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Lisp colour change for all layers and blocks


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Thank you very much. this probably has to be one of the oldest string around but so darn useful. thanks again for you hard work and efforts.

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  • 6 months later...

I want to use this lisp routine to change all of the colors white and run it through scriptpro to apply to an entire folder of drawings. The problem I am running into is that I have to click ok in each drawing to make the command complete to change the colors. Is there a way I can get it to automatically complete the command and keep moving on?



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Awesome code, been using it for years! I am also looking for a command-line version as until now I’ve been making do with a (poorly assembled) auto hotkey solution for batch processing… Any chance of getting a revised piece of code to support command line operation? This routine totally deserves it!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Awesome code, been using it for years! I am also looking for a command-line version as until now I’ve been making do with a (poorly assembled) auto hotkey solution for batch processing… Any chance of getting a revised piece of code to support command line operation? This routine totally deserves it!

add minor change in #14

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Hello VVA,

I was happy to find your Lisp cause it was meant to do exactly what I needed. Unfortunately when i run it, nothing happens. Actually it asks me for Xref, let me choose color, but doesn't execute.

Dit anyone test the routine?


New variant (much longer than the previous :))

(defun C:COLORXLAY (/ doc col xreflist ret)
 (setq doc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
 (vlax-for item (vla-get-Blocks doc)
     (if (= (vla-get-IsXref item) :vlax-true)
        (setq xreflist (cons (vla-get-name item) xreflist))
 (if xreflist
 (if (and (setq ret (_dwgru-get-user-dcl "Select XREF " (acad_strlsort xreflist) t))
          (setq col (acad_colordlg 7 nil))
     (setq ret (apply 'strcat (mapcar '(lambda(x)(strcat x "|*,")) ret)))
   (vla-startundomark doc)
   (vlax-for item (vla-get-Layers doc)
     (if (wcmatch (vla-get-name item) ret)
(vla-put-color item col)
       (vla-endundomark doc)
 ) ;_ end of if
   (alert "No XREF Found")
) ;_ end of defun

;;; ************************************************************************
;;; * Library DWGruLispLib Copyright © 2008 DWGru Programmers Group
;;; *
;;; * _dwgru-get-user-dcl (Candidate)
;;; *
;;; * Inquiry of value at the user through a dialogue window
;;; *
;;; *
;;; * 26/01/2008 Version 0002. Edition Vladimir Azarko (VVA)
;;; - the Output on double a clique if the plural choice (multi-nil) is forbidden
;;; - Processing of several columns
;;; * 21/01/2008 Version 0001. Edition Vladimir Azarko (VVA)
                           /           FL          RET
                           DCL_ID      MAXROW      MAX_COUNT_COL
                           COUNT_COL   I           LISTBOX_HEIGHT
                           LST         _LOC_FINISH _LOC_CLEAR
* Inquiry of value at the user through a dialogue window
* Dialogue is formed to "strike"
* the Quantity of lines on page without scrolling is set by variable MAXROW.
* It is necessary to remember, that number MAXROW increases on 3.
* the Maximum quantity of columns is set by variable MAX_COUNT_COL
* It is published
* Parameters of a call:
   zagl - heading of a window [string]
   info-list - the list of line values [List of String]
   multi - t - the plural choice is resolved, nil-is not present
* Returns:
The list of the chosen lines or nil - a cancelling
* the Example
(_dwgru-get-user-dcl " Specify a variant " ' ("First" "Second" "Third") nil); _-> ("First") 
(_dwgru-get-user-dcl " Specify a variant " ' ("First" "Second" "Third") t); _-> ("First"  "Second ")
(_dwgru-get-user-dcl " Specify a variant "
  (progn (setq i 0 lst nil) (repeat 205 (setq lst (cons (strcat "Value-" (itoa (setq i (1 + i)))) lst))) (reverse lst)) nil)
(_dwgru-get-user-dcl " Specify a variant, using CTRL and SHIFT for a choice "
  (progn (setq i 0 lst nil) (repeat 205 (setq lst (cons (strcat "Value-" (itoa (setq i (1 + i)))) lst))) (reverse lst)) t)
 (setq MAXROW 40) ;_  max lines without scrolling (To it 3 more lines further will be added)
 (setq MAX_COUNT_COL 5) ; _ a maximum quantity of columns
;;============== Local functions START========================

