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Ribbon buttons missing


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Lately after opening/closing autocad a few times, the majority of the command icons on the ribbon go missing. Commands still work when using keyboard shortcuts, but the buttons are gone.


I have repaired the software several times, and this has fixed the issue. But then the same thing will happen and the icons will disappear.


I don't know exactly where the files are supposed to be stored, but this folder:

C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2010\R18.0\enu\Support\Icons


is empty. Also, I believe this is unrelated but i have the communication center turned off. Everytime I repair the program, i use regedit to turn off the communication center.


Any ideas what is happening?


Thanks in advance.

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At the risk of being sneered (or scoffed) at did you collapse the ribbon inadvertently? If so there is a button that looks like the one with the red arrow pointing at it in the image below.



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At the risk of being sneered (or scoffed) at did you collapse the ribbon inadvertently? If so there is a button that looks like the one with the red arrow pointing at it in the image below.




Nope, checked that. Next time it happens I will put up a screen shot. Basically only minimal buttons remain after this happens. For example, in the layers menu on the ribbon, the only button showing up is layer properties. layer freeze, etc do not show up.

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Hmm this sounds something akin to when I log onto a PC via RDP. For some reason the ribbon area was there but the buttons were not visible. The issue has resolved itself though so I do not know what caused it. However it did happen a few times when I logged on directly to the PC that had that issue. Again it resolved itself. I am interested to know why though as I am sure you certain are. I think it may be a graphics driver issue. At least that is my suspicion.

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Well this afternoon I repaired the program, again. I then created a new profile instead of loading the profile i have been using for the past 2 years and maybe something was corrupt. I'm still working in the same file that I have worked on all week so we will see if it continues to happen.

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Your problem was most likely caused by modifying the registry to disable InfoCenter, using the program I linked should solve the problem. Keep us up to date.


Are you or your IT running any registry cleaners? This could also cause your Ribbon problems.

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