Hallen11 Posted February 11, 2011 Posted February 11, 2011 Hello there, This is my first post so forgive me if it's in the wrong place or something. I've been looking for a lisp routine that draws a survey grid, at user specified intervals, to the exents of my viewports. Or just to a rectangle would do. And if anyone knows of a routine that allows me to zoom my viewports to a model space rectangle, I'd be much obliged. Many thanks for any help offered and if anyone requires further clarification just let me know. Cheers! Quote
eldon Posted February 11, 2011 Posted February 11, 2011 Do you want a grid tick, or something more elaborate? Quote
Hallen11 Posted February 14, 2011 Author Posted February 14, 2011 Thats pretty much what I'm after, eldon. Minus the "m" and with the Co-ords just round edges of the VP. Could you help us out? Quote
eldon Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 I am afraid that I cannot help you with your request. My lisp was written 20 years ago, and my brain has shrunk since then. I also do not use Paper Space, but I expect there is someone out there who could help. Or you could even write your own lisp to do exactly as you want it to Quote
Hallen11 Posted February 14, 2011 Author Posted February 14, 2011 Ok thanks anyway. Hallen11's to do list; 1) Learn lisp 2) Write Grid lisp Could you send me what you have and I can see if I can sort of "crowbar" it into doing what I want? I have got a very basic knowledge of lisp and this could be a good learning excercise for me. Plus it'll give me something to do! Quote
eldon Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 This link goes back to a previous thread where I posted my efforts Quote
alanjt Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 Just make a block with fields. Here's a sloppy how-to video I did a while back... 1 Quote
Hallen11 Posted February 14, 2011 Author Posted February 14, 2011 Thanks for trying but these both aren't what I was looking for. I'll just have to stop sucking at lisp and write it myself. Quote
Hallen11 Posted February 14, 2011 Author Posted February 14, 2011 Sorry, I sounded a bit ungrateful before. I do appriciate the help and, eldon, I'm currently trying to see if I can customise what you offered me to get it to do what I need. I'll let you know the results. And thanks again for the help. Quote
alanjt Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 Why don't you give us an image of exactly what you're working towards. troggarf said: Cool video tip Alan~greg Here's another one I did for a graphic scale. Quote
Hallen11 Posted February 15, 2011 Author Posted February 15, 2011 This is what I'd like the end result to look like With the text round the edges, prefarably with the green highlighting at 50m intervals, all drawn to a user defined rectangle (which I'll be copying and pasting from my viewport). Cheers. Quote
eldon Posted February 15, 2011 Posted February 15, 2011 One practical point is that different surveys do not necessarily have the same coordinates, so each of your viewports would be a one off. I would do it manually (takes less than a minute using my lisp as a basis) instead of having the need to do everything with one push of a button. But if you want to spend time writing the lisp, then you can share it afterwards Quote
Hallen11 Posted February 15, 2011 Author Posted February 15, 2011 The thing is that in my last job I was spoiled rotten. One of the lads there was a lisp GENIUS! I think he must have dreamed in lisp! And he'd written a spank-load of lisp routines that I'd just taken for granted. One of them was his grid command that could draw a grid pretty much however you wanted it. Now in my new job I've got to start from scratch and I'm starting to understand just how much he did! Rest assured though, if I manage to get my grid routine off the ground I'll be sharing it with everyone (along with anything else I come up with!)....got to get them working first though! Quote
Organic Posted February 15, 2011 Posted February 15, 2011 Email the guy at your last job and ask him to send you some of the lisp routines? Quote
Least Posted February 15, 2011 Posted February 15, 2011 Try this one, no idea who wrote it. I use a different one but I can't post it as it's copyrighted. (defun c:addgrid() (SETVAR "SNAPANG" 0) (SETQ space (GETreal "\n Input Grid Interval :- ")) (setq pt1 (getpoint "\n Pick Bottom Left Corner for Grid :- ")) (setq pt2 (getcorner pt1 "\n Pick Top Right Corner for Grid :- ")) (setq scale (getreal "\n Scale for Grid Information :- ")) (SETVAR "CMDECHO" 0) (SETVAR "ANGBASE" 0) (SETVAR "ANGDIR" 0) (setq csize (* 10.0 (/ scale 1000.0))) (setq X1 (CAR PT1)) (SETQ Y1 (CADR PT1)) (SETQ X2 (CAR PT2)) (SETQ Y2 (CADR PT2)) (SETQ X1A (/ X1 SPACE)) (SETQ X1b (FIX X1A)) (SETQ X1c (- X1A X1b)) (SETQ X1c (* X1c SPACE));remainder (SETQ y1A (/ y1 SPACE)) (SETQ y1b (FIX y1A)) (SETQ y1c (- y1A y1b)) (SETQ y1c (* y1c SPACE));remainder (SETQ y2A (/ y2 SPACE)) (SETQ y2b (FIX y2A)) (SETQ y2c (- y2A y2b)) (SETQ y2c (* y2c SPACE));remainder (SETQ X2A (/ X2 SPACE)) (SETQ X2b (FIX X2A)) (SETQ X2c (- X2A X2b)) (SETQ X2c (* X2c SPACE));remainder (setq x1b (* (+ x1b 1) space)) (setq y1b (* (+ y1b 1) space)) (setq x2b (* x2b space)) (setq y2b (* y2b space)) (setq xarr (- x2b x1b)) (setq xarr (/ xarr space)) (setq yarr (- y2b y1b)) (setq yarr (/ yarr space)) (setq orig (list x1b y1b)) (command "line" (list x1b (- y1b csize)) (list x1b (+ y1b csize)) "") (setq l1 (entlast)) (command "line" (list (- x1b csize) y1b) (list (+ x1b csize) y1b) "") (setq l2 (entnext l1)) (setq yarr (fix yarr)) (setq xarr (fix xarr)) (command "array" l1 l2 "" "r" (+ 1 yarr) (+ 1 xarr) space space) (setq east x1b) (setq inner (/ 1.0 (/ 1000.0 scale))) (setq tsize (/ 1.5 (/ 1000.0 scale))) (repeat (+ xarr 1) (setq texor (list (+ east inner) (- y2 inner))) (setq val (rtos east 2 3)) (SETQ VAL (STRCAT VAL "E")) (command "text" texor tsize "270" val) (setq east (+ east space)) ) (setq east x1b) (repeat (+ xarr 1) (setq texor (list (+ east inner) (+ y1 inner))) (setq val (rtos east 2 3)) (setq val (strcat val "E")) (command "text" "r" texor tsize "270" val) (setq east (+ east space)) ) (setq north y1b) (repeat (+ 1 yarr) (setq texor (list (+ x1 inner) (+ north inner))) (setq val (rtos north 2 3)) (SETQ VAL (STRCAT VAL "N")) (command "text" texor tsize "0" val) (setq north (+ north space)) ) (setq north y1b) (repeat (+ 1 yarr) (setq texor (list (- x2 inner) (+ north inner))) (setq val (rtos north 2 3)) (SETQ VAL (STRCAT VAL "N")) (command "text" "r" texor tsize "0" val) (setq north (+ north space)) ) (SETVAR "CMDECHO" 1) ) Quote
Hallen11 Posted February 15, 2011 Author Posted February 15, 2011 Close enough Least cheers! I think I'll have a little play about with it to see if I can personalise it somewhat. I may even keep on with mine just for the hell of it (if I can be bothered! ) Thanks again to everyone who's helped me out! Quote
Hallen11 Posted April 5, 2011 Author Posted April 5, 2011 I finally got round to finishing my grid lisp! I must admit i'm actually quite proud of it. The code is a bit untidy but the command itself seems to work fine. (And that'll do for me!) So, for those of you who are interested here it is. Any feedback will be appreciated. gridR.lspFetching info... Quote
eldon Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 See what you can do when you put your mind to it. Congratulations If it works as you want it to, then it is perfect. Quote
BIGAL Posted April 8, 2011 Posted April 8, 2011 Had a look at your code and have done a lot of stuff re scales it looked to me that you may be able to simplify the scale stuff by just working out a scale factor rather than working it out for every scale just remember for metric which it appears to be that 1m = 1000 millimetres Work out a variable say setsc as 1000/scale then you just need to fator say your line spacing as setsc*distance between lines etc heres an example and it uses "repeat" rather than a "while" to loop you can have repeat inside a repeat which makes it easier to do grid stuff 3*X 4*Y (repeat X (Repeat Y etc )) (setvar "cLAYER" GRID--2) (setq IP1 (getpoint "\nSTARTING POINT (TOP LEFT CORNER): "))(terpri) (setq X(car IP1)) (setq Y(cadr IP1)) (setq EWLIST(list X)) (setq NSLIST(list Y)) (setq #EW(getint"Number of GRIDS across: "))(terpri) (setq EW1(getint"Dimension for first GRID: "))(terpri) (setq EWD(+ X EW1)) (setq EWLIST(append EWLIST (list EWD))) (setq EW2(itoa EW1)) (setq #BAY 2) (repeat (- #EW 1) (setq $BAY(itoa #BAY)) (setq FISH(strcat "Dimension for Grid " $BAY ": <RETURN> to repeat previous: ")) (setq EW3(getstring FISH)) (TERPRI) (if (= (ascii EW3) 0)(setq EW3 EW2)) (setq EW1(atoi EW3)) (setq EW2(itoa EW1)) (setq EWD(+ EWD EW1)) (setq EWLIST(append EWLIST (list EWD))) (setq #BAY(+ #BAY 1)) ) (setq EWD(+ EWD 2000)) (setq #NS(getint"Number of Grids down: "))(terpri) (setq NS1(getint"Dimension for first Grid: "))(terpri) (setq NSD(- Y NS1)) (setq NSLIST(append NSLIST (list NSD))) (setq NS2(itoa NS1)) (setq #BAY 2) (repeat (- #NS 1) (setq $BAY(itoa #BAY)) (setq NS3(getstring"..And next Grid <RETURN> to repeat previous: "))(terpri) (if (= (ascii NS3) 0)(setq NS3 NS2)) (setq NS1(atoi NS3)) (setq NS2(itoa NS1)) (setq NSD(- NSD NS1)) (setq NSLIST(append NSLIST (list NSD))) ) (setq NSD(- NSD 2000)) (setq NUM 0) (repeat (+ #EW 1) (command "LINE" (list (nth NUM EWLIST)(+ Y 2000))(list (nth NUM EWLIST) NSD))(command) (setq NUM(+ NUM 1)) (setq #BAY(+ #BAY 1)) ) (setq NUM 0) (repeat (+ #NS 1) (command "LINE" (list (- X 2000) (nth NUM NSLIST)) (list EWD (nth NUM NSLIST))) (command) (setq NUM(+ NUM 1)) ) hope this helps for other projects as a first go pretty good effort Quote
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