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I am wondering if ther is anything out there like this?


I need to draw a turn bay that has a multpile radius turn. The only problem is that the turn happens to be on 2 curves. (Turn from on arc to another arc). This makes it almost impossible to get the right tangent. (Or I may just be an idiot).


What I am looking for is similar to a fillet command that will allow me to add additional information. I would like to specify the number of arcs in the fillet, the radius of the arcs, as well as the delta of the arcs.


Is this possible at all?


I'm not sure I follow what your trying to do as it seems that all you would need is the centerlines and the turn radius, which is why I feel like I'm missing something .......


Hmm, lets see if I can explain this better.


I have 2 intersecting arcs. I need to draw a multi radius arc between them. Everything needs to bo on tangents. I will post an example picture.


I was hoping that the fillet command can be modded to draw more than one arc for the fillet.


Here is a picture that might help. The Yellow lines are the two arcs that I need to fillet. The white is the specific arcs I need to fillet with.


This is all in 2d.




Gotcha. You want a decreasing radius turn. Most of the off ramps on the freeways around here are done this way. Causes the truck drivers in the area all sorts of grief in the winter when the ice is on. I dont know how to do it but one of lisp gurus may have just what you want


Circle TTR will do it, its a failing with fillet hopefully Autodesk will fix one day. Arc Arc then add arc between.


A true highway design where speed is an issue would actually use a spiral answer rather than multiple arcs in which case a lisp would be required.


If this were a highway, that is exactly what I would do.


In this case it is a free flow right turn arterial-to-arterial. So no spirals. Those are the specs I have to work with. No one ever explains how to do these things when you dont have two straight lines that intersect at 90°.


I only thought about fillet because you dont have to have a straight line tangent. All other commands (multiple curves) require straight tangents.

If this were a highway, that is exactly what I would do.


In this case it is a free flow right turn arterial-to-arterial. So no spirals. Those are the specs I have to work with. No one ever explains how to do these things when you dont have two straight lines that intersect at 90°.


I only thought about fillet because you dont have to have a straight line tangent. All other commands (multiple curves) require straight tangents.


You mean you don't have all the real estate in the world to work with and have to actually build it to fit what's there? What are you thinking man? :lol:


I mentioned the off ramps earlier...there is one in particular not too far from my home that the state police will go put a sign up that says "NO TRUCKS THIS EXIT" on the shoulder when it's icy. It turns in about 5 times in 270°, and I can't tell you how many times I've seen an 18 wheeler jack-knifed on the very last section especially. When I have to take that exit, and get down to that last bit, I'm down to 15-20 mph and the tires on my pickup will chirp when its dry because that turn is so tight. I'm sure they did they best they could do with it, but it's a challenge for big vehicles.


The city specs changed last your from a decreasing radius free flow turn to an increasing radius free flow turn. I guess this means you can accelerate through them now!

The city specs changed last your from a decreasing radius free flow turn to an increasing radius free flow turn. I guess this means you can accelerate through them now!


That will make it easier to drift through the corner! The youngsters will love that.


I have also been waiting for a routine that creates a tangent arc from an existing arc.

The attached routine does this but it uses the grreead method, so you cannot enter a specify a radius.


DTA to start


;* DTanArc.lsp                        (c) 2010  Lloyd Beachy *
;*                                    questecheng2@gmail.com *
;* --------------------------------------------------------- *
;* A routine to draw a tangent arc from the endpoint of an   *
;* existing line or arc.  The tangency point can be adjusted *
;* dynamically with the "+" & "-" keys.                      *

