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I've been using the UCS 2 toolbar in previous versions while drawing in 3D. I'm now using AutoCAD MEP 2012 and do not know how to use this function. The best way for me to explain it is I want to tell AutoCAD what direction to view an object from as I'm drawing it, regardless of what direction I'm viewing it from.


There is no UCS II toolbar in MEP 2010?


You could make a custom toolbar (or probably a ribbon panel) to match. Easiest way would be to get hold of the old CUI/MNU file and then import it into your Custom.CUIx.


It's a similar scenario with my ACA2011, there's no menu at all. So I imported an old MNU file's menu.


irneb: What menu are you referring to? The drop-down menu at the top of the screen?


If you want to know were to find the UCSII toolbar controls in the Ribbon, they're on the "View" tab



//      AutoCAD menu file

//      Default AutoCAD NAMESPACE declaration:


//   Begin AutoCAD Digitizer Button Menus





//   Begin System Pointing Device Menus





//   Begin AutoCAD Pull-down Menus

//   Begin AutoCAD ToolBars


ID_TbUcsName [_Toolbar("UCS II", _Floating, _Hide, 100, 300, 1)]
ID_Ucs       [_Button("UCS", RCDATA_16_UCS, RCDATA_32_UCS)]^C^C_ucs
ID_Dducs     [_Button("Named UCS...", RCDATA_16_DDUCS, RCDATA_32_DDUCS)]^C^C_+ucsman 0
ID_UcsCombo  [_Control(_UCSManager)]

//      Begin AutoCAD Image Menus

//  AutoCAD Screen Menus

//      Begin AutoCAD Tablet Menus

**Alternate Tablet Menu 1

**Alternate Tablet Menu 2

**Alternate Tablet Menu 3

**Alternate Tablet Menu 4

//      Help Strings

ID_AuthorPalette [shows or hides the Block Authoring Palettes window]
ID_BAction   [Action]
ID_BAttdef   [Define Attribute]
ID_BClose    [Exit Block Editor and Return to Drawing]
ID_Bedit     [Opens the block definition in the Block Editor: BEDIT]
ID_BParameter [Parameter]
ID_BRegen    [update Parameter and Attribute Text Size]
ID_BSave     [save Block Definition]
ID_BSaveAs   [save Block As]
ID_CAMERAS_OnOf [Toggles global visibility of camera objects in current DWG: CAMERADISPLAY]
ID_CmdLine   [shows or hides the command line window]
ID_Content   [Manages and inserts content such as blocks, xrefs, and hatch patterns]
ID_dbConnect [Provides an AutoCAD interface to external database tables]
ID_Dducs     [Manages defined user coordinate systems]
ID_DrawingStatusBar [shows or hides the drawing status bar]
ID_ExtReferences [shows or hides the external references window: EXTERNALREFERENCES]
ID_Layer     [Manages layers and layer properties]
ID_LightList [shows or hides the lights window: LIGHTLIST]
ID_LockedLayerFadingToggle [Enables or disables the locked layer fading]
ID_MarkupMgr [Displays the details of markups and allows you to change their status]
ID_OpenDR    [shows or hides the drawing recovery window]
ID_QCalc     [shows or hides the calculator: QUICKCALC]
ID_RefAdd    [Transfers objects from the host drawing to the REFEDIT working set]
ID_RefDscrd  [Discards REFEDIT working set changes]
ID_RefRemove [Transfers objects from the REFEDIT working set to the host drawing]
ID_RefSave   [saves REFEDIT working set changes]
ID_Rmat      [Manages rendering materials]
ID_Rpref     [shows or hides the advanced render settings window:  RPREF]
ID_SSMPalette [shows or hides the Sheet Set Manager window]
ID_TPalette  [Opens the Tool Palettes window where you can access subassemblies for roadway design and other tools]
ID_Ucs       [Manages user coordinate systems]
ID_ViewcubeOn [shows or hides the ViewCube]
ID_VisualStyleEdgeJitter [shows or hides edge jitter]
ID_VisualStyleEdgeOverhang [shows or hides edge overhang]
ID_VisualStyleIntersectionEdges [shows or hides intersection edges of solids]
ID_VisualStyleObscuredEdges [shows or hides obscured edges of solids]
ID_VisualStyles [shows or hides the visual styles manager: VISUALSTYLES]
ID_VisualStyleSilouetteEdges [shows or hides silhouette edges of solids]
ID_XRayMode  [Toggles the x-ray effect on and off]

//  Keyboard Accelerators

//      End of AutoCAD menu file

irneb: What menu are you referring to? The drop-down menu at the top of the screen?
Yes. ACA's menus are removed from the CUIx file - so even setting MenuBar=1 only gives a blank menu bar.

I find that difficult to believe. I've got the drop-down menus displayed in 2012. Faulty install? Did you try a REPAIR?


Yikes! I was comparing apples to bananas it seems. My mistake. Sorry.


No worries! I mentioned this since the OP is on a similar vertical (though MEP). So it probably has a similar (IMO stupid) omission from ADesk. Though it's not impossible to remedy, just a bit of work on the user's side - and of course using the CUI command, which few users even know exists.

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