 (defun _LOC_FINISH ()
   (setq I   0
         RET NIL
   ) ;_ end ofsetq
   (repeat COUNT_COL
     (setq I (1+ I))
     (setq RET (cons (cons I (get_tile (strcat "info" (itoa I)))) RET))
   ) ;_ end ofrepeat
   (setq RET (reverse RET))
   (done_dialog 1)
 ) ;_ end ofdefun
 (defun _LOC_CLEAR (NOMER)
   (setq I 0)
   (repeat COUNT_COL
     (setq I (1+ I))
     (if (/= I NOMER)
         (start_list (strcat "info" (itoa I)))
         (mapcar 'add_list (nth (1- I) LST))
       ) ;_ end ofprogn
     ) ;_ end ofif
   ) ;_ end ofrepeat
 ) ;_ end ofdefun

;;;==================== Local functions END ==================================
;;;==================== MAIN PART ===============================================
 (if (null ZAGL)(setq ZAGL "Select")) ;_ end if
 (if (zerop (rem (length INFO-LIST) MAXROW))
   (setq COUNT_COL (/ (length INFO-LIST) MAXROW))
   (setq COUNT_COL (1+ (fix (/ (length INFO-LIST) MAXROW 1.0))))
 ) ;_ end ofif
  ;_ We add 3 lines for appearance and for exception boundary scroll
 (if (and (= COUNT_COL 1) (<= (length INFO-LIST) MAXROW))
   (setq LISTBOX_HEIGHT (+ 3 (length INFO-LIST)))
 ) ;_ end ofif
 (setq I 0)
 (setq FL (vl-filename-mktemp "dwgru" NIL ".dcl"))
 (setq RET (open FL "w")
       LST NIL
 ) ;_ end ofsetq
 (mapcar '(lambda (X) (write-line X RET))
         (append (list "dwgru_get_user : dialog { "
                       (strcat "label=\"" ZAGL "\";")
                       ": boxed_row {"
                       "label = \"Value\";"
                 ) ;_ end oflist
                 (repeat COUNT_COL
                   (setq LST
                              " :list_box {"
                              "alignment=top ;"
                              (if MULTI
                                "multiple_select = true ;"
                                "multiple_select = false ;"
                              ) ;_ end ofif
                              "width=31 ;"
                              (strcat "height= " (itoa LISTBOX_HEIGHT) " ;")
                              "is_tab_stop = false ;"
                              (strcat "key = \"info" (itoa (setq I (1+ I))) "\";}")
                            ) ;_ end oflist
                          ) ;_ end ofappend
                   ) ;_ end ofsetq
                 ) ;_ end ofrepeat
                 ) ;_ end oflist
         ) ;_ end of list
 ) ;_ end of mapcar
 (setq RET (close RET))
 (if (and (null (minusp (setq DCL_ID (load_dialog FL))))
          (new_dialog "dwgru_get_user" DCL_ID)
     ) ;_ end and
     (setq LST INFO-LIST)
     ((lambda (/ RET1 BUF ITM)

        (repeat (1- COUNT_COL)
          (setq I '-1)
          (while (and (setq ITM (car LST))
                      (< (setq I (1+ I)) MAXROW)
                 ) ;_ end of and
            (setq BUF (cons ITM BUF)
                  LST (cdr LST)
            ) ;_ end of setq
          ) ;_ end ofwhile
          (setq RET1 (cons (reverse BUF) RET1)
                BUF  NIL
          ) ;_ end of setq
        ) ;_ end of repeat
        (setq RET RET1)
      ) ;_ end of lambda
     (if LST
       (setq RET (cons LST RET))
     ) ;_ end ofif
     (setq LST (reverse RET))
     (setq I 0)
     (mapcar '(lambda (THIS_LIST)
                (if (<= (setq I (1+ I)) COUNT_COL)
                    (start_list (strcat "info" (itoa I)))
                    (mapcar 'add_list THIS_LIST)
                  ) ;_ end ofprogn
                ) ;_ end ofif
              ) ;_ end oflambda
     ) ;_ end ofmapcar

