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Posted (edited)

Hi all

I'm pretty new to Lisp and I'm trying to create one that will:


1. Let the user select multiple closed polylines they want to hatch

2. Set the specific layer for the polylines

2. Apply the hatch on a specific layer based on the user selected dimscale to the selected polylines


I've cobbled together something with bits and pieces from other peoples code after doing some reading. The code works at a basic level - most of the time - but I think is a bit cumbersome and could be improved.


Can anyone provide any tips on a smarter way to achieve this?


;;Type HPMU to create MULCH hatch on the correct layer 

(defun c:HPMU ()

(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setvar "expert" 5) 
(setq hsc (* 5(getvar "DIMSCALE")));;Hatch Scale
(setvar "dimscale" (/ 1.0 (getvar "CANNOSCALEVALUE")))

(command "-layer" "Make" "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY" "Plot" "No" "" "Colour" "6"   "" "description" "Mulch Hatch Boundary" "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY" "")
(command "-layer" "Make" "L-MLCH-PATT" "Colour" "4" "" "description" "Mulch Hatch" "L-MLCH-PATT" "")

(setq sel1 (ssget))

(command "CHPROP" sel1 "" "Layer" "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY" "")
(command "-layer" "set" "L-MLCH-PATT" "" "" "-hatch" "properties" "Dash" hsc "45" "select objects" "previous" "" "")

(setvar "cmdecho" 1)

Edited by pixel8er
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You can modify the routine to meet your extra needs if needed . :)


(defun c:Test (/ hsc ss i sset p1 p2)
 ;; Tharwat 25. 06. 2011
 (setq hsc (* 5 (getvar "DIMSCALE")))
 (setvar "dimscale" (/ 1.0 (getvar "CANNOSCALEVALUE")))
 (if (setq ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "*POLYLINE"))))
       (setq i (sslength ss))
        (setq sset (ssname ss (setq i (1- i))))
            (eq (car (setq p1 (cdr (vlax-curve-getStartPoint sset))))
                (car (setq p2 (cdr (vlax-curve-getEndPoint sset))))
            (eq (cadr p1)
                (cadr p2)
           (command "_.-hatch" "_s" sset "" "_P" "Dash" hsc "" "")
   (princ "\n No closed Polylines found !! ")



Hi Tharwat

Thanks for your reply. Yes that works much better.


I'm trying to put the items on specific layers. I want the hatch to be on layer L-MLCH-PATT and the hatch boundary to be on layer L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY. My code will do this but not sure if it's the best way and where to insert it in your code



(command "-layer" "Make" "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY" "Plot" "No" "" "Colour" "6" "" "description" "Mulch Hatch Boundary" "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY" "")

(command "-layer" "Make" "L-MLCH-PATT" "Colour" "4" "" "description" "Mulch Hatch" "L-MLCH-PATT" "")





Here it goes buddy . :)


(defun c:Test (/ hsc ss i sset p1 p2)
 ;; Tharwat 25. 06. 2011
 (setq hsc (* 5 (getvar "DIMSCALE")))
 (setvar "dimscale" (/ 1.0 (getvar "CANNOSCALEVALUE")))
 (if (not (or (tblsearch "LAYER" "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY")
              (tblsearch "LAYER" "L-MLCH-PATT")
     (command "-layer"         "Make"           "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY"
              "Plot"           "No"             ""
              "Colour"         "6"              ""
              "description"    "Mulch Hatch Boundary"
              "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY"                ""
     (command "-layer"      "Make"        "L-MLCH-PATT" "Colour"
              "4"           ""            "description" "Mulch Hatch"
              "L-MLCH-PATT" ""
 (if (setq ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "*POLYLINE"))))
       (setq i (sslength ss))
        (setq sset (ssname ss (setq i (1- i))))
            (eq (car (setq p1 (cdr (vlax-curve-getStartPoint sset))))
                (car (setq p2 (cdr (vlax-curve-getEndPoint sset))))
            (eq (cadr p1)
                (cadr p2)
             (command "_.-hatch" "_s" sset "" "_P" "Dash" hsc "" "")
               (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))
               (vlax-ename->vla-object sset)
   (princ "\n No closed Polylines found !! ")




That's perfect! Thanks so much Tharwat. I'll need to read up now on all the nifty bits of code you put in




Hi Tharwat

I've noticed that the scale of the hatch is as expected for the first time - but after that when dimscale is changed the hatch scale is incorrect. It retains the previous dimscale information for the first time but then is correct for the current dimscale. Is this a cache thing?




Yes that's would be changed if you changed the annotative scale .


If you do not want to be changed just remove this line of code ...


 (setvar "dimscale" (/ 1.0 (getvar "CANNOSCALEVALUE")))


When ever you change the scale of annotative scale the scale of the hatch would be increased .


Sorry Tharwat I used the wrong description.


I want the user to use the annotation scale at bottom right to change the hatch scale. I rearranged 2 lines of code to correct this:


(setvar "dimscale" (/ 1.0 (getvar "CANNOSCALEVALUE")))

(setq hsc (* 5 (getvar "DIMSCALE")))


Thanks again



Yes, that's more logic with that modification .


Good luck Paul .


If you need any help with the code just shout .




Just a suggestion instead of (command "-layer" "set" "L-MLCH-PATT") use (setvar "clayer" "L-MLCH-PATT")


At start do (setq oldlayer (getvar "clayer")) and at end (setvar "clayer" oldlayer) this way you return to your starting layer. Using setvars is a better way than using command.


