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Hello All,

 First thanks for any and all help anyone can provide.

I am working a lisp to export/copy table data from 100's of drawings to csv files for each drawing and have the csv file the same name as the drawing.

I started with a lisp called "Exp_Tbl.lsp" I found on another site and modified it a little to extract the table data and create a csv file with the name of the drawing it was extracted from,

however, I'm struggling with how the data is written in the csv, I can't seem to get the results I need.  I know where in the lisp that needs tweaking, but I just can't seem to find the right combination.  I have attached "Desired results", "actual results", "EEX.lsp" (my version) and drawings with the table.

Thanks again for any help



Thanks, BigAl,

  I have seen this Lisp, the issue I have with this particular one is that I have over 100 drawings on many projects that I will need to run this routine on, so creating a script with the path, dwg number, and csv file name for each would defeat the purpose of using a lisp.

1. The lisp I attached to my original post (EEX.lsp) will open all the drawings in a selected directory and extract table data to individual CSV files, which is what I need.

2.  The issue I'm having with the EEX.lsp is that the table data is not compiled correctly, its close, but not correct.

3. I believe the issue is in the area shown in the attachment, I just can't seem to get that correctly written.


Thanks again for your response

problem area.txtFetching info...


Can you give the code a test please yes its manual pick but I will add the find all tables in a dwg without user input. So you also want an individual Excel for each dwg that can be done also. I am asking for comments about output.


I wrote the current version as a modification of the original export a table.


Its pretty easy to write a script that will open a dwg and run a lisp, make the Excel save it then close Excel.




I'm sorry BIGAL,

  I totally misunderstood.

  Tried it, I believe it works in that the information is copied from all the drawings to a single CSV.

It appears that in the description the comma creates a new column.


I've attached the script, lisp, dwgs and csv files.


I do appreciate your help


Thanks you

CTE.SCRFetching info... CTE.LSPFetching info... 2-EG-AG-1002-H-ET_DWG-001.dwgFetching info... 2-EG-AG-1002-H-ET_DWG-002.dwgFetching info... 2-EG-AG-1002-H-ET_DWG-003.dwgFetching info... CustomTableExport.csvFetching info...

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