the new scale, delete the old. viola. (you could have several scales to each annotative object, but I only use one per detail).


Also, when in modelspace, you can turn off/on the light bulb in the lower right next to the scale (ANNOALLVISIBLE) to only show the active scale objects or to show all scales of annotative objects....helps to highlight any mistakes if someone copy-pasted all over the place. If so, it's easy to correct with step 6 above.

I also have ltscale, psltscale, and msltscale set to 1 for the linetypes to use the annotative scales.


For your second question...not too sure, I guess it depends on the degree of manual changing that took place in the properties pallette. I would say you can just select an object and change the style to your annotative style, but sometimes there are a lot of overrides that people have done on each object so the 'style' setting is getting multiplied by other factors. There is a command called Annoupdate, but I've never used it. Look it up in F1 help to see if it will help.


Hope that helps some...and again, that's just my method...many others if you browse around long enough.

Can someone please help me to create a consistent annotation scaling of text and dimensions in a layout drawing in paperspace?


Also, can someone tell me how to update dimensions/annotations scaling in modelspace to create consistant scaling of annotations for an entire drawing that has annotations that have different/inconsistent scaling (arrow size text heights all differ slightly)?


Here is a way to synchronize and update the properties of all, or a substantial number of dimensions with different values quickly. I have set up my QUICK PROPERTIES palette to display information which I deem important with specific reference to dimensions. The attachments show the differing property values for a number of diverse dimensions in modelspace. Dimstyles, Text heights, Annotativity, etc. are all over the place. The second image shows how the values have been synchronized by entering the desired information in the appropriate field of the Quick Properties palette.


I don't use annotative dimensions, nor dimension in modelspace, so there is probably a better way, but this is one way, and it works.

Annotative dime before.jpg

annotative dims after.jpg


Or take an entirely different approach and do all your dimensioning and labeling in your paper space layout and you'll avoid about 95% of the above.

Or take an entirely different approach and do all your dimensioning and labeling in your paper space layout and you'll avoid about 95% of the above.


I'll drink to that! :beer:


Can you setup the annotative leaders, text, dimmensions, etc with the parameters you want and then just match properties?

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