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sectioning a 3d wireframe?


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I'd like to section (Divide the area between the upper surface and lower surface of a 3d wire frame into sections. Would someone please get me started?

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It looks like you went through a great deal of effort to do the drawing but everything seems to be constructed of lines. Am I correct?


It appears to be an isometric drawing.

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To utilize the numerous sectioning tools and methods, it will have to be a 3D solid. If not, you'll have to do draw it manually. As far as I know, that is.

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To expand on what the StyKmaN was saying, this is an example of two solids roughly based upon your geometry.




Once you have your solids constructed then you can use either the Section command or the SectionPlane command (depending on your needs) to generate the sections you are looking for.

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The solids I created above were done using the Loft command. Other commands for creating soilds are Extrude and PressPull.


Look at JDM's signature. Click on the link to his tutorials. They were done using AutoCAD 2007.

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I have no experience with solids in autocad. I'll read the recomended tutorials. I'd like to learn an effecient way of processing solids.

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I have no experience with solids in autocad. I'll read the recomended tutorials. I'd like to learn an effecient way of processing solids.

That would be a good place to start. Don't forget the tutorials here at CADTutor and check out the ones at the AutoDesk website too re: 3D modeling. If you have any questions return here and ask.

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For those of us not familiar with such programs can you name a couple? Thanks.




The process I use is to:

  • Explode everything into it's native form
  • Convert each entity into a 3FDACE ( or exploded mesh )
  • From there calculate whether each face needs to be sliced based of the axis and location specified by the user
  • Reform the face so that the no edge protrudes beyond the given value. Sometimes 1 face must be made into 2 faces


I limit the input axis to north south east west above and below. It just made my life a lot simipler.


This Ferrarri I sliced the west portion off in plan view.


Fun but it really needs a well detailed model. -David





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