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I am having issues with text size when I attempt to change the text size in MTEXT. It is set to copy the last size I used but when I need to edit the size, it multiplies what I enter by 8 and turns inches into feet. In other words, I try to resize 6" to 3". The text editor will then multiply 3" x 8 and size the text to 24 feet. Any ideas what's going on?



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What scale are you drawing? What units are you using? Is it actually making the text from 6" to 3" = 1/2 size you currently have? Can you post a screenshot or post a portion of the drawing? What is the height set in the Text Style?

What scale are you drawing? What units are you using? Is it actually making the text from 6" to 3" = 1/2 size you currently have? Can you post a screenshot or post a portion of the drawing? What is the height set in the Text Style?



I am drawing at 1/8"=1'-0". I am using architectural units. It is not making the text from 6" to 3". It is making it from 6" to 24' when I type in 3" and hit "enter". The height in text style is set to 0.


Does that make sense?


I can post a screen shot, but I'm not sure what to capture since it's an action kind of thing. What would help the best?


Thank you.


Sounds like you have annotative text style specified, so it is multiplying the height you specify by the current annotative scale. If you input a text height of 1/8" (assuming that is the plotted text height) it will scale by 8 (the current annotative scale).

Sounds like you have annotative text style specified, so it is multiplying the height you specify by the current annotative scale. If you input a text height of 1/8" (assuming that is the plotted text height) it will scale by 8 (the current annotative scale).


That's what I thought, too, but annotative is not selected in text style. Is there somewhere else it may be selected?


Can you attach a sample drawing containing a piece of text that behaves as described?


To attach a drawing, click the "Go Advanced" button under the quick reply window and you'll see the Manage Attachments button below the reply window.


I think this will help? Hopefully?

text issue.jpg


We need a drawing file with the offending text. Don't send the whole drawing just the text in a drawing where this will occur.


Like this?


I'm sorry. As you can see, I'm a forum noob.


If I set the height in the command line, it works fine. It's only in the text formatting box that when I try to change the text from 6" to 3" that it ends up being 24'.



I can't open the file, it keeps crashing when I try.


I didn't have any trouble opening the drawing other than a missing architxt.shx font and 9 missing references.


The text in the drawing you posted is already 24' and I didn't see it doing anything unusual, but I'm guessing it originally had an overall scale of 96 (1/8" = 1'-0") which would make 3 inches turn into 24 feet if that scale factor was removed.


Heather, I'd also say it's probably an issue relating to annotation scale. I've found that even when text styles are not created as annotative, they can still be affected by a change in the annotation scale. AutoDesk don't seem to have nailed this one yet. I'd suggest making sure that the text style is not annotative (untick the box in the text style manager) and then also alter the annotation scale to see if this has any affect on the text.


Aww, man. I'm sorry about that. I am not sure what to do from here -it opened fine for me.


Thanks for trying anyway. I really appreciate your help.


Can you post the drawing again, but before you changed the size of the text?


Here you go.


The annotative wasn't checked. Should my drawing scale be 1:1? Is that what you're saying?


Thanks y'all.


I still can't reproduce your problem. Take a look at this video and tell me if I'm doing anything different.




The only thing that is different is that I'm not using the ribbon - I'm using the text editor that comes up over the text. A-like so.


It does say "annotative" in the ribbon though...could that be it? I don't know how to change it that one...?



You have me stumped. The text isn't annotative, but it acts like it is. If it "was" annotative, it would be 1/16" tall at 1/8" = 1'-0" scale, but it's not, it's 6 inches. However if I make it annotative, it does become 1/16 tall, which is 6" in modelspace, and then changing it from 1/16" to 3" makes it 24' in modelspace, which I assume is the condition you're having. If it's just that one piece of text, delete it and re-create it, if it's all the text in your drawing, then I have no idea. Hopefully someone that uses Annotative objects on a regular basis will have an explanation.



You have me stumped. The text isn't annotative, but it acts like it is. If it "was" annotative, it would be 1/16" tall at 1/8" = 1'-0" scale, but it's not, it's 6 inches. However if I make it annotative, it does become 1/16 tall, which is 6" in modelspace, and then changing it from 1/16" to 3" makes it 24' in modelspace, which I assume is the condition you're having. If it's just that one piece of text, delete it and re-create it, if it's all the text in your drawing, then I have no idea. Hopefully someone that uses Annotative objects on a regular basis will have an explanation.





Thanks so much for trying- I can't tell you how much I appreciate it! I thought for sure it was something I was doing wrong. It's not just that font that behaves that way, either.


Thanks everyone. You guys are great!


In your drawing, does the text show as being Annotative in the Properties palette?

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