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My laptop crashed with 2005 but I still have the disks with my drawings stored in them. The 2005 is so old it won't load onto Win7 in my new laptop. But I do have a friend who has 2009. Can I still access my drawings. Thank you.....

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Yes, you can still access the drawings you created with AC 2005 using AC 2009.


yes, 2009 will open 2005 drawings.


Thank you so much ...bearing in mind that my AC 2005 is so old it won't download into any new OS, do I take my AC 2005 disks to my friend's AC 2009 and download it onto her OS..? Are the instructions that follow fairly obvious, where to click, etc, ..?


Are you having trouble installing your AutoCAD software on your new computer? ..... or are you having trouble getting your drawings (dwg files) onto your new computer?


We have it on good authority and experience that my AC 2005, which was on my old laptop which crashed, is so old it won't download onto my new laptop. One solution to access my drawings (which is all I really want to do at the moment) is to go to my friend who has AC 2009 and somehow use hers to open mine..but how, stumps us....? Your feedback is appreciated. Thank you.


You do not have to load 2005 on your friend's computer. All you have to do is copy your drawing files to the hard drive, start AutoCAD 2009 and open them.


Are these 2D or 3D drawings?


I still don't know what you're trying to do.


Are you trying to recover your .dwg files from a laptop that won't start?


Thank you nestly...my regret is that I don't have enough technical knowledge to explain it any other way...I am going to reply to Remark - maybe that will help...thank you for your patience.


Hello ReMark,


They are 2D. My I confirm..? I am going to take my friends AC 2009, download them onto my new laptop..open the files/drawings I already have on my laptop..?


When you say you "have the disks" what precisely are you referring to? Do you have CD's with copies of your drawings saved on them?


From ReMark: You do not have to load 2005 on your friend's computer. All you have to do is copy your drawing files to the hard drive, start AutoCAD 2009 and open them.


My anser: May I confirm..? I am going to take my friends AC 2009, download them onto my new laptop..open the files/drawings I already have on my laptop..?


You have a laptop with AC 2005 that has a crashed hard drive.


You bought a new laptop and you are going to load AC 2009 on it. Is that right?


Don't blow off nestly; you may find you need his advice after all.


We have AC 2005 drawings on our new lapytop. (We also have the AC 2005 CDs but the OS will not accept them on our new laptop).


In addition we also have our friends AC 2009 CDs, which we plan to download onto our new laptop, and then open the 2005 drawings...maybe..?!


Why do you need AutoCAD?

How is 2009 going to make any difference in relation to 2005?

I'm lost!

Your new laptop will be 64-bit.

AutoCAD 2009 will not install just as 2005 is too old to install (because these are 32-bit apps).

In any case, you don't need AutoCAD to open AutoCAD dwg files.


Yes to both...def not blowing him off...just don't know how to answer 'more technically' and in the meantime hoping he will understand...quick question can everybody read everybody's questions and answers...


I was able to load AutoCAD 2000 on my Win 7 32 bit computer at home. After a quick google it looks like it might be harder on Vista but it is possible.

  RobDraw said:
I was able to load AutoCAD 2000 on my Win 7 32 bit computer at home. After a quick google it looks like it might be harder on Vista but it is possible.


New laptop with Windows 7 will not be 32-bit. (and not likely to be Windows 7 Professional OS)


Heck...I've got a 32-bit version of 2004 running on a 64-bit computer that uses Win7 Ultimate.


Since all you want to do is open and print them you can take JDM's advice and download/install DWG TrueView. Technically/legally, you should not be "borrowing" your friend's copy of 2009.


Another option. On your new computer download/install a free 2D AutoCAD-look-alike CAD program called DraftSight. You can then open, edit and even save your drawngs in native DWG file format. Did I mention it's free?



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