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im still trying to figure this out so i figured id post it and see if someone can help while i work on it. im am trying to draw a roof vent cap in 3d. So far, I drew an arc and revolved 360 deg but it leaves a hole in the middle of the solid. Then i extruded it and got the top profile correct but i need the bottom to follow the curve and not fill it completely in. Help is greatly appreciative\.


i extruded it and got the correct profile but not revolved. here is a pic.3d roof vent.jpg


Sounds like you should Revolve about a line from one end of the arc to other (or pick two points) and then thicken the surface body to a solid.


remark a dome is exactly what im trying to do, ill try jds resonse, ty


I assume that you also intend to only revolve 180°, not 360°.


And I assumed you wanted the dome to cover the top of the vent pipe. Maybe have a couple of straps attaching the two? A dome could be created with an arc and revolved 360 deg.


i dont think revolve is the right method. this is tough. as remark said i need a dome. it should be a difficult thing. revolve will not leave you with a hollow inside. thanks for the help.



What I am referring to as a dome. Constructed using a revolved arc.


that solid or hollow in the middle


I guess that dome plan, is easy when using REVOLVE command...Like what sir ReMark told you.


finally figured it out. arc, revolved around vertical line, i didnt see some of the snaps before, one of them gets rid of circle


Houston, we have liftoff! Yeah!


Glad to hear you have achieved success.


I'm not at my cad machine so hopefully I can explain this without a picture. Draw the arc for the dome only just do half of it, from the center down to the side. As if you were drawing a vertical cross section. Then offset that arc the thickness of the material you're making it out of. Connect the ends of the arc, making sure that the ends at the top are connected with a vertical line. Pedit all this into a polyline and revolve it around the vertical line at the end. You should end up with a hollow dome, no hole in the center, and it will be the thickness of the material you are making it out of.


oh well...you guys got it before i got an answer typed, sorry,


note to self...never buy a netbook. the keys are not in the right place!!


Hey Jack, here's a little secret for typing faster.....ready? Drink 10 cups of coffee before 9 a.m. LOL

  ReMark said:
Hey Jack, here's a little secret for typing faster.....ready? Drink 10 cups of coffee before 9 a.m. LOL


That would probably help! though I might be tempted to give this netbook a fling into the lake if I got that wired up. I am at the local public library this afternoon waiting for my wife. I borrowed this netbook from one of my kids just to have something to do if I got bored with the books. We made the decision several years ago to only have one car, so if I need it for something I have to take her to work (she's a school teacher), go do what I need to do and then pick her up. I really don't have time to make the 25 mile trek back home before she gets out of school, so here I sit trying to keep myself occupied. Unfortunately, my motorcycle is down so our only alternate means of transport is unavailable, and it's too dang far to ride my bicycle. 25 miles is not a great distance on that way of getting round, but the bulk of it is on a 4 lane with lots of traffic. Netbook is irritating, but it hasn't made me suicidal...yet!


I'd be a national headline if I ever drank that much coffee that fast ......

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