     (set_tile "info1" "0")
     (setq I 0
           NCOL 1
     ) ;_ end ofsetq
     (repeat COUNT_COL
         (strcat "info" (itoa (setq I (1+ I))))
         (strcat "(progn (setq Ncol "
                 (itoa I)
                 ")(if (not multi)(_loc_clear Ncol))"
                 "(if (and (not multi)(= $reason 4))(_loc_finish)))"
         ) ;_ end ofstrcat
       ) ;_ end ofaction_tile
     ) ;_ end ofrepeat
     (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)")
     (action_tile "accept" "(_loc_finish)")
     (if MULTI
       (set_tile "error" "Use CTRL and SHIFT for a choicet") ;_ end ofset_tile
       (set_tile "error" "It is possible to choose double click") ;_ end ofset_tile
     ) ;_ end ofif
     (if (zerop (start_dialog))
       (setq RET NIL)
           RET (apply
                   '(lambda (ITM)
                      (setq THIS_LIST (nth (1- (car ITM)) LST))
                        (function (lambda (NUM) (nth NUM THIS_LIST)))
                        (read (strcat "(" (cdr ITM) ")"))
                      ) ;_ end ofmapcar
                    ) ;_ end oflambda
                 ) ;_ end ofmapcar
               ) ;_ end ofapply
         ) ;_ end ofsetq

       ) ;_ end ofprogn
     ) ;_ end if
     (unload_dialog DCL_ID)
   ) ;_ end of progn
 ) ;_ end of if
 (vl-file-delete FL)
) ;_ end ofdefun

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  • 1 year later...

COLORXLAY - changes xref layer colors


(_colorxref 1 t) ;_change the color of all xref objects in red

(_colorxref 1 nil) ;_change the color of all xref objects in red, except for objects on locked layers

Love this LISP.


Currently i have a few different xrefs. Is they anyway to change the colour for specific xref instead of all xref?



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  • 11 months later...

Bumping this again - its seems ACAD 2016 doesn't want to play ball with this code?


I remember getting it working for command line operations used for batch file processing, but typing _colorx now only returns the pop-up dialogue that is not compatible with batch script processes.


Am I on to something or just going senile?



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Well.. i'm having no trouble using it on 2016 (this code http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?533-Lisp-colour-change-for-all-layers-and-blocks&p=596584&viewfull=1#post596584 )



Works really great ! What a wonderfull piece of work i was wanting for some time..

I will be looking to change this code to set TRANSPARENCY in stead of colors as well.



will same be a bunch of clicking. Thanks for sharing VVA!





performed on a 3D bridge model. This is my YOUTUBE demo of it .. enjoy ;-)

Edited by halam
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I added these line and it returns me "some lines here" in a paperspace viewport :)

But i can't seem to find a vla-put variant for viewport color. Anybody have an idea?






(setq ifmodelspace (getvar "tilemode"))  ; halam added 1 for modelspace ; 0 for paperspace
(setq ifinvpmode (getvar "cvport"))   ; halam added if >2 within a viewport
(if (and (= ifmodelspace 0) (> ifinvpmode 2))  ; halam thinks this works
  (print "some lines here")   ; why isn't there a vla-put-vpcolor??
(vla-put-color item col)))   ; not in paperspace viewport 

Edited by halam
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;278058]New variant (much longer than the previous ) 
;25092016 Roy_43, there is no vla-put- for vplayer
;22092016 halam : the could be re-used for layer transparency, i like the idea but it's a bit harder..

(defun C:COLORXLAY (/ doc col xreflist ret)i
 (setq doc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
 (vlax-for item (vla-get-Blocks doc)
     (if (= (vla-get-IsXref item) :vlax-true)
        (setq xreflist (cons (vla-get-name item) xreflist))
 (if xreflist
 (if (and (setq ret (_dwgru-get-user-dcl "Select XREF " (acad_strlsort xreflist) t))
          (setq col (acad_colordlg 7 nil))  ; transparency dialog? 
     (setq ret (apply 'strcat (mapcar '(lambda(x)(strcat x "|*,")) ret)))
   (vla-startundomark doc)
   (vlax-for item (vla-get-Layers doc)
     (if (wcmatch (vla-get-name item) ret)
(setq ifmodelspace (getvar "tilemode"))  ; halam added 1 for modelspace ; 0 for paperspace
(setq ifinvpmode (getvar "cvport"))   ; halam added if >2 within a viewport
(if (and (= ifmodelspace 0) (> ifinvpmode 2))  ; halam thinks this works
 (command "_.vplayer" "color" col (vla-get-name item) "" "")  ; Roy_43, there is no vla-put- for vplayer
(vla-put-color item col)))   ; not in paperspace viewport 

