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spline from a list


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Hi guys,

I have a list with point's coordinates, i want to draw a spline through these points, which is the best way? (or which is the way :) ? Thanks!

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I found this code by google. Seems to replace y with z and z with y for every fit point of a spline. Why?

(setq a (entget (car (entsel "\nSelect SPLine: "))))
 (foreach b a
   (if    (= (car b) 11)
     (setq Pdata
        (append Pdata
            (list (cdr b))

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I'm afraid that that excerpt of code that not replace anything; it only gather all fit points to a list.




Edited by MSasu
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Not sure what your excerpt of code had to do with the UCS - please keep in mind that the points in associated lists are kept in WCS coordinates.


By the way, even if the solutions suggested by Lee Mac are far better, a easy way to draw a spline entity from a list of points is:


(command "_SPLINE")              ;start the command
(foreach thePoint MyPointsList   ;parse points list
(command thePoint)
(command "" "" "")               ;accept default tangents & end the command




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The entmake way, for a list of points lst:

          '(0 . "SPLINE")
          '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
          '(100 . "AcDbSpline")
          '(70 . 40)
          '(71 . 3)
          (cons 74 (length lst))
          '(44 . 1.0e-005)
        (mapcar '(lambda (x) (cons 11 x)) lst)

Same result as (command "Spline" ...

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if i have a list with points, Pdata, p - a point from Pdata, a fix point px - not from Pdata, and a given value for Distance - let's say 10, can i set a point pd in this way?


(if (and (/= (member p Pdata) nil)
    (= (Distance p px) 10))
 (setq pd p))

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So you want to retain a point if he matches simultaneously two conditions: (1) belong to list Pdata and is located at exactly 10 units of a given point px? If true, your code is OK - have made a small correction:

(if (and (member p Pdata)
        (= (Distance p px) 10))
(setq pd p)


You may test your code parts (unit testing) on Console window of VLisp editor.




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How can i remove the first element from a selection set?

i have:

(setq ss (ssget '((0 . "point"))))


and i want to set now something like this:

(setq ss1 (cdr ss)) - this is not possible, but how to do it?

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