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vb.net select points


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I have a code which creates a selection winow.

I need to edit the code so that the user will be allowed to pick the window points on screen instead of the points being hardcoded

any ideas?



Public Class Class1
<CommandMethod("selectwindowa")> _
Public Sub selectwindowa()
Dim mydwg As Document = DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim myeditor As Editor = DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor
Dim mypsr As PromptSelectionResult = mydwg.Editor.SelectWindow( _
New Point3d(-2, -2, 0), New Point3d(2, 2, 0))
If mypsr.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
Using myTrans As Transaction = mydwg.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
For Each myObjectID As ObjectId In mypsr.Value.GetObjectIds
Dim myEnt As Entity = myObjectID.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)
MsgBox(myEnt.Layer & vbTab & myEnt.GeometricExtents.ToString)
End Using
End If

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One way to get two user selected points – while giving the user some visual feedback – would be to first use a PromptPointOptions/Editor.GetPoint()/PromptPointResult interaction to get an initial point. That point can then be used with a PromptCornerOptions/ Editor.GetCorner()/PromptPointResult. Those two points can be fed to the Editor Selection method.

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Thanks SeanT I have tried you suggestion and it works.

FYI final code is below


Public Class Class1
<CommandMethod("selectwindowa")> _
Public Sub selectwindowa()
Dim mydwg As Document = DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim myeditor As Editor = DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor
Dim myPPR As Point3d = myeditor.GetPoint("Select 1st Point: ").Value
Dim myPPR1 As Point3d = myeditor.GetCorner("Select 2nd Point: ", myPPR).Value
Dim mypsr As PromptSelectionResult = mydwg.Editor.SelectWindow( _
myPPR, myPPR1)
If mypsr.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
Using myTrans As Transaction = mydwg.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
For Each myObjectID As ObjectId In mypsr.Value.GetObjectIds
Dim myEnt As Entity = myObjectID.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)
MsgBox(myEnt.Layer & vbTab & myEnt.GeometricExtents.ToString)
End Using
End If
End Sub
End Class

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