       (vla-endundomark doc)
 ) ;_ end of if
   (alert "No XREF Found")
) ;_ end of defun
;;; ************************************************************************
;;; * Library DWGruLispLib Copyright © 2008 DWGru Programmers Group ;;; * ;;; * _dwgru-get-user-dcl (Candidate) ;;; * ;;; * Inquiry of value at the user through a dialogue window ;;; * ;;; * ;;; * 26/01/2008 Version 0002. Edition Vladimir Azarko (VVA) ;;; - the Output on double a clique if the plural choice (multi-nil) is forbidden ;;; - Processing of several columns ;;; * 21/01/2008 Version 0001. Edition Vladimir Azarko (VVA)
                           /           FL          RET
                           DCL_ID      MAXROW      MAX_COUNT_COL
                           COUNT_COL   I           LISTBOX_HEIGHT
                           LST         _LOC_FINISH _LOC_CLEAR
* Inquiry of value at the user through a dialogue window
* Dialogue is formed to "strike"
* the Quantity of lines on page without scrolling is set by variable MAXROW.
* It is necessary to remember, that number MAXROW increases on 3.
* the Maximum quantity of columns is set by variable MAX_COUNT_COL
* It is published
* Parameters of a call:
   zagl - heading of a window [string]
   info-list - the list of line values
[List of String]
   multi - t - the plural choice is resolved, nil-is not present

* Returns:
The list of the chosen lines or nil - a cancelling
* the Example
(_dwgru-get-user-dcl " Specify a variant " ' ("First" "Second" "Third") nil); _-> ("First")  (_dwgru-get-user-dcl " Specify a variant " ' ("First" "Second" "Third") t); _-> ("First"  "Second ")  (_dwgru-get-user-dcl " Specify a variant "
  (progn (setq i 0 lst nil) (repeat 205 (setq lst (cons (strcat "Value-" (itoa (setq i (1 + i)))) lst))) (reverse lst)) nil)  (_dwgru-get-user-dcl " Specify a variant, using CTRL and SHIFT for a choice "
  (progn (setq i 0 lst nil) (repeat 205 (setq lst (cons (strcat "Value-" (itoa (setq i (1 + i)))) lst))) (reverse lst)) t)
 (setq MAXROW 40) ;_  max lines without scrolling (To it 3 more lines further will be added)
 (setq MAX_COUNT_COL 5) ; _ a maximum quantity of columns ;;============== Local functions START========================
 (defun _LOC_FINISH ()
   (setq I   0
         RET NIL
   ) ;_ end ofsetq
   (repeat COUNT_COL
     (setq I (1+ I))
     (setq RET (cons (cons I (get_tile (strcat "info" (itoa I)))) RET))
   ) ;_ end ofrepeat
   (setq RET (reverse RET))
   (done_dialog 1)
 ) ;_ end ofdefun
 (defun _LOC_CLEAR (NOMER)
   (setq I 0)
   (repeat COUNT_COL
     (setq I (1+ I))
     (if (/= I NOMER)
         (start_list (strcat "info" (itoa I)))
         (mapcar 'add_list (nth (1- I) LST))
       ) ;_ end ofprogn
     ) ;_ end ofif
   ) ;_ end ofrepeat
 ) ;_ end ofdefun
;;;==================== Local functions END ==================================
;;;==================== MAIN PART ===============================================
 (if (null ZAGL)(setq ZAGL "Select")) ;_ end if
 (if (zerop (rem (length INFO-LIST) MAXROW))
   (setq COUNT_COL (/ (length INFO-LIST) MAXROW))
   (setq COUNT_COL (1+ (fix (/ (length INFO-LIST) MAXROW 1.0))))
 ) ;_ end ofif
  ;_ We add 3 lines for appearance and for exception boundary scroll
 (if (and (= COUNT_COL 1) (<= (length INFO-LIST) MAXROW))
   (setq LISTBOX_HEIGHT (+ 3 (length INFO-LIST)))
 ) ;_ end ofif
 (setq I 0)
 (setq FL (vl-filename-mktemp "dwgru" NIL ".dcl"))
 (setq RET (open FL "w")
       LST NIL
 ) ;_ end ofsetq
 (mapcar '(lambda (X) (write-line X RET))
         (append (list "dwgru_get_user : dialog { "
                       (strcat "label=\"" ZAGL "\";")
                       ": boxed_row {"
                       "label = \"Value\";"
                 ) ;_ end oflist
                 (repeat COUNT_COL
                   (setq LST
                              " :list_box {"
                              "alignment=top ;"
                              (if MULTI
                                "multiple_select = true ;"
                                "multiple_select = false ;"
                              ) ;_ end ofif
                              "width=31 ;"
                              (strcat "height= " (itoa LISTBOX_HEIGHT) " ;")
                              "is_tab_stop = false ;"
                              (strcat "key = \"info" (itoa (setq I (1+ I))) "\";}")