Please place all code between code tags pixel8er. Just hit the # and paste the code between.

  • 1 month later...

Hi again

Tharwat I'm hoping you read this. I would like to know if it's possible to achieve the same thing without using Visual LISP? The routine as it currently stands is below


;; Original code by Tharwat 25.06.2011

;; Type HPMU to create MULCH hatch 

(defun c:HPMU (/ hsc ss i sset p1 p2)

 (setvar "dimscale" (/ 1.0 (getvar "CANNOSCALEVALUE")))
 (setq hsc (* 1 (getvar "DIMSCALE")))
 (if (not (or (tblsearch "LAYER" "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY")
              (tblsearch "LAYER" "L-MLCH-PATT")
     (command "-layer"         "Make"           "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY"
              "Plot"           "No"             ""
              "Colour"         "6"              ""
              "description"    "Mulch Hatch Boundary"
              "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY"                ""
     (command "-layer"      "Make"        "L-MLCH-PATT" "Colour"
              "4"           ""            "description" "Mulch Hatch"
              "L-MLCH-PATT" ""
 (if (setq ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "*POLYLINE"))))
       (setq i (sslength ss))
        (setq sset (ssname ss (setq i (1- i))))
            (eq (car (setq p1 (cdr (vlax-curve-getStartPoint sset))))
                (car (setq p2 (cdr (vlax-curve-getEndPoint sset))))
            (eq (cadr p1)
                (cadr p2)
             (command "_.-hatch" "_s" sset "" "_P" "Dash" hsc "45" "" "")
               (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))
               (vlax-ename->vla-object sset)
   (princ "\n No closed Polylines found !! ")


Try this ... :)


;; Original code by Tharwat 25.06.2011

;; Type HPMU to create MULCH hatch 
(defun c:HPMU (/ hsc ss i sset p1 p2 e e1)
 (setvar "dimscale" (/ 1.0 (getvar "CANNOSCALEVALUE")))
 (setq hsc (* 1 (getvar "DIMSCALE")))

 (if (not (or (tblsearch "LAYER" "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY")
              (tblsearch "LAYER" "L-MLCH-PATT")
     (command "-layer"         "Make"           "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY"
              "Plot"           "No"             ""
              "Colour"         "6"              ""
              "description"    "Mulch Hatch Boundary"
              "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY"                ""
     (command "-layer"      "Make"        "L-MLCH-PATT" "Colour"
              "4"           ""            "description" "Mulch Hatch"
              "L-MLCH-PATT" ""
 (if (setq ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "*POLYLINE"))))
       (setq i (sslength ss))
        (setq sset (ssname ss (setq i (1- i))))
            (eq (car (setq p1 (cdr (vlax-curve-getStartPoint sset))))
                (car (setq p2 (cdr (vlax-curve-getEndPoint sset))))
            (eq (cadr p1)
                (cadr p2)
             (command "_.-hatch" "_s" sset "" "_P" "Dash" hsc "45" "")
             (entmod (subst (cons 8 "L-MLCH-PATT")
                            (assoc 8 (setq e (entget (entlast))))
             (entmod (subst (cons 8 "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY")
                            (assoc 8 (setq e1 (entget sset)))
   (princ "\n No closed Polylines found !! ")



Hi Tharwat

The code errors at the line




I'm trying to get this code to work on AutoCAD Mac which has no Visual LISP functionality. Is there another way to do it?




Posted (edited)
;; Original code by Tharwat 25.06.2011

;; Type HPMU to create MULCH hatch 
(defun c:HPMU (/ hsc ss i sset e e1)
 (setvar "dimscale" (/ 1.0 (getvar "CANNOSCALEVALUE")))
 (setq hsc (* 1 (getvar "DIMSCALE")))
 (if (not (or (tblsearch "LAYER" "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY")
              (tblsearch "LAYER" "L-MLCH-PATT")
     (command "-layer"         "Make"           "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY"
              "Plot"           "No"             ""
              "Colour"         "6"              ""
              "description"    "Mulch Hatch Boundary"
              "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY"                ""
     (command "-layer"      "Make"        "L-MLCH-PATT" "Colour"
              "4"           ""            "description" "Mulch Hatch"
              "L-MLCH-PATT" ""
 (if (setq ss (ssget "_:L" (list '(0 . "*POLYLINE")'(-4 . "&=")'(70 . 1))))
       (setq i (sslength ss))
        (setq sset (ssname ss (setq i (1- i))));;; 
             (command "_.-hatch" "_s" sset "" "_P" "Dash" hsc "45" "")
             (entmod (subst (cons 8 "L-MLCH-PATT")
                            (assoc 8 (setq e (entget (entlast))))
             (entmod (subst (cons 8 "L-MLCH-PATT-BDRY")
                            (assoc 8 (setq e1 (entget sset)))
   (princ "\n No closed Polylines found !! ")


Edited by Tharwat
a bitwise mask added to codes as recommended by Lee

Thanks Tharwat

I'll try that when I get home tonight



Thanks Tharwat

I'll try that when I get home tonight




You're welcome Paul.




Since DXF group 70 is a bit-coded value (for both LWPolylines and Polylines), you will need to add a bitwise mask (&=) to your ssget filter list, so that closed polylines with, for example, linetype generation on (70 . 129), can still be selected.


Thanks Lee .


I am still do not know the relationship between (70 . 129) and (70 . 1) !!!



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