;main function
(defun C:DTA (/ osm osm2 cmd ent sel_pt _type end1 end2 pt1 _cen _rad _ang1 _ang2 _quit mpt arc)
 (setq osm(getvar "osmode")			;record original settings
osm2(find_osm osm)
cmd(getvar "cmdecho"))
 (setvar "osmode" 0)
 (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
 (setq ent(val_entsel "\nSelect a line or arc:  " 0 "LINE,ARC");filtered entsel
sel_pt(cadr ent)			;selection point
ent(entget(car ent))			;entity data
_type(cdr(assoc 0 ent))			;entity type
end3(cadr(grread t 1 0)))		;endpoint of new arc
 (cond((= _type "LINE"); --------------------------------------------- LINE
(setq end1(cdr(assoc 11 ent))		;endpoint1
      end2(cdr(assoc 10 ent)))		;endpoint2
(if(<(distance end2 sel_pt)(distance end1 sel_pt));if end2 is closest to sel_pt...
  (setq pt1 end2 end2 end1 end1 pt1))	;reverse endpoints
(setq ang(angle end2 end1))		;tangency angle of new arc
(while(null _quit)(dta_grread))		;enter preview loop
);end "LINE" cond
      ((= _type "ARC"); ---------------------------------------------- ARC
(setq _cen(cdr(assoc 10 ent))		;center point
      _rad(cdr(assoc 40 ent))		;radius
      _ang1(assoc 50 ent)		;start angle
      _ang2(assoc 51 ent)		;end angle
      end1(polar _cen(cdr _ang1)_rad)	;endpoint1
      end2(polar _cen(cdr _ang2)_rad))	;endpoint2
(if(<(distance end2 sel_pt)(distance end1 sel_pt));if end2 is closest to sel_pt...
  (setq end1 end2 _ang1 _ang2 ang(+(cdr _ang1)(* pi 0.5)));reverse points then find tangency angle of new arc
  (setq ang(+(cdr _ang1)(* pi 1.5))))	;find tangency angle of new arc
(while(null _quit)(dta_grread))		;enter preview loop
 ));end entity type cond
 (command ".draworder" (ssadd(cdr(assoc -1 arc))(ssadd(cdr(assoc -1 ent)))) "" "front");move new arc and selected entity to front
 (setvar "osmode" osm)				;restore settings...
 (setvar "cmdecho" cmd)
);end C:DTA

(defun dta_grread (/ val end3 _end3 dist)
 (setq val(grread t 3 0))			;read user action
 (cond((= 5(car val));------------------------------------------------ Cursor moved
(if arc(entmod(subst(cons 40 0.01)(assoc 40 arc)arc)));change preview arc to not interfere with osnap point
(setq _end3(osnap(cadr val)osm2)	;find osnap point
      end3(if _end3 _end3(cadr val)))	;use osnap point if defined, otherwise, use actual point
(if arc(entmod arc))			;restore preview arc
);end move cond
      ((= 2(car val));------------------------------------------------ Key pressed
(setq dist(*(getvar "viewsize")0.008))	;incrimental distance
(if(= 45(cadr val))			;if "-" was pressed...
  (setq dist(* dist -1))		;set dist to negative
  (if(= 13(cadr val))			;if "Enter" was pressed...
    (setq dist nil _quit t)		;set flag to exit loop
    (if(/= 43(cadr val))		;if "+" was not pressed...
      (setq dist nil)			;clear dist value
    );end "+" if
  );end "Enter" if
);end "-" if
(if dist				;if dist is still set...
  (cond((= _type "LINE");---Original entity was a line
	(setq end1(polar end1 ang dist)	;new line endpoint
	      ent(subst(cons 10 end1)(assoc 10 ent)ent);update endpoint1
	      ent(entmod(subst(cons 11 end2)(assoc 11 ent)ent)));update endpoint2 & update original line
       );end "LINE" cond
       ((= _type "ARC");---Original entity was an arc
	(if(= 51(car _ang1))		;update variables based on original arc's direction
	  (setq _ang1(cons 51(+(cdr _ang1)(/ dist _rad)));new ending angle
		end1(polar _cen(cdr _ang1)_rad);new endpoint
		ang(+(cdr _ang1)(* pi 0.5));new tangency angle
		ent(entmod(subst _ang1(assoc 51 ent)ent)));update original arc
	  (setq _ang1(cons 50(-(cdr _ang1)(/ dist _rad)));new ending angle
		end1(polar _cen(cdr _ang1)_rad);new endpoint
		ang(+(cdr _ang1)(* pi 1.5));new tangency angle
		ent(entmod(subst _ang1(assoc 50 ent)ent)));update original arc
   ));end "ARC" cond
);end dist if
      );end key cond
      ((= 3(car val));------------------------------------------------ Point selected
(if arc(entmod(subst(cons 40 0.01)(assoc 40 arc)arc)));change preview arc to not interfere with osnap point
(setq _end3(osnap(cadr val)osm2)	;find osnap point
      end3(if _end3 _end3(cadr val))	;use osnap point if defined, otherwise, use actual point
      _quit t)				;set _quit flag
(if arc(entmod arc))			;restore preview arc
      );end point cond
 );end cond
 (if end3					;if end3 is defined,
   (if(and(null(equal ang(angle end3 end1)0.001));both endpoints are not in-line with tangency angle, and
   (/= 0.0(distance end1 end3)))	;endpoints are not identical...
     (dta_preview end1 ang end3)		;then, update preview arc
   );end if
 );end end3 if
);end dta_grread

