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Hi all,


Does anyone know how to get AutoCad 2004 to snap to an IsoCircle tangent correctly without having to do it twice? Hope I've explained that correctly. If I try to join two IsoCircles with a line AutoCad doesn't pick the correct tangent straight away, but if you carry on and create the line anyway, then delete it and create it again it works.


Thanks in advance




This has been a problem with ISOcircles for as long as I can remember. AutoCAD hasn't improved it's Isometric drawing tools since they first came out 20+ years ago.


IF possible, draw it in 3D and create an isometric view from the 3D objects.


Thanks for the reply John. It seems incredible that AutoCad creates the line correctly the second time you try. As such I would guess that the bug would not be a massive problem to fix. The drawing can't be created in 3D first as it is a specific Isometric assessment for a City & Guilds course.




Have you tried cycling thru the snaps ? I think it's tab or spacebar to do it.





Thanks for the reply. It is the tangent snap that I need to use specifically but when you try to use it the snap marker doesn't snap to the correct place (sometime by a long way), yet if you carry on and then delete the line it works second time around.



  • 6 years later...

I'm having the same problems with Isometric tangents. Sometimes it refuses to snap at all. Sometimes it snaps to completely the wrong place. Sometimes it appears to snap to the right place, but a subsequent operation such as trim shows that the snap hasn't worked (e.g. refuses to trim because no intersection, or leaves artifacts after the trim).

I can't convert groups of connecting lines to polylines either. This may again be because they don't truly intersect.


I'm trying to do a City & Guilds assignment, so I can't draw in 3D and choose a view.

What would be very useful would be a list of which tools work in isometric, which don't, and what workarounds exist.


Welcome to the forum. :)

You might want to investigate your SNAPISO setting, and see if changing it helps at all.

SNAPSTYL set to 1 (Isometric).

Looking at the sytem variable SNAPUNIT, it looks like you might want to do a regen before trying to use isometric snaps in your drawing.

Prioritize OSNAPS also for data entry.


Are you using PEDIT for the line conversion, the JOIN option? FUZZ DISTANCE zero first, if that doesn't work you can try increasing the fudge (fuzz) factor.

isometric snap.JPG

osnap data entry prioritized.JPG

iso snap help.JPG


I would suggest you try these values, the important one is turn off the ignore Z value for dynamic UCS, and turn on your Osnap magnet.

iso snap settings.JPG

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