                            ) ;_ end oflist
                          ) ;_ end ofappend
                   ) ;_ end ofsetq
                 ) ;_ end ofrepeat
                 ) ;_ end oflist
         ) ;_ end of list
 ) ;_ end of mapcar
 (setq RET (close RET))
 (if (and (null (minusp (setq DCL_ID (load_dialog FL))))
          (new_dialog "dwgru_get_user" DCL_ID)
     ) ;_ end and
     (setq LST INFO-LIST)
     ((lambda (/ RET1 BUF ITM)
        (repeat (1- COUNT_COL)
          (setq I '-1)
          (while (and (setq ITM (car LST))
                      (< (setq I (1+ I)) MAXROW)
                 ) ;_ end of and
            (setq BUF (cons ITM BUF)
                  LST (cdr LST)
            ) ;_ end of setq
          ) ;_ end ofwhile
          (setq RET1 (cons (reverse BUF) RET1)
                BUF  NIL
          ) ;_ end of setq
        ) ;_ end of repeat
        (setq RET RET1)
      ) ;_ end of lambda
     (if LST
       (setq RET (cons LST RET))
     ) ;_ end ofif
     (setq LST (reverse RET))
     (setq I 0)
     (mapcar '(lambda (THIS_LIST)
                (if (<= (setq I (1+ I)) COUNT_COL)
                    (start_list (strcat "info" (itoa I)))
                    (mapcar 'add_list THIS_LIST)
                  ) ;_ end ofprogn
                ) ;_ end ofif
              ) ;_ end oflambda
     ) ;_ end ofmapcar
     (set_tile "info1" "0")
     (setq I 0
           NCOL 1
     ) ;_ end ofsetq
     (repeat COUNT_COL
         (strcat "info" (itoa (setq I (1+ I))))
         (strcat "(progn (setq Ncol "
                 (itoa I)
                 ")(if (not multi)(_loc_clear Ncol))"
                 "(if (and (not multi)(= $reason 4))(_loc_finish)))"
         ) ;_ end ofstrcat
       ) ;_ end ofaction_tile
     ) ;_ end ofrepeat
     (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)")
     (action_tile "accept" "(_loc_finish)")
     (if MULTI
       (set_tile "error" "Use CTRL and SHIFT for a choicet") ;_ end ofset_tile
       (set_tile "error" "It is possible to choose double click") ;_ end ofset_tile
     ) ;_ end ofif
     (if (zerop (start_dialog))
       (setq RET NIL)
           RET (apply
                   '(lambda (ITM)
                      (setq THIS_LIST (nth (1- (car ITM)) LST))
                        (function (lambda (NUM) (nth NUM THIS_LIST)))
                        (read (strcat "(" (cdr ITM) ")"))
                      ) ;_ end ofmapcar
                    ) ;_ end oflambda
                 ) ;_ end ofmapcar
               ) ;_ end ofapply
         ) ;_ end ofsetq
       ) ;_ end ofprogn
     ) ;_ end if
     (unload_dialog DCL_ID)
   ) ;_ end of progn
 ) ;_ end of if
 (vl-file-delete FL)
) ;_ end ofdefun

Edited by halam
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@ Hans:

Apart from the visibility overrides, all VP overrides are stored in the extension dictionaries attached to layer objects. For the color an xrecord named "ADSK_XREC_LAYER_COLOR_OVR" is used. There are no "VL" functions available to deal with these overrides. But you can manipulate dictionaries and xrecords through Lisp code. I have written code for VP overrides but I cannot release it as freeware. So you will have to start programming yourself.;)


See also:


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Thanks for directing me out. I guess this is the point of the 'coca cola' part in programming dwg ;-) .. Will be hanging to being a novice programmer, part draftsman..

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In AutoCAD you can probably use the _VPLAYER command. This command is not fully implemented in BricsCAD so the code is untested.

(command "_.vplayer" "_color" col (vla-get-name item) "")

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(command "_.vplayer" "color" col (vla-get-name item) "" "")

Just one enter more,..did the job! :)

I think vla-put-transparency is object transparency, not layer transparency.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 3 years later...

Hello everyone! I raise the topic because I have an interesting situation. After using ColorA, all the MText from my drawing just disappears. Does anyone have an idea why this is happening? Thanks in advance!

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