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I have created a macro command for my "dimaligned" so that every time i click on macro button and create a dimaligned it turns onto the good layers and i wanted to know if it is possible to remplace or create another dimaligned shortcut command (dal) by that macro command that i created. So everytime i would type Dimaligned or dal on the command prompts it would be my macro and not the standart dimaligned command. Is it possible?


Heres my macro,





Personally I have put my macro onto the toolpalette.


Maybe if you amend the acad(lt)pgp file (doc settings/user/application data/Autoesk/R15/enu/support to put DAL in the user defined areas and put somehting else in its place in the default commands. Back up your original pgp file though ;)


I put my macro on a toolpalette too but i would prefer to type something on the command prompt to use that macro.

i think i need a list routine but i dont know how to use or creat lisp


Put this in acaddoc.lsp it will load on start up its the same as the macro is typed


(defun c:dal ()

(command "layer" "M" "A-ANNO-DIMS" "" "" "dimaligned")



If you create one dimension and drag it into Tool Palettes, when you click on that palette button, it will temporary set the correct layer and dimstyle and execute the dimension command.


How can i modify this lisp so that at the end of the command it return to the layer 0?


(defun c:dal ()

(command "layer" "M" "A-ANNO-DIMS" "" "" "dimaligned")



Here's an example I use for labeling the distance from a building corner to a perpendicular point on the boundary (when doing boundary surveys).


(defun c:BB (/ *error* el ov vl p1 p2 e)
 ;; building offset dimension (picks endpoint then perpendicular on property line
 ;; Alan J. Thompson

 (defun *error* (msg)
   (and ov (mapcar 'setvar vl ov))
   (if (and msg (not (wcmatch (strcase msg) "*BREAK*,*CANCEL*,*QUIT*,")))
     (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))

 (setq el (entlast))
 (setq ov (mapcar 'getvar (setq vl '("CMDECHO" "OSMODE"))))
 (mapcar 'setvar vl '(0 1))
 (if (and (setq p1 (getpoint "\nSpecify building corner: "))
          (setvar 'osmode 128)
          (setq p2 (getpoint p1 "\nSpecify boundary line: "))
          (vl-cmdf "_.dimaligned" "_non" p1 "_non" p2 "_non" PAUSE)
          (not (eq el (setq e (entlast))))
       (vla-add (vla-get-layers
                  (cond (*AcadDoc*)
                        ((setq *AcadDoc* (vla-get-activedocument
     (vla-put-layer (vlax-ename->vla-object e) "V-DIMS")
 (*error* nil)


However, this would also work...


(defun c:dal (/)
 (command "layer" "M" "A-ANNO-DIMS" "" "" "dimaligned")
 (while (eq 1 (logand 1 (getvar 'cmdactive))) (command PAUSE))
 (setvar 'clayer "0")


Nice! exactly what i wanted!

Thx alanjt! where you learn all that lisp thing?


I got another question if you can help, it would be very appreciated!


i have a lisp that create hatch on the layer i always use for hatch

but i would like to see the dialog box not question on the command prompt

and i would like that at the end of the command its return to the layer 0 automaticaly



here the lisp


(defun c:H ()

(command "layer" "M" "A-HATC" "" "" "hatch")



Thx again!


(initdia) will give you the dialog, but since you have several of these it really seems like you need a command reactor.


A quick lisp lesson first of all its better to have a drawing template with all your layers that you may want to use already existing.


the line (setvar "clayer" "0") means set the current layer to layer 0 or (setvar "clayer" "myhatch lay") for existing layer called myhatch lay one used all the time in nearly every program


(setq oldlay (getvar "clayer")) at end of code (setvar "clayer" "oldlay")


re one type of hatch same thing write down the commands but using "-hatch" "P" for pattern name, then scale then angle etc if you want an internal point then add (setq pt1 (getpoint "\nPick hatch internal pt")) create a shortand maybe h1 h2 h3 etc for hatch type 1 2 3 get stuck post here for help.


I would drag out the help section and have a look at "down the garden path" the example that comes with Autocad.

  Benjo said:

Thx alanjt! where you learn all that lisp thing?



C'mon Alan, I want to know too...:thumbsup:

  mdbdesign said:
C'mon Alan, I want to know too...:thumbsup:

Hanging out in the forums, asking questions and practice.

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