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Hi friends,

is it possible to add behaviors defined by (initget) function to (ssget) :?:

(As most of you know, it is possible for other input functions such as (entsel), (entselp), (getpoint), ...)


An example is like this:


Command: mycommand

Select objects, or [by Style/by Layer/by Color/...]: s

Select text object to get its style:





I appreciate any help :)


You cannot use the initget function with ssget.


Only the following functions can be used with initget:


getint, getreal, getdist, getangle, getorient, getpoint, getcorner, getkword, entsel, nentsel, nentselp.

Posted (edited)

Try something like this:


(defun c:test (/ Prcd gr Npt Mode Par )
     (prompt "\nSelect objects, or [by Style/by Layer/by Color/...]:")
    (while (null Prcd)
      (setq gr (grread nil 4 2) Mode (car gr))
          ((= 3 Mode)
         (princ "\nSelect Mode")
         (setq Objects (ssget "_C" (cadr gr)
              (setq Npt (Getcorner (cadr gr) "\nOther Corner:"))))
         (foreach mp (vl-remove-if 'listp
                       (mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex Objects)))
          (redraw mp 3))
         (setq Prcd T))
       ((and (= 2 Mode)
             (setq Par (member (cAdr gr) '(67 76 83 99 108 115))))
          (princ (strcat "\nYou Pressed " (chr (car Par))))
         (setq Prcd T))


I leave the rest to your imagination ;)



Edited by pBe
Replace sssetfirst with redraw

Also try this. :)


(defun C:TEST ()
   (setq SEL (ssadd))
   (initget "S L C")
   (setq a (entsel "\nSelect objects, or by [style/Layer/Color]...:"))
   (if (= a "S")

   (if (= a "L")
   (if (= a "S")

   (if (and (/= a nil)(/= a "S")(/= a "L")(/= a "C"))
           (setq SEL (ssadd (car a) SEL))
           (command "_select" SEL pause)
           (setq SEL (ssget "_P"))
   (if (= a nil)
           (command "_select" "_BOX" (cadr (grread T)) pause)
           (setq SEL (ssget "_P"))

  • Like 1
  Lee Mac said:
You cannot use the initget function with ssget.


Only the following functions can be used with initget:


getint, getreal, getdist, getangle, getorient, getpoint, getcorner, getkword, entsel, nentsel, nentselp.


You are right Lee,

but I am seeking a way to imitate initget for ssget.

  GP_ said:
Also try this. :)


(defun C:TEST ()
   (setq SEL (ssadd))
   (initget "S L C")
   (setq a (entsel "\nSelect objects, or by [style/Layer/Color]...:"))
   (if (= a "S")

   (if (= a "L")
   (if (= a "S")

   (if (and (/= a nil)(/= a "S")(/= a "L")(/= a "C"))
           (setq SEL (ssadd (car a) SEL))
           (command "_select" SEL pause)
           (setq SEL (ssget "_P"))
   (if (= a nil)
           (command "_select" "_BOX" (cadr (grread T)) pause)
           (setq SEL (ssget "_P"))

Thank you GP_ for your reply, but has no options like Implied Windowing, etc.

  Ahankhah said:
but I am seeking a way to imitate initget for ssget.


Attached is an old program of mine, an attempt to create a UCS-Aligned ssget function, it could be modified to add extra options.



UCS-ssget.lspFetching info...

  Ahankhah said:
...but has no options like Implied Windowing, etc.



You want the egg and the hen. :)



(defun C:TEST (/ a b option)

   (setq SEL (ssadd))
   (initget "? ST LA CO W L C B ALL F WP CP G A R M P U AU SI SU O")
   (setq a (entsel "\nSelect objects, or by [sTyle/LAyer/COlor]...:  "))
   (if (= a "?")
           (setq b nil)
           (while (not (member b (list "W" "L" "C" "B" "BOX" "ALL" "F" "WP" "CP"
                     "G" "A" "R" "M" "P" "U" "AU" "SI" "SU" "O"))) 
               (prompt "Expects a point or" )
               (prompt "\nWindow/Last/Crossing/BOX/ALL/Fence/WPolygon/")
               (prompt "CPolygon/Group/Add/Remove/Multiple/Previous/")
               (prompt "Undo/AUto/SIngle/SUbobject/Object ")
               (prompt "\nSelect objects:" )
               (setq b (strcase (getstring)))
               (if (= b nil) (exit))
           (setq a b)
   (if (= a "ST")

   (if (= a "LA")

   (if (= a "CO")

   (if (and
           (/= a nil)
               (member a
                   (list "?" "ST" "LA" "CO" "W" "L" "C" "B"
                         "BOX" "ALL" "F" "WP" "CP" "G" "A"
                         "R" "M" "P" "U" "AU" "SI" "SU" "O")
           (setq SEL (ssadd (car a) SEL))
           (command "_select" SEL pause)
           (setq SEL (ssget "_P"))

   (if (= a nil)
           (command "_select" "_BOX" (cadr (grread T)) pause)
           (setq SEL (ssget "_P"))
   (if (member a (list "W" "L" "C" "B" "BOX" "ALL" "F" "WP" "CP"
                     "G" "A" "R" "M" "P" "U" "AU" "SI" "SU" "O"))
           (setq option (strcat "_" a))
           (command "_select" option pause)
           (setq SEL (ssget "_P"))


  Lee Mac said:
Attached is an old program of mine, an attempt to create a UCS-Aligned ssget function, it could be modified to add extra options.




