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section creating problem

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I'm taking sections from a drawing. Normally mep takes it in realistic view which is rendered, but now it gives the section in 2d wireframe. I tried to find but I couldnt find it.


Thanks in advance.

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nobody knows how I can solve this issue?


Are you talking about the "Edit in Section" Tool, or the "Building Section" Tool?


building section tool I want to create a section


I'm creating a section with building section tool isnt that possible to see the section rendered? As I remember I did it once but know I couldnt do it.


I never have known it to be rendered. I know when you create the section, you can choose 2D Section or 3D Section, but the 3D option never shows as rendered. It's always been a 2D Hidden Linework. Even briefing through the help file I don't see a rendered 3D section option.


I'm not saying it's not possible, just saying I have never known of this possibility.


I accept the 2d option but It shows too many lines in the parts that I created thats why I want it to be rendered instead of 2d hidden linework.


Yeah I know what you mean. I deal with that too. This is where Revit MEP is far superior than AutoCAD MEP. :)


pfff I'm dealing with too many issues while using mep.


Well there are "workarounds" that are still much faster than manually drawing sections. Such as this:


1. Copy/Paste the items you want "sectioned" off to the side in the Drawing model.


2. Use the ConvertTo3DSolids command to make everything you just moved a 3D Solid.


3. Find the View you like, and use the FLATSHOT command to create a 2D snapshot of the items.


4. Edit as needed, but usually you don't have to.


This is one of the workarounds I use and it's very useful. Obviously this severs any linking with the model but hey, it's still way better and more accurate than the old method which is manually drafting sections and elevations.


Here is an example of a drawing I did recently:



Everything you see is an elevation from an MEP model, everything. However, everything you see was also converted into Solids and FLATSHOT was used, giving me much more control of the visual output. I was able to fine tune each elevation to my liking with 2D linework to present the elevations very accurately.


The standard MEP Elevations were horrible compared to this. Just thought I'd share is all.




thanks for the advice.I think its a useful way I will try that ;) and nice pic by the way ;)


I need an advice I'm stucked in a situation. My mvparts,vanes etc. seems in 1/1 scale. But When I print out them 1/100 scale, I cant even see them. They look very small. What do you do when you print out your drawing?. I dont know what to do I know I cant scale mvparts.


If you're in Plan View then it's probably an Annotative problem. The MvPart has 2D Annotative blocks for each "View", including Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Front and Back Views. This might be the first place I would look.


Also check your Display Manager to see if the current Display Configuration has MvParts set as Schematic. If so then this is definitely the problem.


I put the vane and changed the scale but the view doesnt change.


can you explain or send me an example? I changed the scale but the mvparts view never changes


when plotting are you using sheets part of mep? or just plotting from construct layouts?


It would be better if I saw your example instead. Upload the file or link it in some way if you can and I'll take a look at it.


And I always plot from Sheets, never from Views or Constructs/Elements.


ok I'll start using sheets instead of constructs or so but I tried from sheets still samething occurs I'm sending small part of my drawings to check vane sizes. I cant change the scale.



Right click the MvPart, click "Edit MvPart Style". Under View tab in the Scaling options, check both the "Use Annotation Scale" and "Override Scale". In the three Override Scale boxes, type in 1/100 in each box. It'll show as zero but don't worry, it will take the input just fine. Click OK and it should be just fine. If you need it to be bigger or smaller, then adjust the 1/100 to whatever scaling factor fits your needs.



thank you very much but normally the mep's original mvparts should be selected like this or do I need to select use annotation scale to all of them?

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