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Hi all,


I have just found out that i am going to be asked to add very basic attributed blocks to all of our drawing stock. All the data for each blcok currently sits in a CSV file, and I was wondering (or actually hoping:wink:) whether it is possible to create this without having to create each block individually.


Would any bright sparks have any thoughts on if or how it could be possible ?


Currently still using ACAD 2008 (frustrating but true!)


Many thanks




The blocks are made and the attributes are blank or have a default value at the moment?


No they will all be new blocks. It is going to be an attributed list of equipment within an area of a building


each block will just consist of 3 attributes :-


A manufacturer

A type

and a serial code


it would be quite nice to have a basic object shape for each type - a box for a monitor etc, but my priority id the attribute itself. I need to be able to do enquiries on all the serial numbers of various it equipment in a designated area.


I supposed thinking about it, i might have to have an attribute that defines the room, but that could be for future developement


So are the relative positions of the attdefs for each type of block found in the CSV? Or is it a single defined block to be inserted in multiple places? Are the insertion points of the block(s) in the CSV also?


Are you using a nested block by any chance?


hi chaps,


first of all, thanks for taking the time to try and help, sorry i havent replied yet - i have been out the office


To try and answer all the questions. No there are currently no blocks for the equipment in the drawing, and it wouldnt be a nested block, and locations have not been defined in the csv file.


What i have is 100's of floor plans and furniture layouts. I also have been given a CSV file containing all the it equipment for each room.

Each piece of equipment has 3 bits of info in CSV file. A type e.g. Monitor, PC, Laptop. A manufacturer/model. and an unique serial number.


I need to add this info to each drawing, so that we can use attribute extraction tables to work out what is in each room / building etc.


However none of the blocks currently exisit, and as you can imagine it appears to be a very time consuming and boring task, easily open to making mistakes. However, i was wondring if i could somehow use the data in the CSV file, to somehow automatically generate a block. I might be pushing ACAD 2008 to far, but it doesnt seem beyond the realms of some sort of script. I am however not very good at writign things from scatch, i normally need something to start me off, and then adapt it.


So i just wonded if anyone else had thought of a soloution to this, as i cant believe i am the first weary draughstman who has been tasked with creating and adding thousands of attributed blocks.


Any help really appreicated




1 It sound like you need a few choices say a menu driven system pick I want a computer it reads a csv to find next available pulls out serial no etc and asks where to place block in which room No this is added to csv so know that a pc has been used up now. I want a chair again same thing, if you can not define the x,y position to place block then it can not be automated.


2 I think it would be better to ask for help for a front end a dialouge box system chair desk pc lamp phone --> then serial num etc add room num. Further on using either excel or access to modify your database as you go rather than data extract.


3 Other ways are rooms closed plines can work out a centroid and place a block but PC in middle of room ?


4 Other way place PC blocks in dwg update details if attributes blank this is ok if you have one type of pc this is achievable but somehow you must remove this pc from csv file else you will have more than 1 with same serial number. this is probably the simplest to do quickly.


4a You must place PC block in order of csv ok if all the same PC type no power users. You can copy copy workstations pretty quick desk & PC & phone & light.


I would go for suggestion 4 Back to you.

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