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AutoLISP Coded Dim Text


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I have made a program that will draw objects from user input. I offer a simple sample below that will place a dimension on an object. After the DIMLINEAR line I would like to be able to edit the text of the last dimension with the next (4) possibilities (that I will independently use as needed, no need for optional prompt for condition):


1. \XABC ~ for text under dimension

2. ABC ~ for text on same line after dimension

3. ABC ~ for text on same line before dimension

4. ABC 4'-0" ~ for adding text and HARD coded dimension (actual dim replaced)


(defun c:bdt ()


(SETQ STP (GETPoint "\nPick Starting Point: "))

(SETQ P2 (POLAR STP (* 2 PI) 5.0))

(SETQ P3 (POLAR P2 (* 3 (/ PI 2)) 5.0))








I DO NOT know any VLisp and have been searching books and online content with only similar luck. I have found samples that prompt the user to pick a dimension, but, I have many dimensions I want the PROGRAM to create and EDIT each dim at run time. No user interaction.


Please help me with the (4) different scenarios I have using the code I have provided. Please, no bells & whistles, will be above my level of experience at this moment.


Thanks for any help.

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