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Need help for penn foster civil drafting project

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Hi everyone

I am working on civil drafting with Autocad proect and stumpted on drawing the proposed driveway and building site(plate2).I have also got through the old threads but couldn't get,how to draw the driveway layout cut and fill in the lower left corner of my drawing.and new contours on both stde of the driveway.I have attached my dwg. and work done on this project.please do me a favor and have a look on that,point out my descrepencies and guide me to accomplish my project.we need to keep the driveway and house level at elevation 180 with recommended angle of repose 1.5:1.




Re: existing site plan.


Some of your contours do not look correct.



I think the spot elevation on the far left should be 21 and not 2.1 don't you?

The loop in the 120 ft. contour isn't right and the way the 130 ft. contour is formed does not appear to be correct either.



Good morning

Thanks for guidence.I have attached both dwgs. after making corrections.The 1st elevation of row 6 is 2.1(as printed in project book),but i made it as 21, I am working on plate 3 now.If you find anything wrong in my dwgs. please feel free to let me know and I would really appericiate that.I have taken off today just to try finish this assignment at earliest possible.CIVIL DRAFTING PROJECT (DRAFTING THE EXISTING SITE PLAN (PLATE-1) TO BE SUBMITTED.dwg





Hi everyone

I need help for civil drafting project please.I am totally stuck now.Couldn't figure out to show section A and section B profiles. I have been trying to draw these sections for a couple of days but results do not match with screen shots.Images already we have on this site for this project are not clear.I would really appericiate if someone help get get out of this problem.I am very v frustated now.




  • 6 months later...

I am having trouble with the last 2 plates on this project Im lost I cant even start because it seems as if they want me to continue a drawing I dont have


That would be Plate 3 and 4 that you are referring to right?


yes sir from what Ive seen people are havin no problem starting it but i dont know how to maybe pennfoster took material out of the booklet to save money I do know that they have taken books out of the program which screwed the structural project up by refferencing something i dont have


I'm not sure I follow you.


To my knowledge Penn-Foster has not removed any material in the PDF files containing the instructions for each project (civil, structural, etc.). They do however make references to additional materials, as I have noted in the instructions for the structural project, which I always assumed each student received as part of the course. If I were a P-F student and was told to see another publication that I did not have I would contact one of the instructors and request it. After all, you did pay good money for this course did you not?


In regards to the civil project you speak of what information are you missing specifically?


The date on the PDF file I have is from Sept. 2011. Plate 3 is supposed to be a drawing of the Driveway Profile and Section A Profile. Plate 4 is supposed to be a drawing of the Section B Profile. If I am not mistaken the cut lines for the sections were supposed to be shown on Plate 2. Is this the information you have?


im not sure but for the amount of work i have seen people doing for each drawing 2 steps is very overwhelming to think i could produce results it gives me a scale and tells me the point of station 0+00 and goes on about hatch and thats it from what the booklet has givin me for the driveway profile


I would have to take another look at the actual instructions. I did not take the course. I was given the drawings by another member of this forum who did take the course. He was assisting other students like yourself but could no longer do so. He asked me if I could lend a hand when necessary but made me promise not to attach his completed DWG files to any of my posts. He was OK with screenshots though. Most of the ones you see in many of the threads regarding the civil project are taken directly from his drawings. He got an "A" for the course by the way.


dang wish i could get some help from that guy haha i know if I could have a starting point and a bit of a how to i could do this ez below i copied plate 3 instructions


A driveway (or roadway) profile and associated sections are

helpful when calculating the quantities of materials to add or

remove from the building site. Your driveway profile begins at

the center of the cul-de-sac on Ocean Avenue and runs the

entire length of the driveway’s centerline.

• For the driveway profile, use a vertical scale of 1″ = 10′

and a horizontal scale of 1″ = 60′. Show the stationing,

however, in 50-foot increments. Therefore, when plotting

the drawing, the distance between Station 0 + 00 and

Station 0 + 50 will be 5



of an inch.

