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Structural Drafting With Autocad, help with the last 3 plates

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Posted (edited)

I believe the decking rests on the channels. The bottom of each channel rests on the top face of the bottom flange. Something like this:



Edited by ReMark

Yes, the two plates are very similar. Plate 3 however includes the roof drain and it is on this drawing that the student will circle the areas that will be detailed further on in the project.


Good Afternoon ReMark,

I like to know in plate-3 (page 15) how do i draw welded wire fabric are #12 gage 6" on center . on book they saw line and x symbol for WWF but i dont know how to make X symbol in Auotcad .


Thank you


I would create a block. You have a couple of options. The first would be a block just of the "X". The second would be a line segment with an "X" only at one end ( -------- X ). Get the idea?



My welded wire fabric block is at the top. One line segment with a "X" at the right end. Below that is a group of three created with the ARRAY command. Pretty simple to make and to use.


While you might be tempted to draw a single long line then place a block of an "X" along it at intervals, using the MEASURE or DIVIDE command, don't do it. Why? That would look more like a chain link fence. The welded wire fabric should have a "gap" between ends of line segments where the "X" would appear. I probably should have left a little more room on either side of my "X" but you get the idea right?

  • 2 weeks later...

hello again remark, after looking through this particular thread its apparent that my entire strucural drafting project is extremely wrong, well for the most part anyways. a few posts back you were talking about scaling (i am currently working on plate 5 S.D.) and i was hoping you could shed some light 'barney style' since i'm not affluent with the autocad program yet. another quick question how do i get the 'earth' hatch below the finish grade. every time i try to get it to set a hatch it doesnt let me because of no boundary. am i supposed to draw a line to create a boundary or will the hatch command do that for me if i do it the right way? thanks for your help in advance


What is your question re: scaling?


Re: hatching. Short answer: yes, draw a "boundary". The project does not require the student to completely hatch the entire drawing end-to-end with the earth hatch pattern.


yeah i tinkered around with the earth hatching and i just drew a polyline and hatched it. looks good now. let me put it to you this way, i have to idea how to scale anything on autocad at all, even after trying to read the harnessing autocad 2010 book. i understand that 2:1 ratio means for every 6 inches it would be 3 inches in real life but when it asks to scale the details on plate 5 i dont understand what you meant in your post on dimensions with the scale. at any rate heres plate 2 feel free to critique its not finished completely but a few touchups i believe.


PLATE2.dwgFetching info...


Your hatching appears to be quite dense. You might want to increase the scale factor. It also appears some of your hatching "leaked". It's the AR-SAND pattern used in the slab. Shouldn't that hatch pattern be concrete after all it is a concrete slab right? I think you may have gotten carried away with the use of the HIDDEN linetype. Way too many of your layers use it when it is not called for. Example: some of your hatch patterns are on layers that use a HIDDEN linetype which is totally unnecessary. You might want to review all your layers, their colors and their linetypes and make sure they match what is called for in the instructions for the project.


I do not have the instructions for this project on the computer I am currently using so I cannot advise you on scaling portions of your drawing to be used for detailing at this time. I'd take a portion of the drawing that you have been asked to detail and scale it by a factor of two.


ok i will work on those things you mentioned and hopefully post the other plates for more of your guidance. thank you


When I have the opportunity on Monday morning I will take an in-depth look at your drawing. Be prepared for some constructive criticism.


thats fine with me. I dont claim to be a pro by any means at Autocad. i saw what you meant about the colors and linetypes as well as the hatching. i got a little carried away with my sand hatch lol. i have fixed all of that but i'm sure you will find a lot more wrong. thanks for your guidance


Remark Thank you very for help during project 5 .I Just received 95 grade in this project . I don't know how can I finish this project without your help. You are rock star .


Your kind words are much appreciated. You're entirely welcomed. Congrats on your grade of 95. Keep up the good work. :)




Regarding Plate 2.


1. The student is asked to dimension the overall height and length of the structure. You show only the height.


2. You have dimensioned the rebar in the footing. That is not called for in this plate.


3. You have failed to show the decking on the upper levels that is needed to hold the concrete slab.


4. The steel cladding on the side of the structure is dimensionally wrong.


5. Where are the baseplates for each column?


6. Don't you need a "J" bolt for each column in this view?


7. Linetypes for some layers are wrong.


8. Your missing some callouts (ex. - 8" layer compacted sand).


9. Arrowheads too small.


10. The channels are not supposed to be centered on the beams. The bottom of the channel is supposed to be flush with the top side of the bottom flange of the beam.


11. Dimensions shouldn't have extension lines running through them. Perhaps your dimension text height is a bit too large?


12. You're missing the clips that hold the beams to the columns.


13. You're missing the steel in the piers.


These are the obvious things I have picked up on. I'm sure I missed a couple.


I've been looking forward to hearing your corrections all day lol. Luckily from what you have posted here its not like I have to scrap the drawing and start over. However, I have the baseplates there, you are referring to the 14x14x1/2" that goes on the top and bottom of the w12x152 steel column? I will work on all of this and hope to post a drawing with all of the corrections later this evening. Once again thank you, without this site and your help I would fail out of the PF autocad program.

Posted (edited)

You're getting better but there is still some room for improvement.


You really like to hatch don't you? It really isn't necessary to put that much hatching into a drawing. It is visually distracting and depending on your computer could slow you down while working on the drawing.


The "J" bolts should be centered on the baseplates I believe. Your appear to be off-center.


You have the footing drain slicing through your piers. This would never happen in the real world. Remember that you are just looking at the end of the pipe on both sides (hint: circle).


Never run text through your geometry...it is just bad form and will tell everyone you are a novice in the world of CAD drafting. We want them to think the opposite right?


The steel rebar in the piers is missing.


Arrowhead sizes are all over the place. They should be fairly consistent. In a couple of places they are way too small while in others they barely give you room to get your dimensions in.


The hatching in the columns would only appear if one were looking at the edge of the flange not the face. In most cases I wouldn't even bother with hatching the edge unless I was doing a detail that included the edge of flange.


The "clips" that you show should not pass through the web of the channel. They would, however, be flush with the inside face of the web.


The extension lines on your dimensions should extend past the arrowheads a bit and not stop right at the end of them.


Is the exterior cladding supposed to be horizontal or vertical? I can't recall.


You are missing the decking on the first level. When the contractor pours the concrete it will end up on the heads of the people working below! BTW...the decking sits on top of the channels which span between the beams.


Sorry for being such a stickler for detail but you want to distinguish yourself from the rest of the pack when you apply for a job and the only way to do that is be better than average. Don't ever let this be your motto: "It's not only good, it's good enough." OK?

Edited by ReMark

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