It is fine Lee. Your brain is a treasure, thank you very much :D

  GP_ said:
You want the egg and the hen. :)



(defun C:TEST (/ a b option)

   (setq SEL (ssadd))
   (initget "? ST LA CO W L C B ALL F WP CP G A R M P U AU SI SU O")
   (setq a (entsel "\nSelect objects, or by [sTyle/LAyer/COlor]...:  "))
   (if (= a "?")
           (setq b nil)
           (while (not (member b (list "W" "L" "C" "B" "BOX" "ALL" "F" "WP" "CP"
                     "G" "A" "R" "M" "P" "U" "AU" "SI" "SU" "O"))) 
               (prompt "Expects a point or" )
               (prompt "\nWindow/Last/Crossing/BOX/ALL/Fence/WPolygon/")
               (prompt "CPolygon/Group/Add/Remove/Multiple/Previous/")
               (prompt "Undo/AUto/SIngle/SUbobject/Object ")
               (prompt "\nSelect objects:" )
               (setq b (strcase (getstring)))
               (if (= b nil) (exit))
           (setq a b)
   (if (= a "ST")

   (if (= a "LA")

   (if (= a "CO")

   (if (and
           (/= a nil)
               (member a
                   (list "?" "ST" "LA" "CO" "W" "L" "C" "B"
                         "BOX" "ALL" "F" "WP" "CP" "G" "A"
                         "R" "M" "P" "U" "AU" "SI" "SU" "O")
           (setq SEL (ssadd (car a) SEL))
           (command "_select" SEL pause)
           (setq SEL (ssget "_P"))

   (if (= a nil)
           (command "_select" "_BOX" (cadr (grread T)) pause)
           (setq SEL (ssget "_P"))
   (if (member a (list "W" "L" "C" "B" "BOX" "ALL" "F" "WP" "CP"
                     "G" "A" "R" "M" "P" "U" "AU" "SI" "SU" "O"))
           (setq option (strcat "_" a))
           (command "_select" option pause)
           (setq SEL (ssget "_P"))


GP_, thank you very much. Your code is a great help :D

  GP_ said:
You want the egg and the hen. :)


A nice statement. :lol:

We say in Persian: You want both the God and the date. dates.jpeg


This is as close as i can get with implied selections


(defun c:test (/ Prcd gr Npt Mode Par )
     (prompt "\nSelect objects, or [by Style/by Layer/by Color/...]:")
    (while (null Prcd)
      (setq gr (grread nil 4 2) Mode (car gr))
          ((= 3 Mode)
         (princ "\nSelect Mode")
         (initget 32)
         (setq Npt (Getcorner (cadr gr) "\nOther Corner:"))
         (setq Objects (ssget (if (< (car (cadr gr))(car Npt)) "_W" "_C") (cadr gr) npt
         (foreach mp (vl-remove-if 'listp
                       (mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex Objects)))
          (redraw mp 3))
         (setq Prcd T))
       ((and (= 2 Mode)
             (setq Par (member (cAdr gr) '(67 76 83 99 108 115))))
          (princ (strcat "\nYou Pressed " (chr (car Par))))
         (setq Prcd T))


Hope this helps

  pBe said:
This is as close as i can get with implied selections


(defun c:test (/ Prcd gr Npt Mode Par )
     (prompt "\nSelect objects, or [by Style/by Layer/by Color/...]:")
    (while (null Prcd)
      (setq gr (grread nil 4 2) Mode (car gr))
          ((= 3 Mode)
         (princ "\nSelect Mode")
         (initget 32)
         (setq Npt (Getcorner (cadr gr) "\nOther Corner:"))
         (setq Objects (ssget (if (< (car (cadr gr))(car Npt)) "_W" "_C") (cadr gr) npt
         (foreach mp (vl-remove-if 'listp
                       (mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex Objects)))
          (redraw mp 3))
         (setq Prcd T))
       ((and (= 2 Mode)
             (setq Par (member (cAdr gr) '(67 76 83 99 108 115))))
          (princ (strcat "\nYou Pressed " (chr (car Par))))
         (setq Prcd T))


Hope this helps

pBe, your great help :o is appreciated. :D


Thank you very much. :)


You are welcome Ahankhah. I'm sure you'll figure out the rest like error trapping and the like. :)

  Ahankhah said:
It is fine Lee. Your brain is a treasure, thank you very much :D


Thanks Mehrdad, I hope it helps you towards your goal. :)

  Ahankhah said:
GP_, thank you very much. Your code is a great help :D


You're welcome. :)

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