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Navigation at the bottom of a thread

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I use the linked navigation bar (eg. AutoCAD Forums > CADTutor > Feedback) to get around in the forums. However normally when I'm ready to move to a new section I'm at the bottom of a post and have to scroll back up to use the navigation bar at the top. I know from other forums I frequent that a navigation bar can be placed at the bottom as well and it would increase the usability of the forums. I'd love to see this implemented if possible.


I find the forum list box cluttered and poorly organized. Most of the top entries are sections I use the least, and it lacks the advantage of being able to quickly move within the same subsection. The navigation bar allows me to pop out to the level I want with minimal thought, I don't even have to read the title of the forum to know that I'm going back to where I want to be. If I'm trying to get through all the new posts in the LISP forum for example I simply click that level, however if I'm in the beginner forum I'm able to click in exactly the same place for the same task even though it's a different forum. In this way I feel the navigation bar betters serves the purpose.


i like the idea of having a set of buttons at the bottom as well......never thought about it before but scrolling back to the top is inefficient...and we are all about efficiency here


...and the forum jump takes too many steps..instead of one click...you have to click, scroll, click, go.


There is also a button in the very bottom right corner that says "Top". Clicking that will bring you back to the top of the thread.


The top button is way off the page, I normally only scroll to the last post not to the absolute bottom of the page.

I use the linked navigation bar (eg. AutoCAD Forums > CADTutor > Feedback) to get around in the forums. However normally when I'm ready to move to a new section I'm at the bottom of a post and have to scroll back up to use the navigation bar at the top. I know from other forums I frequent that a navigation bar can be placed at the bottom as well and it would increase the usability of the forums. I'd love to see this implemented if possible.


Can you give me an example of a forum with this feature so that I can get a better idea?


Sure, http://www.getrichslowly.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2587 is a thread from a forum I frequent that has the navigation bar right next to the "post reply" button. It's exactly like the one at the top of the thread.


Also the forums over at CivFanatics has the same sort of thing. Again it's exactly like the one at the top of the thread.



Here is the picture of the navigation bar I'm talking about from this site, I'd just like the same thing at the bottom of a thread. Next to the "post reply" button is an excellent spot for it. NavigationBar.jpg


Hrmm image isn't working, not sure why. Here is the link to it.



OK, the first link is to a phpBB forum where the breadcrumb link is displayed by default. The second is a vB forum (like this one) and the link has been added using a template hack.


In principle I think this is a good idea and I will look to see if this hack can be easily implemented - no promises.


Thanks I appreciate your looking into it.

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