;build string value that matches "osmode" value (for use with "osnap" function)
(defun find_osm (osm / osm2)
 (setq osm2 "")
 (if(< osm 16384)
   (foreach _code '((8192 "par")(4096 "ext")(2048 "app")(1024 "")(512 "nea")(256 "tan")(128 "per")(64 "ins")(32 "int")(16 "qua")(8 "nod")(4 "cen")(2 "mid")(1 "end"))
     (if(>= osm(car _code))
(setq osm(- osm(car _code))
      osm2(strcat osm2(if(and(/= osm2 "")(/= (cadr _code)""))"," "")(cadr _code)))
     );end if
   );end foreach
 );end if
 osm2						;return string value
);end find_osm

;modify preview arc to match supplied endpoints and tangency angle
(defun dta_preview (end1 ang end3 / mpt cen ang1 ang2 ang3 rad pt1 pt2)
 (setq ang1(angle end1 end3)			;cord angle
mpt(polar end1 ang1(/(distance end1 end3)2.0));cord midpoint
cen(inters end1 (polar end1(+ ang(* pi 0.5))1.0) mpt (polar mpt(+ ang1(* pi 0.5))1)nil);arc centerpoint
ang1(angle cen end1)			;start angle of arc
ang2(angle cen end3)			;end angle of arc
rad(distance cen end1)			;arc radius
pt1(polar end1 ang 1.0)			;1st check point (to test arc direction)
pt2(polar cen (- ang1 0.0001) rad))	;2nd check point (to test arc direction)
 (if(> 1.0(distance pt1 pt2))			;if arc direction is reversed...
   (setq ang3 ang1 ang1 ang2 ang2 ang3))	;reverse starting and ending angles
 (grdraw end1(polar end1(angle end1 cen)(*(getvar "viewsize")0.04))6 1);show tangency reference line
 (if(null arc)					;if new arc does not exist...
   (setq arc(command ".arc" "c" cen (polar cen ang1 rad)(polar cen ang2 rad));draw new arc
  arc(entget(ssname(ssget "l")0)))	;new arc entity data
   (setq arc(subst(cons 10 cen)(assoc 10 arc)arc);update data with new centerpoint
  arc(subst(cons 40 rad)(assoc 40 arc)arc);update data with new radius
  arc(subst(cons 50 ang1)(assoc 50 arc)arc);update data with new start angle
  arc(entmod(subst(cons 51 ang2)(assoc 51 arc)arc)));update data with new end angle & update arc
 );end arc if
);end dta_preview

;Select an entity with a validation requirement.                                  ;
; -> function requires these arguments: (val_entsel "prompt" group_code value)    ;
;The following examples will allow selection of a specific type(s) or color       ;
;  (val_entsel "\nSelect a line, arc or polyline:  " 0 "LWPOLYLINE,LINE,ARC")     ;
;  (val_entsel "\nSelect a red object:  " 62 1)                                   ;
(defun val_entsel (_prompt _code _value / ent _type)
 (while(null ent)
   (setq ent(entsel _prompt))
   (if ent			;if object was selected...
     (progn			;check against validation argument
(setq _type(cdr(assoc _code(entget(car ent)))))
(if(=(type _type)'STR)	;if not valid, set ent nil
  (if(null(vl-remove-if-not '(lambda(item)(if(= _code(car item))(if(wcmatch(strcase(cdr item))(strcase _value))t)))(entget(car ent))))
    (setq ent nil)
    );end if
  (if(/= _type _value)(setq ent nil))
);end if
(if(null ent)		;print warning if ent was not valid
  (princ "\nObject was not a valid type")
);end if
     );end progn
     (princ "No object selected!")
   );end if
 );end while
 ent				;return entity name and selection point
);end val_entsel


Here is one that I found at Cadalyst's website. I only changed 3 of the prompts to english...

