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HOW TO CHANGE FONT SIZE across an entire layer at once.


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I have a layer of lables for a drawing that all have 1" text, and I want to change all the text to 1.5", without having to

scale them individually. There must be some way to select the layer and do a global adjustment of the text font?

I'm surprised I'm not finding this in the menu's, etc.

Since I need each text to scale properly from it's own

location, I cannot simply scale everything from one base



Any input on this would be greatly appreciated.


Edited by rr1000
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Isolate layer, select everything, then open your properties box and select MText or Text from the drop down. You can then change any of properties listed and it will onloy affect the text.

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Rob, Thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for.


Do you see a fast way of selecting everything on a layer,

without haveing to turn other layers off to "isolate" this layer

for selection? In otherwords, in the properties box where it

asks for "select", do you see a way of selecting an entire

layer rather than a specific object on the screen?



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I want to know that while using writing text if I change font size,font type,and alignment etc its change only to that particular part.If I use it again text somewhere else settings automatically gone and again I have to select font size,font,alignment.Is their any permanent settings for this?

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Look into text styles and you will understand a little better. Styles assign properties to text so that any changes can be made to the style and will change all the text entities that on that style. For example, you are probably working with the Standard text style or one that has been set up in your template. If you want to change the font for all of the text entities on that style you can do it by modifying the style. I would strongly suggest that do not change the Standard style as this can cause problems if you share your file with other users.

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Look into text styles. Changing any of the properties in the text editor is frowned upon in most offices.


Really? I never heard this before. Guess I'm not included in 'most' offices, which would also include all the other offices I have ever worked for. :P

Seriously, it baffles me when I hear or read generalized statements like this. Our company CAD coordinator once stated, (among others), that existing contours are always solid rather than dashed even though it is not a company standard. His implication was that all other companies complied to this rule as well. Hmm maybe he should have told my former employer who was a surveyor. All those maps I made for him were wrong and all his clients were ripped off if that were indeed a true statement.


i didn't understood.You mean it is change by server room?


MemberX, if your using MTEXT do the following. Once you make your first click to place the text look at the command line. There will be many options for you to choose. One will be height. Press 'H' to choose that option then enter the height of your text. Once you have done this all your prior annotations will be automatically set to that height. The same goes for all the other options as well.


However, if your using DTEXT then setting up your text styles (by invoking the -STYLE command or ST for the dialog box) would be the way you control the text height, width, etc.

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If you have ever had to change the font, color, height of all the text in a file, you would realize how much of a mistake it is to assign those properties within the text editor.

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If you have ever had to change the font, color, height of all the text in a file, you would realize how much of a mistake it is to assign those properties within the text editor.


I can certainly understand your perspective on that point but everyone does things differently or has a different approach to a given task than someone else. There is no standard that is so perfect that it can cover every possible variant that is incorporated by someone that has a different set of experiences than another. If it were not intended to be used and enable the diversity it does then AutoDesk would not have incorporated it into the software.

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If it were not intended to be used and enable the diversity it does then AutoDesk would not have incorporated it into the software.



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Yep. Seriously. :)


Having more than one way to do specific task allows flexibility rather than constraint. The former is preferred over the latter. I think I speak for the majority on that. When you constrain someones ability severely then you want robots to work for you rather than those that have the ability to think for themselves and allow them to solve problems on their own.

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Yep. Seriously. :)


Having more than one way to do specific task allows flexibility rather than constraint. The former is preferred over the latter. I think I speak for the majority on that. When you constrain someones ability severely then you want robots to work for you rather than those that have the ability to think for themselves and allow them to solve problems on their own.


I guess I cannot argue with generalities like that. But you have to admit that because one can accomplish a particular task in a certain way that there isn't a better way of doing it.


I was just pointing out that modifying text properties within the MTEXT editor is not the best way to do it because I've been on the receiving end of that bad method. For someone who is just learning, is it not appropriate to teach them good methods?

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I think we're engaged in a philosophical debate here. What is entirely acceptable in one company may be anathema to another.


The one aspect of text styles I frown upon is assigning a fixed height. As for fonts well just like any other company or privateer we have our own "standards" and we adhere to them very closely. Outside contractors are not forced to use our fonts but if they ask for copies we will certainly oblige them. And as for color well that is assigned by our Text layer standard.


Each to his own.

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I was just pointing out that modifying text properties within the MTEXT editor is not the best way to do it because I've been on the receiving end of that bad method. For someone who is just learning, is it not appropriate to teach them good methods?


I agree wholeheartedly with you on this one. Now that I see this was more than likely your intended point I concede. Sometimes it takes a bit of insightful (and respectful) conversation to get to the actual point (even though I may razz someone it is not intended to offend just good-hearted fun). Case in point was this conversation. What one thinks they are saying may not be understood by the recipient.

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I think we're engaged in a philosophical debate here. What is entirely acceptable in one company may be anathema to another.


The one aspect of text styles I frown upon is assigning a fixed height. As for fonts well just like any other company or privateer we have our own "standards" and we adhere to them very closely. Outside contractors are not forced to use our fonts but if they ask for copies we will certainly oblige them. And as for color well that is assigned by our Text layer standard.


Each to his own.


I agree. This was not a matter of who is right or who is wrong to me. General statements are fine but should be supported with a why. That was my main point. Standards are to be adhered to and good practices should be learned first and foremost. My implied thought was that major constraints are a detriment to those you supervise. It amazes me how much one can learn from even those you do not think you can learn from. Be it someone with very little experience to the one that you think knows less than you. Every ones experiences in life and work are quite different as well as their thoughts on how to approach a problem. I have learned more on the AutoCad Beginners Area section than I have any other on this forum. I also find it enjoyable to have these sort of conversations as well for the purpose of learning as well. Squelching creativity removes any possibility of improving on something you think is the best way.

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Major constraints (i.e. - "standards") are not meant to be a deterrent to creativity or exploration of new/different ways of doing things. Working in a group setting as opposed to a one person office does have its challenges.


Are there any "hard and fast" rules in CAD? I suppose there might be but not to the extent one once saw in technical (manual) drafting back when I learned the trade. Pick up any book on the subject and you see they all pretty much followed the same standards. When CAD came along I think we just had so many new possibilities open to us that we got a little carried away. Personally, I think this led to drawings that were either much too busy for their own good or drawings that were done to no real standard. Everyone was suddenly a Michelangelo because they could draw a straight line (using "orthmode").

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