1. Label Sta. 0 + 00 (Center of Cul-de-sac Ocean

Ave.), the curb, the ROW, the PC, the PT, and the

stationing at the end of driveway.

2. Use Layer Details with the appropriate hatch

patterns to show the cut and/or fill in the cross

section. Don’t forget to show the culvert as an

ellipse. You can make the culvert larger than it

actually is. This way, it’s easier to see on this

drawing. Indicate the culvert’s true diameter

next to the ellipse.

• For Section A, use a vertical scale of 1″ = 10′ and a

horizontal scale of 1″ = 60’. Show the stationing,

however, in 50-foot increments. Thus, when plotting

the drawing, the distance between Station 0 + 00 and

Station 0 + 50 will be 5



of an inch.

1. Label the southern edge of Driveway and the

northern edge of Driveway.

2. Use Layer Details with the appropriate hatch

patterns to show the cut and/or fill in the cross


3. Technically, the culvert should also be in this

section. However, it’s clearer to show the culvert in

the driveway profile. Showing it in Section A might

be more confusing than helpful. Thus, it’s best to

omit that feature of the building from Section A.


You could have saved yourself the typing and just tell me the page(s) you wanted me to look at. LoL


Yes, I agree, the instructions are kind of lite.


oh i just copied and pasted lol yea the 4th plate is worse both plates combined with the huge title r only a page and a half its ridiculous really theres alot of detail they want but i cant tell from the instructions


Are you familiar at all with any of the terminology being used like Profile, Section or Stationing?


Can you post an image of your Plate #2? I'd like to see what you did and where your section cut lines are located.


not real familiar civil is my bad subject i just dont get alot of it


A centerline profile of a road, or a driveway, would be one that runs right down the center of the road showing the elevation of the roadway itself. Typically this is generated from the plan view where one would note any contours the centerline crosses and/or any spot elevations that happen to fall on the centerline. When I worked for a municipal engineering department and we drew centerline profiles station 0+00 (the start of the stationing) would be the intersection of the street we were doing the drawing for and the cross street we were working from. I think in this project station 0+00 starts out at the center of the cul-de-sac doesn't it?


Stationing is a way of indicating distance. We typically set our stationing in one hundred foot increments. Thus the first station that was 100 feet away got the designation of 1+00. The next one hundred footer got designated as station 2+00 the next was station 3+00 and so on. See the pattern that is developing here? If we were 50 feet down the road from the start of our stationing it would be called station 0+50. If we were 275 feet from the beginning the station would be 2+75. Once again see how this is progressing?


Sections represent a cut through the earth viewed in the direction the cut line arrows indicate. In this project the sections will show how the land rises and falls.

  • Like 1

A classic mistake I have seen in most student drawings done for this project is how the new contours are melded into the existing ones. Typically these are not abrupt/sharp but rounded off. It's one of those things I think the P-F instructions fail to point out (amongst many others). New contours cannot just end in the middle of nowhere either. They have to blend back into the existing contours of the same elevation.


A contour is usually broken to allow for the insertion of the contour interval like this --- 170 ---. In other words the contour line does not pass through the text. There is a way, using a TextMask to get this same affect without physically breaking the contour line in AutoCAD but I don't think P-F tells the student how to accomplish this.


Are we missing the section lines A-A and B-B?


One should try to avoid having text sitting on top of geometry as it may make it difficult to read when the drawing is printed.


ok yea i remember the stationing stuff now but the weird scales are messing with me and I dont understand where the section is i tried across the culdesac but it wouldve been too thin for any detail is there a way u could post a picture highlighting where the section is taken from and the resulting cross section drawing from one such section? thats whats killin me right now. ive actually started the HVAC project since i couldnt get any headway on the civil the civil, hvac, electrical, 1 board drafting and the elective are all that separate me from that piece of paper that will ensure me a job. its been a breeze till now i feel like i did 9 years ago on cadkey workshop havin to learning it on my own and pushing it and the computer past the breaking point


Ive been able to find those section lines its mainly the driveway section that is giving me the most headaches

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