;;; CADALYST 05/08  www.cadalyst.com/code 
;;; Tip 2290: Arctodo.LSP	Tangent Arc Generators, File 1 of 5  (c) 2008 Rogelio Bravo

;; ARCTODO draws an arc tangent to any kind of object
;; picking any other point as end point of arc
;; written by Rogelio Bravo, Spain
(defun C:arctodo ()
 (setq obj (car (entsel "\nPick base entity for arc:")))
 (setq ref (getvar "osmode"));almacena valor inicial de osmode
 (command "_osnap"  "_end,_nea");establece nuevos refent
 (setq ptan (getpoint "\nPick, on entity, initial point of arc:"))
 (setvar "osmode" ref);restablece valores iniciales de osmode
 (setq pam (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint obj ptan))
 (setq vtr (vlax-curve-getFirstDeriv obj pam));;obtengo el vector de la tangente
 (setq ang (angle '(0 0 0) vtr)); angulo recta
 ;;(setq ref (getvar "osmode"));almacena valor inicial de osmode
 ;;(command "_osnap"  "_end,_nea");establece nuevos refent
 ;;(setvar "osmode" ref);restablece valores iniciales de osmode
 (setq pt4 (getpoint "\nSelect arc endpoint: "))
 (command "_arc" ptan "_e" pt4 "_d" (/ (* 180.0 ang) pi))
 (initget 6 "Y N")
 (if (null (setq resp (getkword "\nIs arc oriented correctly? (Y/N)<Y>:" )))
     (setq resp "Y")
 (while (/= resp "Y")
  (setq ang (+ ang  pi))
  (command "_erase" "_l" "")
  (command "_arc" ptan "_e" pt4 "_d"  (/ (* 180.0 ang) pi))
  (initget 6 "Si No")
  (if (null (setq resp (getkword "\nIs arc oriented correctly? (Y/N)<Y>:" )))
     (setq resp "Y")
 );end while


Decent programs, but both of them still ask you to specify the tangent. I want autocad to do that for me. haha.

Posted (edited)

There is a geometry soloution join all 3 arc centres up and make a triangle length of sides is known R1+R3 R2+R2 3rd cenpt-cenpt I just use ttr and not enough demand to write a lisp for it maybe one day. be aware though there is up to 4 soloutions for this problem I know our other civil software solves this problem as you want.


just had a quick go drew two arcs added 3rd via Circle ttr then added join all 3 centres the solution for the centre pt of the new arc is the rad1 +newrad intersect with rad2+newrad and there are two solutions draw a few circles and its simple to see how it could be done. Now to find the time.


Almost there but its beer a clock now so maybe some else will pick up


(setq oAcad (vlax-get-acad-object)
oDoc (vla-get-activedocument oAcad)
(setq pickobj (entsel "\nPick arc 1 :"))
(setq obj1 (vlax-ename->vla-object (car pickobj)))
(setq pickpt1 (cadr pickobj))
(setq cenpt1 (vla-get-center obj1)) ; returns variant center pt
(setq rad1 (vla-get-radius obj1))   ; returns rad
(setq pickobj (entsel "\nPick arc 2 :"))
(setq obj2 (vlax-ename->vla-object (car pickobj)))
(setq pickpt2 (cadr pickobj))
(setq cenpt2 (vla-get-center obj2) )
(setq rad2 (vla-get-radius obj2))
(setq newrad (getreal "\nEnter radius of extra arc " ))
(setq rad3 (+ rad1 newrad))
(setq rad4 (+ rad2 newrad))
(setq CircleObject (vla-addCircle
(vla-get-ModelSpace oDoc)
cenpt1 rad4 )
;(command "Circle" cenpt1 rad4) 
(setq obj3 (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast)))
(setq CircleObject (vla-addCircle
(vla-get-ModelSpace oDoc)
cenpt2 rad3                           
;(command "Circle" cenpt2 rad3)
(setq obj4 (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast)))
(setq intpt1 (vlax-invoke obj4 'intersectWith obj3 acExtendThisEntity)) ; returns two soloutions
;(entdel obj4)
;(entdel obj3)
(setq xy1 (list (nth 0 intpt1)(nth 1 intpt1)))
(setq xy2 (list (nth 3 intpt1)(nth 4 intpt1)))
(command "Line" xy1 xy2 "")
(command "line" cenpt1 cenpt2 xy1 cenpt1 "")
(command "line" cenpt1 cenpt2 xy2 cenpt1 "")

Edited by BIGAL

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